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Sarah Wildman

Sarah Wildman writes on the intersection of culture and politics, history and memory in Europe and America. Over the last decade, she has... more
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Published: 12/7/10

'Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys': Bringing Friendship to Center Stage

You can't choose family. Unless you can. At least, that's the premise of the show airing tonight on the Sundance Channel with the tip-of-your-tongue title -- wait for it -- "Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys." In other words, straight women and their gay best friends who are like platonic lovers/brothers/family. The title of the show is a way of avoiding the mid-20th century ugly fag hag and a nod to the Pet Shop Boys. But before you sniff derisively, think again: We've never actually seen this relationship front and center. The gay best friend story line is always the laugh track, the ...

Published: 12/6/10

WikiLeaks: Spanish Firm Suspected of Supporting Syrian WMD Development

WikiLeaks has released a memo marked "secret" between the State Department and the American Embassy in Madrid warning that for the last seven years the Spanish steel producing firm Aceros has been "maintaining a business relationship with" Syrian firms that, American officials believe, could be acting on behalf of the Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC), "the entity responsible for overseeing Syria's WMD and missile programs." The cable maintains that the materials supplied to Syria "can be used in structural support components in ballistic missiles and in some forms are controlled ...

Published: 12/3/10

Spanish Air Traffic Controllers Strike, Crippling Travel

A few months back European airports were clogged with desperate travelers stuck for days due to the unexpectedly devastating cloud of volcanic ash drifting from Iceland. Only Spanish airports offered routes out for trans-Atlantic travelers. Good thing it wasn't this week. Today a massive strike of air traffic controllers crippled Spanish air travel. The strike completely shut down travel into and out of Madrid-Barajas airport -- a central hub in the capital city -- as well as the airspace over the holiday islands of Ibiza, Mallorca, and Menorca, a trio known as the Balaeric islands. Flights ...

Published: 12/3/10

NEWSFLASH: 'Sex and the City' Is Off the Air (So End the Obsession!)

Is there Nothing Else Out There? Are we so stuck that only a decade-old television show (which can be called aspirational, if we're being charitable, and ludicrous, if we're snarky) can describe the State of Modern Womanhood? I'm talking about "Sex and the City." It's done. It's over. It's not you. It's us. We've changed. Moved on. Found new loves. Look. I loved the show, at the time, for its time. I loved the neologisms. I loved the clothes. I mean, I wrote a coffee table book about it. Seriously. That's me on "E! True Hollywood Story," blathering on about what SATC meant for Women with ...

Published: 12/2/10

Wildfire in Northern Israel Rages, Killing 40; 'We Lost All Control'

It's being called the "Worst disaster in Israeli history." It's not terror. It's got nothing to do with the peace process. It's a wildfire, raging out of control from Haifa through the lush and beautiful Carmel Mountains. Forty are already dead. Mass evacuations have begun from northern towns and villages, as well as from dorms at Haifa University, displacing an estimated 10,000. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has left his home in Jerusalem to travel to the scene. He has issued a call for help internationally, appealing to the United States, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Russia. But so far ...

Published: 12/1/10

Iran Execution: Woman Hanged in Murder of Husband's First Wife

She sat in jail for eight years, having confessed to the stabbing murder of her common-law husband's first wife. She later retracted that confession; indeed she was championed by global human rights activists who said that confession was coerced. It was too late. For Shahla Jahed, 40, eight years of life and torment in Iran's notorious Evin prison ended Wednesday. But her way out wasn't through the front door. It was at the gallows. Jahed's was the 146th execution in Iran this year. The case was both drawn out and confusing: Was she the murderer? Was her lover also responsible? No one was ...

Published: 11/20/10

NATO Summit 'Extremely Productive,' a Satisfied Obama Says

Related Stories NATO Summit to Focus on Afghanistan, Iran The Obama team on the ground at the NATO Summit in Portugal is flying home pleased. It has been, the president declared, "an extremely productive two days" in Lisbon. Indeed major goals for the future of Afghanistan and the relationship with Russia have been met. For the former, there will be an ongoing, integrated relationship, a continued flow of aid, assistance, and training. For the latter, Russia, there's been a "restart" of relations, on ice for the last two years. Europeans and Americans hope that the chilly period ...

Published: 11/19/10

No Rest for the Weary: Obama Arrives in Lisbon for the NATO Summit

President Obama touched down in Lisbon Friday morning, barely rested from a scant week in Washington after 10 days in Asia. But the short weekend in Portugal will be no holiday. On the docket are packed days revolving around the NATO summit and the U.S.-European Union meetings that will include a re-evaluation of Afghanistan policy, U.S.-Russia policy, E.U.-Russia relations, a reaffirmation of U.S.-E.U. relations, missile defense, and nuclear disarmament. Indeed, The Economist called these next two days among the "most crucial" NATO meetings in the history of the organization. They will be ...

Published: 11/18/10

Presidential Medal of Freedom for Holocaust Survivor Gerda Weissmann Klein

There are, occasionally, victims of atrocity, genocide, and hate who not only survive but go on to bring their experiences to the rest of the world; to not only "never forget" but to triumph over persecution – and in so doing reclaim their own humanity -- by putting voice and face to a horror that can feel anonymous in its enormity. Gerda Weissmann Klein – who on Thursday learned she will receive the highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom early in 2011 – is one. A Holocaust survivor, Mrs. Klein has authored a number of books, and has lectured exhaustively ...

Published: 11/16/10

Young Frau a Frump? German Minister's Sex Views Rankle Older Feminists

BERLIN -- Imagine Nancy Pelosi talking about sex and the role of women in a big-ticket interview. Or, let's pick someone younger, say, Jennifer Granholm, the über-competent governor of Michigan whom everyone feels sad was born in Canada and thus can't run for president. Or, say, Sarah Palin. Maybe Palin we can picture. Now add in the words "subjugation" and "heterosexual" and "lesbian" – and the idea of American female politicians, on either side of the aisle, debating whether straight sex dominates women, or, the corollary, that lesbian sex is a requirement for female empowerment and . ...

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