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I can't sign in to post a comment. What should I do?

To post a comment, click the black "Sign In" button at the bottom of any article:

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If your comment doesn't appear on the site and you aren't sure why, read below for more about our moderation policy.

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Why am I required to sign in with an AOL email or screen name to post a comment?

Anonymous commenting, while occasionally valuable, is too often abused on websites today, especially in the political arena. The AOL email/screen name identification system is meant to make commenters own up to what they say while discouraging those who prefer to attack or disrupt without accountability.

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Why is my comment not appearing on the site after I've submitted it?

In order to foster a refined "civilogue" on each of our articles, our team is now reading all comments before publishing them on the site. While this will require a small delay between the submission and publication of a comment, we believe that the resulting discussion between only productive, thoughtful voices will be worth it, and we ask for your patience as we work to achieve this goal. Comments that offer personal attacks (on writers, other readers, Nancy Pelosi, George Bush, or anyone) will not be published, nor will any vulgarities, trolling, spam or other submissions that do not contribute to the quality of the discussion.

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Why did you change the layout of the main page?

We are continuously looking to improve our experience and features and this change to our home page, www.politicsdaily.com, is one of many improvements that we have been working on recently. We always strive to give our users the best experience possible, and we believe this new design represents our commitment to quality and content from top journalists.

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How can I find a particular writer that I enjoy following?

We are very proud of the phenomenal talent within the Politics Daily spectrum and encourage you to find your favorite writer from our About Page.

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Where does Politics Daily fall on the political spectrum?

Politics Daily offers heavily reported news and opinion from across the spectrum -- left, right, and everything in between.

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How can I put articles in a printer-friendly format?

Click the print button underneath an article's headline (see image below) to open a printer-friendly version of the article. Then go to File > Print in your browser and proceed as you would to print any other web page.

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