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Obama Names Ambassadors, No. 2 Official at Justice in Recess Appointments

-Tom Diemer

The six people the president picked can serve until late next year. All had been awaiting Senate confirmation for an average of 147 days.

Democrats Boast of 'Top 10' List in Last Congress

-Tom Diemer

Whether voters didn't fully understand all of Congress' accomplishments or simply didn't agree with the Democratic priorities, the party took a shellacking in the mid-term election.

Condi Rice: Pro-Choice, Libertarian . . . and Evangelical

-David Gibson

George W. Bush's secretary of state is diplomatic but frank in critiquing her fellow believers and their rhetorical excesses. She says, "I'm a devout Christian. But I'm not going to lecture you about it on a daily basis."

5 Hair-Raising Crises in Foreign Affairs/National Security We Somehow Avoided in 2010

-David Wood

We somehow sailed unscathed past crises in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea, the Mideast -- and at home.

Law Allows U.S. Firms to Skirt Sanctions, Do Business in Iran, Other Rogue Nations

-Politics Daily Staff

A 10-year-old law allows some food and medical products to go to countries seen as state sponsors of terrorism -- if the exports are in line with U.S. foreign policy goals, the New York Times reports.

Senate Ratifies START Treaty, 71 to 26; a Win for Obama, a Loss for Jon Kyl

-Patricia Murphy

Republicans broke ranks and joined Democrats to pass the arms reduction treaty with Russia, the president's top foreign policy priority. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) was the bill's champion in the Senate.

WikiWatch: Cables Reveal Delicate Diplomacy After U.S. Soldier Killed Italian in Iraq

-Carla Baranauckas

When U.S. and Italian reports disagreed about what led to the killing of an Italian secret service agent, the need to avoid open disagreement was emphasized.

START: Passage Virtually Assured as 11 Republicans Split Ranks

-Patricia Murphy

Sens. Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander became the ninth and tenth Republicans to say they will support the treaty, giving Democrats the needed majority for passage of the arms pact with Russia.

Obama Keeping Campaign Promise on Pakistan Raids?

-Matt Lewis

If anyone is surprised by ground raids by U.S. forces across Pakistan's border, they weren't paying attention to candidate Barack Obama's 2007 speeches.

WikiWatch: U.S. Concerns About Brazil's Enforcement of Patents, Copyrights

-Carla Baranauckas

The American Embassy in Brasilia had some doubts about President Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva's commitment to protecting American intellectual property rights.

White House Furious With DeMint's Threat to Read START Text on Senate Floor

-Tom Diemer

Sen. Jim DeMint's threat to gum up the works comes as Democratic leaders push to wind up the lame-duck session before Christmas.

White House Says No Plans Yet for Holbrooke Replacement

-Alex Wagner

Aay after the death of Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke, the White House announced it had not yet begun seeking Holbrooke's replacement.

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