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GOP's DeMint and Pence Tout Permanent-Tax-Cuts-For-All Bill

-Josh Lederman

The pair called for a permanent extension of tax cuts at all income levels, just as a vigorous floor debate was under way about Democratic legislation to extend tax relief for just the middle class.

House Passes Middle-Class Tax Cuts Over GOP Objections

-Patricia Murphy

Twenty Democrats voted against the bill, and three Republicans supported it. Now it goes to the Senate where it will face immediate -- and likely fatal -- opposition.

Conservative Fight Brewing? Grover Norquist Versus Tom Coburn

-Matt Lewis

Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform is angry with Judd Gregg, Tom Coburn and Mike Crapo for supporting the Obama debt panel recommendations.

House to Vote on Tax Cuts for Middle Class Only; GOP Calls it a 'Nonstarter'

-Patricia Murphy

The House is poised to vote Thursday on extending the Bush tax cuts -- but not for higher-income earners. Negotiations on the issue continue.

Americans Want the Bush Tax Cuts Extended, but Differ on Income Limits

-Bruce Drake

A USA Today/Gallup poll finds a strong mandate for continuing the Bush-era tax cuts for at least all middle-class Americans, but for those who would exclude the wealthy, there are differences about what the cutoff point should be.

After the White House Tax Cut Summit: Partisanship Lives On

-Walter Shapiro

Both parties in Congress stubbornly refuse to learn the real message of the 2010 elections -- voters hate short-term political gimmickry.

Obama, GOP Leaders Agree to Negotiations on Bush Tax Cuts

-Patricia Murphy and Alex Wagner

After their first meeting since the elections, the president and GOP leaders sounded cooperative notes, but no specifics were mentioned.

Public Favors Spending Cuts to Reduce Deficit, but the Question Is What to Trim

-Bruce Drake

Americans back cuts in federal spending over increasing taxes as the way to reduce the federal deficit by almost 2-to-1, but are ambivalent when it comes to tackling the most expensive programs.

House Liberals Counting on Pelosi to Stop Obama From Giving Away Farm to GOP

-Politics Daily Staff

Pelosi objected when the White House signaled recently it was ready to deal with Republicans on extending Bush-era tax cuts for high-income earners.

Americans Say Taxes Are Top Priority for Lame-Duck Congress

-Bruce Drake

The public overall wants lame-duck lawmakers to extend the Bush tax cuts in some form and prevent the return of the estate tax, but beneath the surface is a sharp partisan divide.

On the Table for the Holidays, Countless Unwelcome Ways to Tighten Our Belts

-Jill Lawrence

It's deficit-obsession month in Washington, but nobody is giving thanks. The holiday season will be spent arguing over how to most wisely inflict pain.

Republican Governors Association: Celebrating New Faces, Visiting Familiar Themes

-Melinda Henneberger

The Wednesday conference session provided a stage to introduce new governors and affirm GOP priorities.

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