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Sam Worthington Will Get Clash of the Titans Right Next Time

  • 12/18/10 at 4:55 PM
Sam Worthington Will Get Clash of the Titans Right Next Time

Clash of the Titans got itself a sequel, though not everyone enjoyed the first one: "I just think we can improve on it," star Sam Worthington said yesterday. "I think the first one, we kind of let down some people. The only point of doing a sequel is either the audience demands it or you believe you can better the first one. What we're setting out to do with this one — the writers and the director and myself — is improve. I think I can act fucking better, to be honest. Just take all the notes from people that I have been reading about on the 'net and give them a movie they fucking want. This one I want to kind of try to satisfy a lot more people." While we appreciate the positive attitude, box-office-friendly Clash of the Titans 2 is hardly the film where Worthington can prove his acting chops. Plus, he's taking cues from strangers on the Internet? Don't listen to us. [Movieline]


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