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2010 Elections

2010 Elections News
J. Scott Applewhite, AP

Both Parties' Campaign Committees End Election Year in Debt

Christopher Weber

The GOP won big in the midterm election, but both parties are running about even when it comes to the amount of debt their campaign committees racked up this year.

Mandel Ngan, AFP / Getty Images

From Korea to Kokomo: Today's Obama News or a Glimpse of 2012?

Walter Shapiro

Recent events illustrate how hard it is to know in advance which developments are transient and which will have lasting reverberations for the president.

Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images

DCCC Spent $82 Million on House Elections

Christopher Weber

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spent the money in 107 congressional races over the last two years, buying mostly heartbreak.

Opinion: 3 Reasons the GOP Shouldn't Drop Social Issues

Michael Medved

Just because a few obscure tea partiers say they should isn't a good enough reason.

Win McNamee, Getty Images

Poll: GOP's House Win Was Rejection of the Democrats, Not a Mandate

Bruce Drake

Seventy percent of those surveyed in a CNN poll said the midterms were a rejection of Democratic rule while 17 percent called it a mandate for Republicans, making it a "throw the bums out" election.

Shakh Aivazov, AP

Richard Lugar: GOP Can't Just Be the Party of 'No'

Special to AOL News

Voters want their representatives to pursue responsible policies, says the Republican senator from Indiana.

Opinion: 4 Lessons About Voting from the 2010 Elections

Special to AOL News

Here are some key lessons we have learned about election reform -- looking back and forward.

AP / Getty Images

Which Party Values the Votes of African-Americans?

Mary C. Curtis

The Republicans have an opportunity to make good on its stated desire to win over more African-American voters following an election where some felt slighted by the Democrats. But the GOP will need to overcome a lot of history to do it.

Ralph Wilson, AP

Chris Christie's Star Turn Raises National Prospects, Nearly $9 Million for GOP

Jill Lawrence

Bob McDonnell of Virginia seemed like the one to watch after the 2009 elections. But New Jersey's brash governor made the bigger splash in 2010.

Murkowski Claims 98 Percent of Write-In Ballots in Alaska Senate Race

Steven Hoffer

After day one of ballot counting, the incumbent has claimed 98 percent of the write-in votes against tea party candidate Joe Miller to maintain her Alaska Senate seat.

Mark Wilson, Getty Images

Poll: Americans Less Enthusiastic About Midterm Outcome Than Past Political Turnovers

Bruce Drake

The Republican capture of the House and gains in the Senate has inspired less enthusiasm among Americans than the Democratic takeover of Congress in 2004 and the big GOP victory in 1994.

GOP Leaders Look to Oust RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Paul Wachter

There's a behind-the-scenes campaign in the GOP to oust RNC Chairman Michael Steele.


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