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Cory Gardner

  1. poll position
    It’s Harder Than it Looks for Democrats to Win the SenateRecent polls show many newly competitive Democratic Senate candidates, but they could still fall short of a majority even if Biden wins.
  2. 2020 elections
    Biden’s Surge Could Flip the Senate — and Boost His PresidencyA rising tide from the top of the ticket may lift Democrats to control of the Senate, which would make a successful Biden administration more likely.
  3. supreme court
    Republicans Ready to Rock and Roll With a Preelection SCOTUS ConfirmationNeither charges of hypocrisy, nor peril to his own vulnerable senators, will keep McConnell from adding a conservative to SCOTUS. It’s the ball game.
  4. 2020 elections
    The Senate Map Is Beginning to Look Pale BlueIt won’t be easy for Democrats to retake the upper chamber, but it’s looking slightly better for them every day.
  5. impeachment
    Senate Acquits Trump of Impeachment Charges, 52–48Mitt Romney’s “guilty” vote on the abuse of power article interrupted the party-line conclusion.
  6. 2020 elections
    Democratic Money Mobilizing to Win SenateIt will still be an uphill battle for Democrats, but they have a decent shot at giving a new president a fighting change to succeed.
  7. 2020 elections
    Collins Officially Running in 2020, in Race That Could Decide Senate ControlShe angered a lot of constituents with her pivotal support for Brett Kavanaugh, and will have a strong opponent.
  8. 2020 senate elections
    Susan Collins’s Approval Rating Dives As Reelection Contest ApproachesThe senator is losing popularity and is lashed to a president who is even more unpopular than she is in Maine.
  9. vision 2020
    Who Will Be the First Democratic Presidential Candidate to Drop Out?The Grim Reaper has been spotted in the vicinity of John Hickenlooper, who could potentially do better for himself and the party with a Senate run.
  10. 2020 elections
    Roberts Retirement Gives Dems Another Long-Shot Senate Target for 2020With Kris Kobach mulling a race, anything could happen.
  11. government shutdown
    Republican Senators Facing Tough Reelections Break With Trump on ShutdownYes, some of Trump’s Senate critics are no longer around. But Cory Gardner and Susan Collins are restive, and Lisa Murkowski hasn’t gone anywhere.
  12. kris kobach
    Could Kris Kobach Be Trump’s Next DHS Secretary?Trump clearly wants to dump Kirstjen Nielsen. The fiery nativist from Kansas would test GOP loyalty, but would please the president.
  13. New GOP Plan: Elect Roy Moore So That He Can Be ExpelledRepublicans face a rather awkward process: help to get him elected, then kick him out of the Senate.
  14. election 2014
    Senator Actually Says ‘Abortion’ in Campaign AdRemember when the right used culture-war issues to win?
  15. early and often
    Incoming Congressmen Brave Skinny Sofas, Slippage in Order to Appear FrugalAround 15 percent of incoming congressmen plan to sleep in their offices.