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Lynn Sweet

Lynn Sweet is a columnist at PoliticsDaily.com and writes the Daily FLOTUS column on Michelle Obama. She is also Washington Bureau Chief of the Chicago Sun-Times.... more
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Published: 12/30/10

Michelle Obama's Top 10 for 2010: 'Let's Move!,' Dancing in India, and That Spain Vacation

First Lady Michelle Obama's 2010 included a clearly defined high (the launch of her "Let's Move" anti-childhood obesity campaign) and a notable low (her controversial vacation at an expensive resort in Spain). The year also marked her first solo international travel, to Haiti and Mexico, and having the very cool experience of Paul McCartney singing "Michelle" to her at a White House concert. Here are Mrs. Obama's top 10 for 2010: Kickoff of "Let's Move!" On Feb. 2, Mrs. Obama formalized her healthy eating and exercise agenda into the "Let's Move!" campaign with an executive order from ...

Published: 12/29/10

Rep. Danny Davis to Bill Clinton, Obama: Stay Out of Chicago Mayoral Race

Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.), who is running for mayor of Chicago, has a message for former President Bill Clinton (coming to the city next month to stump for Davis rival Rahm Emanuel) and President Obama (who helped launch Emanuel's campaign): Stay out. As long-ago Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill (D-Mass.) once said, "All politics is local," and in this case, Davis doesn't want the current and former presidents to bolster the candidacy of Emanuel, the front-runner. Emanuel has strong ties to both men. He was a fundraiser in Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign and went on to be a senior ...

Published: 12/28/10

Charles Rangel Creates Legal Defense Fund as More Battles Loom

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), censured on the House floor earlier this month for ethics violations, is soliciting donations to a legal defense fund, Politics Daily has learned. The fund is asking for donations of up to $5,000 for the Charles B. Rangel Legal Expense Trust. In a statement, Rangel told Politics Daily: "I have received authorization from the Committee on Standards and Official Conduct to begin raising funds for the Charles B. Rangel Legal Expense Trust, which I have sought to create so I can retain counsel for on-going activities related to the recently-concluded ethics ...

Published: 12/25/10

Obamas' Christmas: Steak Dinner and Michelle Tracking Santa

Steak, roasted potatoes, green beans and pie were on the Christmas dinner menu for President Obama and his family Saturday at their oceanfront holiday home in Hawaii. On Christmas Eve, Mrs. Obama helped kids track Santa Claus' travel around the world with the assistance of NORAD radar. The Obama Family Christmas in Hawai For years, the Obama family has traveled to Hawaii, Obama's native state, to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. The Obamas' are staying in a rented a house in Oahu about 12 miles from Honolulu. In years past, Obama would also use the trip to visit his grandmother, Madelyn ...

Published: 12/23/10

Rahm Emanuel Wins Round 2 of Chicago Mayoral Residency Battle; Court Fight Expected

The Chicago Board of Election Commissioners ruled Thursday that Rahm Emanuel meets residency requirements to run for mayor. The main challenger immediately said he will appeal the finding to the Cook County Circuit Court. The board's 3-0 vote came hours after a hearing officer recommended that Emanuel's name be printed on the Feb. 22 ballot. "It was not a difficult case to decide," said Board Commissioner Richard Cowen, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Cowen said the vote was based on Emanuel having never "abandoned" his home in the North Side Ravenswood community when he moved to ...

Published: 12/23/10

Lockerbie Bomber's Release Was Allowed on 'False Prognosis,' U.S. Senators Say

Sixteen months ago, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, the only person convicted in the Pan Am Lockerbie bombing, was given three months to live. The Scottish government, over U.S. protests, released him from prison on "compassionate grounds" because of his supposedly advanced prostate cancer and allowed him to return to Libya to die. He's still alive. In a scathing new report, four U.S. senators conclude al-Megrahi was let go as a result of a "flawed prognosis" that Scottish officials went along with at a time when the United Kingdom feared Libya would wage "commercial warfare" and thwart an ...

Published: 12/23/10

Rahm Emanuel Wins Round 1 of Chicago Mayoral Residency Challenge

Chicago mayoral hopeful Rahm Emanuel cleared a legal hurdle early Thursday morning when a hearing officer in the case challenging his Chicago residency recommended that his name appear on the Feb. 22 ballot. The Chicago Board of Election Commissioners meets later Thursday to consider the matter. The decision by hearing officer Joseph Morris was issued near 1 a.m. Central Time and comes after three days of hearings, at which the central facts were never in dispute: Emanuel moved from Chicago to Washington to serve as President Obama's chief of staff and rented his home in the city to a ...

Published: 12/20/10

New Census Count Out Tuesday Will Determine State Seats in Congress

It happens only once a decade. On Tuesday, the U.S. Census Bureau unveils the official population counts based on the 2010 Census and announces how many seats each state gets in the 435-member House of Representatives. Based on population shifts, the big winner on Tuesday is likely to be Texas, with a pickup of up to four seats. The biggest losers will probably be New York and Ohio, projected to shed two seats. The allocation of congressional seats based on the census, conducted every ten years, is called for in the Constitution. The process of figuring out how many seats each state gets ...

Published: 12/17/10

Michelle Obama, Sasha, Malia, Bo to Hawaii; Not Taking the Jumbo Jet

First Lady Michelle Obama, daughters Sasha and Malia and family dog Bo will fly to Hawaii on Saturday for a winter vacation, Politics Daily has learned, while President Obama remains in Washington to deal with Congress. In a pre-emptive move -- remembering the stinging criticism of her lavish vacation to Spain last summer -- the East Wing volunteered that Mrs. Obama will be flying to Hawaii in a military version of a business airplane -- not the jumbo jet that flew her to the Mediterranean coast in August. The first family originally had been scheduled to head to Hawaii on Saturday; the ...

Published: 12/14/10

Rahm Emanuel Testifies in Chicago Mayor Residency Challenge

Rahm Emanuel, President Obama's former chief of staff, took the stand Tuesday morning in the first of what could be three days of hearings to determine if he meets the residency requirements to run for mayor of Chicago. Emanuel was the first witness at the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners hearing and he will be subject to grilling by more than 30 Chicagoans who filed objections to his candidacy. At issue: whether Emanuel forfeited his residency when he moved to a home in northwest Washington (across the street from the Washington National Cathedral) to serve in the Obama ...

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