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NEWS ABOUT: Bush tax cuts

Bush tax cuts stories: 72 news summaries

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charles krauthammer

Forget Clinton, Obama's
the Real Comeback Kid

Charles Krauthammer: His tax deal makes it likely he'll be re-elected

Forget Clinton, Obama's the Real Comeback Kid

Charles Krauthammer: His tax deal makes it likely he'll be re-elected
(Newser) - You think Bill Clinton is the master of political comebacks? It took President Obama all of five weeks to go from political corpse to likely two-term president, writes Charles Krauthammer. It's all thanks to his "stunning" tax deal (Krauthammer marveled at it last week, too ) and his return... More »

tax cut deal

House Passes
Sweeping Tax Bill

Tax cut package sent to Obama's desk

House Passes Sweeping Tax Bill

Tax cut package sent to Obama's desk
(AP) - The House of Representatives, acting with uncommon speed, has given final approval to a bipartisan bill that will avoid a scheduled rise in income taxes for millions on the first of January. The vote was 277-148 late last night on the legislation, which is the result of a compromise between... More »

Pelosi Scrambles for Tax Vote
Tonight or Tomorrow

Liberals want amendment on estate tax

Pelosi Scrambles for Tax Vote Tonight or Tomorrow

Liberals want amendment on estate tax
(Newser) - Call it what you will—"liberal fury" ( Politico ), "liberal insurrection" ( the Hill ), "liberal uprising" ( Washington Post )—Nancy Pelosi is pretty sure she can deal with it and have the House vote on the overall tax deal tonight or tomorrow. The measure... More »

Lame Duck Congress
Looks to Pass All or Nothing

If House doesn't approve tax deal, nothing will get done

Lame Duck Congress Looks to Pass All or Nothing

If House doesn't approve tax deal, nothing will get done
(Newser) - Congress is about to pass lots of major legislation—or nothing at all. The House’s dilemma: If it tries to change the Senate’s $858 billion tax bill, the Senate won’t have time to vote on repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the DREAM Act, START, or... More »

Senate Passes
Tax-Cut Deal 81-19

Heads for tougher fight in the House

Senate Passes Tax-Cut Deal 81-19

Heads for tougher fight in the House
(AP) - President Obama's compromise tax deal with Republicans—a package of cuts that would add nearly a trillion dollars to the US debt—won approval in the Senate today in a 81-19 vote. The measure still faces stiff opposition in the House where Democrats see it as overgenerous to the wealthy.... More »

First Debate for
GOP 2012: Tax Deal

Tea Partiers hate it, mainstream contenders support it

First Debate for GOP 2012: Tax Deal

Tea Partiers hate it, mainstream contenders support it
(Newser) - There’s still a while to go before the official 2012 debates begin—but we have the first unofficial one on our hands, in the form of President Obama’s tax deal. Despite strong support in a vote Monday (only five Republican senators voted against it), 2012 contenders are drawing... More »

House Dems Push
for Higher Estate Tax

They want to return it to 2009 levels

House Dems Push for Higher Estate Tax

They want to return it to 2009 levels
(Newser) - House Democrats are likely to pass the president’s tax cut deal, but not before changing its estate tax provision. House resolve to block the bill has largely faded in the wake of a strong Senate test vote. But after meeting with rank-and-file members yesterday, senior Democrats tell the Washington ... More »


America Stuck With a
Temporary Tax Code

Businesses complain of uncertainty

America Stuck With a Temporary Tax Code

Businesses complain of uncertainty
(Newser) - Once upon a time—in the late 1990s—there were only a few dozen temporary tax provisions requiring regular renewal. Now there are 141, and if Congress does indeed pass the proposed two-year extension of the Bush tax cuts, the whole income tax system will essentially be a temporary provision,... More »


Obama's Next 'Cave-In':
Social Security

Deficit commission, tax cut deal set course for disaster

Obama's Next 'Cave-In': Social Security

Deficit commission, tax cut deal set course for disaster
(Newser) - President Obama already caved on tax cuts, and next up is Social Security, writes Robert Kuttner on the Huffington Post . The tax cut deal will increase the deficit by some $900 billion—offering more leverage to deficit hawks and “adding to the artificial hysteria that Social Security is going... More »

Tax Cut Deal Garners
60 Votes in Senate

Measure could go to House tomorrow

Tax Cut Deal Garners 60 Votes in Senate

Measure could go to House tomorrow
(AP) - Legislation to avert a Jan. 1 increase in US income tax rates has gained 60 votes in the Senate, the level needed to advance toward a final vote. The roll call is continuing, and the test vote is not final. But the bipartisan show of support is a strong indication... More »

69% of Americans Support Obama's Tax Deal

Even when confronted with deficit issues, support only drops to 62%

69% of Americans Support Obama's Tax Deal

Even when confronted with deficit issues, support only drops to 62%
(Newser) - Bernie Sanders may not like President Obama's tax deal, but most of America supports it. A new ABC News /Washington Post poll shows 69% support the tax-and-benefits package and only 29% oppose it. Even when confronted with the fact that it could add $900 billion to the deficit, the level... More »

Democrats: Fine, We'll Pass Your Crummy Tax Deal

Bill to see vote this week, says House majority leader

Democrats: Fine, We'll Pass Your Crummy Tax Deal

Bill to see vote this week, says House majority leader
(Newser) - Democrats haven't stopped complaining about President Obama’s tax cut deal—one House member even called it Obama's "Gettysburg"—but it looks like they’ll pass it anyway, Time reports. “We're not going to hold this thing up at the end of the day,” said Chris... More »

economists predict

Chance of Double-Dip Recession in 2011 Falls to 15%

GDP will grow 3%, they estimate

Chance of Double-Dip Recession in 2011 Falls to 15%

GDP will grow 3%, they estimate
(Newser) - The Bush tax cut deal has some economists walking on sunshine. Experts are getting more upbeat in their forecasts for next year, predicting accelerating growth, finds the Wall Street Journal in its latest forecasting survey. The 55 experts who weighed in expect GDP to grow in “nearly every period,... More »

The Unique (and Growing)
Role of Joe Biden

VP fights for White House in Congress, abroad

The Unique (and Growing) Role of Joe Biden

VP fights for White House in Congress, abroad
(Newser) - If it seems like Joe Biden was just waxing poetic about “the first mainstream" black guy who's "bright and clean," then you probably won't recognize the fierce veep who defended the boss last week, shouting at whining Dems, "There's no goddamned way I'm going to stand... More »

Inside Bernie Sanders'
Epic 8.5-Hour Speech

Senator was 'nervous,' feared nature would call

Inside Bernie Sanders' Epic 8.5-Hour Speech

Senator was 'nervous,' feared nature would call
(Newser) - Sen. Bernie Sanders was “a little bit nervous” before his over-the-top 8 1/2-hour speech against President Obama's tax deal on Friday. “I was afraid that after two or three hours I’d have nothing more to say or I’d be tired or have to go to the... More »


Bernie Sanders Ends
Tax Speech—After 8.5 Hours

Vermont independent stages a filibuster of sorts in protest

Bernie Sanders Ends Tax Speech—After 8.5 Hours

Vermont independent stages a filibuster of sorts in protest
(Newser) - Bernie Sanders took to the Senate floor about 10:30am today to speak out against the tax-cut deal—and kept on going until about 7pm. All told, the 69-year-old spoke for 8 hours and 37 minutes, notes the Huffington Post . "You can call what I am doing today whatever... More »

Bill Clinton Gives His Blessing
to Obama's Tax Deal

... And he seemed to enjoy his place back at the podium

Bill Clinton Gives His Blessing to Obama's Tax Deal

... And he seemed to enjoy his place back at the podium
(Newser) - President Obama got a strong show of support for his tax deal today from Bill Clinton, a move that could help sway recalcitrant Democrats, reports the Washington Post . The two men had a private meeting, then emerged to meet the press in an unusual way: Obama turned over the podium... More »

paul krugman

Tax Deal Offers GOP 'Hostages' for 2012

Krugman: Democrats will need to make more deals in election year

Tax Deal Offers GOP 'Hostages' for 2012

Krugman: Democrats will need to make more deals in election year
(Newser) - President Obama may have rescued some tax “hostages” from the GOP—the unemployed, for example—but in the process, he set up another hostage situation down the road, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . The "not-so-bad stuff” in the tax deal “expires at the end... More »

Charles Krauthammer

Democrats Too Dumb to Realize Obama Won Tax Deal

Krauthammer: GOP gave him his stimulus, and looked bad doing it

Democrats Too Dumb to Realize Obama Won Tax Deal

Krauthammer: GOP gave him his stimulus, and looked bad doing it
(Newser) - Barack Obama pulled off a huge coup with his tax-cut deal, but House Democrats are too dim to realize it. Obama slyly negotiated “the biggest stimulus in American history,” complains Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Republicans boast that this is their kind of stimulus—meaning mostly tax... More »

Senate Begins Debate on
$858B Tax Cut Bill

Deems House objections 'irrelevant'

Senate Begins Debate on $858B Tax Cut Bill

Deems House objections 'irrelevant'
(Newser) - The Senate voted to begin debate on a bill based on Barack Obama’s tax cut deal last night, with the final vote expected to be held Monday. The Senate’s version of the bill will add $858 billion to the deficit over 10 years, the Wall Street Journal reports.... More »

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