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Interactive Porn Reaches Kinect Gaming firm creates demo showing kinky XBox possibilities
By Rob Quinn,  Newser Staff

Posted Dec 17, 2010 4:42 AM CST
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(Newser) – It took them more than a month, but the adult gaming industry has managed to crack Kinect and use it for interactive porn. Sex simulation gaming company ThriXXX has released a demo showing how the motion-controlled gadget for Microsoft's XBox gaming system can be used for porn pleasure, ABC News reports. ThriXXX says its demo shows there's plenty of kinky possibilities with Kinect, although it doesn't have permission from Microsoft to create games, and its demo was created with help from hackers.

"The Kinect is obviously a natural technology for this kind of usage, since the 'hands-free' approach means that the user's hands are available for other actions, be it manipulating the game, or themselves-—or, in this case, possibly both at the same tiime," a sex tech expert tells CNET. Microsoft, however, says the XBox is a family-friendly console and it plans to keep it that way. Click to watch a demo and hear one writer's take on why interactive porn can be pretty unsexy.

Screengrab from trhiXXX's demo of how the Kinect can be used for sex games.
Screengrab from trhiXXX's demo of how the Kinect can be used for sex games.   (YouTube)
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The demo   (youtube.com)

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Showing 3 of 17 comments
Jim Amos
2 hours, 19 minutes ago
I think Microsoft are total hypocrites saying they want to keep Xbox 'family friendly'. I am increasingly perplexed at the pervading attitude in America that say's it is quite alright to have games wherein the user can shoot people in the head and watch their skulls and brain matter explode - but cannot play a game to indulge in anything of a sexual nature. How is assassination, warfare, auto theft, zombie slaying etc 'family friendly' and touching up some virtual women is not? I'm not saying they should make this game, but I don't understand this bizarre double standard where we are hell bent on protecting our children from sex like it is evil yet violence is just fine and dandy.
11 hours, 59 minutes ago
Hmm... I wonder if the PS3 will release a motion control system and permit these games. If anyone at Microsoft pays any attention to tech history at all, they would have to change their tune real quick or they are going to lose this war in a hurry. Here's a pretty standard CNN article on the subject: http://articles.cnn.com/2010-04-23/tech/porn.technology_1_adult-content-adult-entertainment-industry-technology-world?_s=PM:TECH
Dec 17, 2010 11:10 PM CST
Omg....wtf? Damn, I feel sorry for any man who could be turned on by this.....
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