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Cassandra Hubbart, AOL

Enough Already With the Temporary Tax Fixes

By Marty Robins

Is the tax deal a refreshing sign of bipartisanship? More like a sign of Washington's disconnect from the real world

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Opinion: Enough Already With the Temporary Tax Fixes

Dec 17, 2010 - 6:27 AM |AOL News

Many in Washington are heralding the tax deal as a refreshing sign of bipartisanship. But it's really a sign of Washington's disconnect from the real world, says Marty Robins.

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Jacquelyn Martin, AP

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AFP/Getty Images

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Opinion: Democrats Need a Pro-Growth Message

Dec 16, 2010 - 10:54 AM |Special to AOL News

Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images

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Dec 16, 2010 - 5:54 AM |Special to AOL News

Health care reform's individual mandate for the first time treats Americans as if we are “commerce,” rather than human beings, says law professor John S. Baker Jr.

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Dec 15, 2010 - 3:37 PM |Special to AOL News

The Fed's effort to cut the value of the dollar and boost imports might have made sense in the 1950s, but now? Not so much, says Richard D. Soultanian.

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