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NEWS ABOUT: Barack Obama

Barack Obama stories: 4703 news summaries

1 - 20 of 4703 Stories | 1 2 3 4 5 ... 236 Next >>

Royal Snub? Obamas Not Invited to William's Wedding

Of course, the First Couple doesn't actually know the prince...

Royal Snub? Obamas Not Invited to William's Wedding

Of course, the First Couple doesn't actually know the prince...
(Newser) - Drama alert: The Obamas have been “snubbed” and will not score an invite to Prince William’s wedding. Because Wills isn’t an heir to the throne quite yet, his wedding isn’t a state occasion; thus he and Kate Middleton don’t feel pressured to invite more than... More »

it's official

President Obama Signs Massive Tax Bill

He praises $858B tax cut deal

President Obama Signs Massive Tax Bill

He praises $858B tax cut deal
(Newser) - The Bush tax cuts live on. President Barack Obama signed the $858 billion tax bill today, praising the new law as a "substantial victory for middle-class families across the country." Before signing the bill, the president reiterated that "there are some elements of this legislation that I... More »

Tax Deal Cutting Into
Obama's Hawaiian Getaway

As Congress heads toward overtime, the president may be stuck in DC

Tax Deal Cutting Into Obama's Hawaiian Getaway

As Congress heads toward overtime, the president may be stuck in DC
(Newser) - Someone break the news to Sasha and Malia: They may have to body surf the Hawaiian waves without dad this year. With Congress’ lame duck session likely headed into overtime, President Obama has resolved to stay in Washington to sign anything it passes, meaning he may not find himself en... More »

Obama Signs
Nutrition Bill Into Law

Law imposes nutritional requirements, expands school lunches

Obama Signs Nutrition Bill Into Law

Law imposes nutritional requirements, expands school lunches
(AP) - Thousands more children would eat at school and all school food would become more nutritious under a bill President Obama signed into law today, part of an administration-wide effort to combat childhood obesity. "At a very basic level, this act is about doing what's right for our children,"... More »

In 1995 Memoir, Obama Predicted His Problems as Prez

He remembers being warned that people wouldn't like him

In 1995 Memoir, Obama Predicted His Problems as Prez

He remembers being warned that people wouldn't like him
(Newser) - Pundits love to offer up psychological assessments of the president, writes Walter Shapiro on Politics Daily , but few of them think to return to Barack Obama’s own autobiography, Dreams From My Father. Shapiro, reading the book for the first time, finds that no one could have predicted Obama’s... More »

Charles Krauthammer

Democrats Too Dumb to Realize Obama Won Tax Deal

Krauthammer: GOP gave him his stimulus, and looked bad doing it

Democrats Too Dumb to Realize Obama Won Tax Deal

Krauthammer: GOP gave him his stimulus, and looked bad doing it
(Newser) - Barack Obama pulled off a huge coup with his tax-cut deal, but House Democrats are too dim to realize it. Obama slyly negotiated “the biggest stimulus in American history,” complains Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Republicans boast that this is their kind of stimulus—meaning mostly tax... More »

Biden Tries to Quell Democrat Rebellion in House

House Democrats band together to decry deal

Biden Tries to Quell Democrat Rebellion in House

House Democrats band together to decry deal
(Newser) - Joe Biden will head to Capitol Hill today in an attempt to win over Democrats furious about President Obama’s deal on the Bush tax cuts. Democratic lawmakers discovered a shocking level of consensus when they huddled to discuss the deal yesterday, the Huffington Post reports: Every last speaker agreed... More »

Obama's Tax Deal
Really a 'Stealth Stimulus'

But it'll only work if consumers will spend the money

Obama's Tax Deal Really a 'Stealth Stimulus'

But it'll only work if consumers will spend the money
(Newser) - The tax cut deal President Obama struck with Republicans is likely to give a real jolt to the economy, economists tell the Wall Street Journal , which calls the deal “a second, stealth stimulus package.” While the tax cuts themselves may not boost growth much, the extension of unemployment... More »

Surprise! Taxes Will Actually
Go Up for the Poor

But for the rich, it's a great deal

Surprise! Taxes Will Actually Go Up for the Poor

But for the rich, it's a great deal
(Newser) - This tax cut deal President Obama struck with Republicans is awesome—as long as you’re among the wealthiest Americans. At least a quarter of the tax savings will go to the top 1%, the New York Times points out, in a piece headlined “Tax Package Will Aid Nearly... More »

Opinion Roundup

Why Obama Struck
His Tax Cut Bargain

He wanted more stimulus, and this is the best he could get

Why Obama Struck His Tax Cut Bargain

He wanted more stimulus, and this is the best he could get
(Newser) - Barack Obama's decision to extend the Bush tax cuts has got pundits talking and liberals frothing. Here's what they're saying:
  • This might look like a “classic Washington giveaway,” but “at the White House, where there is much anxiety about the staggering performance of the economy, this is
... More »

So What Exactly
Is in the Tax Deal?

Republicans, Obama agree to payroll tax holiday, middle class breaks

So What Exactly Is in the Tax Deal?

Republicans, Obama agree to payroll tax holiday, middle class breaks
(Newser) - The tax cut deal President Obama struck with Republicans yesterday is far more sweeping than lawmakers on either side of the aisle were expecting, and aside from extending the Bush tax cuts across the board, here's the lowdown, as per the Washington Post:
  • Inheritance tax: After a year's lapse, individual
... More »

Obama Signals Compromise
on Bush Tax Cuts

President looks ready to extend all in order to spare middle class

Obama Signals Compromise on Bush Tax Cuts

President looks ready to extend all in order to spare middle class
(Newser) - Faced with the prospect of no deal on the Bush tax cuts resulting in a middle-class tax hike on Jan. 1, President Obama is signaling a willingness to extend them across the board, reports USA Today. "We've got to find consensus here even if it's not 100% of what... More »

Winfrey, McCartney Among Kennedy Center Honorees

Merle Haggard, Jerry Herman, Bill T. Jones also feted

Winfrey, McCartney Among Kennedy Center Honorees

Merle Haggard, Jerry Herman, Bill T. Jones also feted
(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey and Paul McCartney were among the latest group of celebs to receive Kennedy Center Honors in a star-filled night that included tributes from Julia Roberts and John Travolta, among others. Merle Haggard, Broadway composer Jerry Herman, and dancer Bill T. Jones were also honored, as they sat with... More »

 Obama to Troops: 
 You're Winning 

President thanks service members during surprise Afghanistan trip

Obama to Troops: You're Winning

President thanks service members during surprise Afghanistan trip
(Newser) - President Obama capped his surprise visit to Afghanistan by delivering words of encouragement to US troops at the Bagram base north of Kabul, Bloomberg reports. “You are protecting your country, you’re achieving your objectives, you will succeed in your mission,” Obama said. “We said we were... More »


Why Obama Should Cut, Not Freeze, Federal Wages

We need to hire more people for less money

Why Obama Should Cut, Not Freeze, Federal Wages

We need to hire more people for less money
(Newser) - President Obama introduced a proposal to freeze federal salaries yesterday—or, as Annie Lowrey of Slate calls it, a “wishy-washy plan to hurt some workers without helping others.” Obama’s plan just underscores how much the conversation has shifted from our short-term employment crisis to our long-term deficit... More »

Obama to (Sort of)
Meet With GOP Leaders

Sides will have just enough time to talk at each other

Obama to (Sort of) Meet With GOP Leaders

Sides will have just enough time to talk at each other
(Newser) - After weeks of delays, Barack Obama will finally sit down with Republican leadership this morning, but it won’t be the relaxed beer-summit-esque session he’d hoped for. Instead, Obama, accompanied by Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and others will meet with Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and others for somewhere between... More »

 Obama Back on Court 
 With Busted Lip 

Injury doesn't keep prez from playing with his daughters

Obama Back on Court With Busted Lip

Injury doesn't keep prez from playing with his daughters
(Newser) - President Obama was back on the basketball court yesterday despite his injured lip , but his opponents this time around were a bit less likely to elbow him. Obama played an early morning game at an Interior Department gym with daughters Malia, 12, and Sasha, 9, the New York Daily News... More »

Veteran Arrested for Threatening President

Michael Bowden would 'put Obama against the wall and shoot him'

Veteran Arrested for Threatening President

Michael Bowden would 'put Obama against the wall and shoot him'
(Newser) - A 78-year-old South Carolina veteran has been arrested after threatening to shoot the president. Michael Stephen Bowden, also a former New York City police officer and fire captain, told a nurse at a Veteran Affairs clinic he "would like to shoot the president then myself." He was arrested... More »

thanksgiving address

 Let's Be 
 and Start 

President uses Thanksgiving address as a call for unity

Obama: Let's Be Thankful... and Start Cooperating

President uses Thanksgiving address as a call for unity
(Newser) - President Obama gave his weekly address a few days early in order to wish the country Happy Thanksgiving—and call for bipartisan cooperation, CNN reports. Today, the first family will give thanks for “the God-given bounty of America and the blessings of one another,” he said, adding that... More »

 Obama Spares 
 Turkeys 'Shellacking' 

Birds will head to George Washington's estate

Obama Spares Turkeys 'Shellacking'

Birds will head to George Washington's estate
(AP) - It's official: President Obama has pardoned the National Thanksgiving Turkey. Continuing a decades-old White House tradition, Obama issued pardons today to a gobbler named "Apple" and its alternate, “Cider.” The two 21-week-old, 45-pound turkeys were raised on a California farm. Obama said it “feels pretty good... More »

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