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Did 'W' Dis the Palins? Bush Says He Doesn't Watch 'Dancing With the Stars'

-David Gibson

In a book event with mega-pastor Rick Warren, the former president backs TARP and extending tax cuts. But that may not be his most controversial remark.

Bible Protects Against Global Warming? Energy Chair Hopeful Tells Us So

-David Gibson

John Shimkus, an Illinois Republican, is citing Genesis as he vies for the most hotly contested committee chair in the new House.

FBI: Hate Crimes and Anti-Religious Offenses Declined in 2009

-David Gibson

Anti-Jewish incidents were far more prevalent than attacks on Islam in 2009 in the United States. But some wonder if the supercharged atmosphere of 2010, including the debate over the New York City Muslim center, will alter the statistics next year.

Saying Grace at Thanksgiving? Pray There's a Republican at the Table

-David Gibson

"Few things about a person correspond as tightly to partisanship as saying grace," according to the authors of a new study.

Pope's High Praise of Holocaust-Era Predecessor Sparks Jewish Ire

-David Gibson

In new book Benedict XVI says Pius XII "was one of the great righteous men and that he saved more Jews than anyone else." Jews beg to differ.

Christian Right Activist Blasts Medal of Honor as 'Feminized,' Sparks Fury

-David Gibson

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association isn't backing down despite criticism, and he may have tapped a deep vein of insecurity among conservative believers.

Pope OKs Condoms in Some Cases, Such as Prostitutes Avoiding HIV

-David Gibson

Benedict's comments in a wide-ranging new book are the most extensive and authoritative on the sensitive topic from the Catholic Church.

Pope Is No Tea Partier: Benedict Backs Guaranteed Health Care For All

-David Gibson

Benedict's message could make Catholic opponents of health care reform uncomfortable. Still, papal statements that go against political positions have rarely altered policies.

Holy Cities, Holistic Bodies: Men's Health Ranks Religious Hot Spots

-David Gibson

Colorado Springs, Colo., is tops, Burlington, Vt., is last. And Las Vegas -- Sin City -- beats New York! Let the debate begin...

Catholic Bishops Reject Moderate Leader, Elect New York's Timothy Dolan in a Shocker

-David Gibson

The unexpected loss by Bishop Gerald Kicanas signals a decisive rightward shift in the American church hierarchy, and fear of further scandal coverage.

Is Marco Rubio Catholic or Baptist? Or Is the Reformation Over?

-David Gibson

The Florida senator and great new hope of the GOP attends a Southern Baptist church while portraying himself as a practicing Catholic -- and some fans feel duped.

Rep. Joseph Cao Calls Christian Group 'Ignorant' for Costing Him Election

-David Gibson

After a tough loss, Cao, a pro-life Catholic and a Republican, continues to feud with Tony Perkins' Christian Right group, which opposed him over gay rights.

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