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Family Health

  • Ethan Miller, Getty Images

    Cancer Hoaxes

    Victoria Gotti isn't alone when it comes to lying about cancer. Find out how she and 10 others tried to bilk unsuspecting people out of money.

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    Getty Images

    Improve Your Family's Health

    Oprah's favorite M.D., Dr. Oz, gives you 12 easy ways to change your family's health for the better.

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    Back to School Special

    AOL Health gets the experts to weigh-in on how to help children dodge germs, get enough sleep, make the grade and more.

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  • Courtesy: Center for Executive Medicine

    The White House Doctor

    After three administrations, Dr. Connie Mariano reveals what it's like being the president's primary care physician.

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    Courtesy Mark Lukas

    How We Cope With Grief

    Whether it's training dogs to play soccer or keeping a journal, there's more than one way to cope with loss. Find out what these people did.

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    Prevent Obesity in Children

    Helping your children stay slim and trim could be as easy as these three simple steps.

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Featured Stories

1 in 4 Overweight Women Don't Realize It
Nov 23rd 2010 12:53PM inWomen's Health
Despite the fact that obesity rates are on the rise in the U.S., many women, in particular, often think their weight is healthy even when it's not. And a new study out of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston ...Read more ››
Doctors Induce 5-Month Coma to Save Woman's Life
Nov 4th 2010 11:38AM inFamily Health
Donna Landrigan had been acting strangely for almost a month. Weeks of pounding, wall-to-wall headaches had left the normally calm and confident 35-year-old mother of three feeling confused, anxious and doubting. "She couldn't ...Read more ››
Health and Beauty Benefits of Sex
Nov 1st 2010 10:00AM inFamily Health, Women's Health
There are a few things most of us women have in common: We appreciate a decadent dessert, we love a clearance sale at our favorite store, and we all wouldn't mind looking and feeling younger and healthier. Some of us are so ...Read more ››
Coping With Sexual Side Effects
Oct 12th 2010 5:00PM inFamily Health, Men's Health
By Ed Ratush, M.D. If you're like the estimated 27 million Americans who take antidepressant drugs, you're faced with a dilemma every time you open the prescription bottle: The medication has helped you stay out of the dark ...Read more ››
The Surge in Gay Teen Suicide
Oct 12th 2010 5:00PM inFamily Health, Teen Health
The recent spate of gay teen suicides has captured the attention of the entire nation and forced parents and schools to confront the issue of anti-gay bullying and the vulnerability of gay adolescents. In September 2010 alone, ...Read more ››

AOL Health News

Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Alfalfa Sprouts Spreads to 16 States
Dec 29, 2010 3:41PM

An outbreak of salmonella that was tied to tainted ... Read More

Some Soy Supplements Safe to Use During Menopause
Dec 29, 2010 12:47PM

While soy supplements have shown some benefit to ... Read More

Fake 'Nurse of the Year' Sentenced to Nine Months in Prison
Dec 29, 2010 12:03PM

A Connecticut woman who faked a career as a nurse ... Read More

Delaying Sex Credited for Making Marriages Stronger
Dec 29, 2010 11:31AM

While few couples in the U.S. wait until marriage ... Read More

Prayer Helpful for Dealing With Anger, Difficult Emotions
Dec 29, 2010 11:26AM

Prayer has long been touted as a powerful weapon ... Read More

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Is Fiber a Miracle Worker?

All you need to know about fiber from AOL Health.
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