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Obama Drops Reagan's Name in Push for START Without arms treaty with Russia, we would undercut Reagan's call
By Kate Schwartz,  Newser Staff

Posted Dec 18, 2010 5:44 AM CST
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(Newser) – With the tax bill under his belt, Obama is moving on, with a fresh push for congressional approval of the new START treaty. In this morning's weekly radio address, the president did a little name-dropping while calling for bipartisan support of the nuclear arms treaty with Russia, which would replace an old START treaty that expired a year ago: "Without a new one, we won't be able to verify Russia's nuclear arsenal, which would undercut President Reagan's call to trust, but verify, when it comes to nuclear weapons," Obama said.

Obama has delayed his departure to Hawaii for his annual holiday in hopes of pushing START and other legislation through, and plans to work the phones to drum up support for START next week, says Robert Gibbs. It may not be an easy road: Republicans senators yesterday said that the treaty would negatively limit the development of our country's missile systems, and cast doubt on the benefit of continuing to cut nuclear weapons, reports Reuters. (Click to read Sarah Palin's argument against START.)

President Barack Obama walks off stage after signing the $858 billion tax deal into law.
President Barack Obama walks off stage after signing the $858 billion tax deal into law.   (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
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Showing 3 of 16 comments
Dec 18, 2010 12:40 PM CST
The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty that we claim prohibits Iran from having nukes obligates the U.S. and Russia to work toward the elimination of our arsenals. By refusing to vote for this the GOP plays into the hands of Ahmedinejad. Disgusting !!!
Dec 18, 2010 12:09 PM CST
Republicans are opposing start because they're trapped in the military industrial complex, unable to so no to the 'defense' industry that sucks up half of discretionary spending.
Dec 18, 2010 9:30 AM CST
Of the billions spent on missiles, how many have been used The old ones are still better then what anyone else has. With the great bomber planes they have now they could just drop one of the thousand of h-bombs in stock. Much easier to tell and convince other counties not to produce them if your not. Asking to view other country's nuclear facility and allowing them to view yours.
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