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NEWS ABOUT: drone strike

drone strike stories: 17 news summaries

New Wave of Drone Attacks Scorch Khyber

Almost 60 killed in Pakistan

New Wave of Drone Attacks Scorch Khyber

Almost 60 killed in Pakistan
(Newser) - Nearly 60 people have been killed in Pakistan’s Khyber district in a sudden onslaught from CIA drones. Three strikes in the Tirah Valley killed at least 50, while another nearby killed seven more, the BBC reports. Security officials say all those killed were militants, but that hasn’t been... More »

CIA's Top Spy in Pakistan Forced to Flee

Terrorist threat leads to decision that could complicate war effort

CIA's Top Spy in Pakistan Forced to Flee

Terrorist threat leads to decision that could complicate war effort
(Newser) - The CIA’s top spy in Pakistan left the country yesterday, after a lawsuit blew his cover and terrorists threatened to kill him. The lawsuit, filed earlier this month, accused the Islamabad station chief by name of ordering missile strikes that killed civilians. That name has been oft-repeated by Pakistani... More »

 US Drones Hunt 
 al-Qaeda in Yemen 

US wary of Afghanistan-esque PR backlash, hasn't fired shots yet

US Drones Hunt al-Qaeda in Yemen

US wary of Afghanistan-esque PR backlash, hasn't fired shots yet
(Newser) - In the wake of the failed Yemen mail bombs, the US is using a familiar weapon to hunt al-Qaeda in Yemen: The controversial Predator drone. Yet no shots have been fired thus far, reports the Washington Post, due to iffy intelligence on insurgents' whereabouts and American fears of re-creating the... More »

Obama's Terror Alert Pure Politics: Pakistani Diplomat

European officials complain as well

Obama's Terror Alert Pure Politics: Pakistani Diplomat

European officials complain as well
(Newser) - A senior Pakistani diplomat launched a broadside at the Obama administration today, accusing it of issuing its European terror alert for political purposes. The vague warning of potential plots in Britain, France, and elsewhere was issued to justify escalating US drone and helicopter attacks in Pakistan, high commissioner Wajid Shamsul... More »

5 German Terror Suspects
Die in Pakistan Drone Strike

Hamburg cell believed to be behind Europe terror plot

5 German Terror Suspects Die in Pakistan Drone Strike

Hamburg cell believed to be behind Europe terror plot
(Newser) - An American missile attack has killed at least five German nationals suspected of being part of a terror cell training in Pakistan, Pakistani officials say. The missile hit a house in Waziristan, the region where authorities believe a terror cell training for an attack on Europe was hiding out, the... More »

 Pakistan: Blockade 
 Only Temporary 

Foreign minister blames blockade on public outrage

Pakistan: Blockade Only Temporary

Foreign minister blames blockade on public outrage
(Newser) - Pakistan doesn't intend to keep up its Afghanistan blockade forever. In an interview with the AP today, Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said that the route was closed thanks to public outrage over NATO strikes in the border region, and would reopen once things normalized. "The supply has been... More »

 CIA Ups Drone Strikes 
 to Foil Euro Terror Plot 

Drones target Pakistan as Europe sits on high alert

CIA Ups Drone Strikes to Foil Euro Terror Plot

Drones target Pakistan as Europe sits on high alert
(Newser) - The CIA has launched a flurry of drone attacks in Pakistan in an attempt to disrupt a huge suspected terrorist plot against European targets, according to the Wall Street Journal . While the exact nature of the plot is unclear, there have been multiple warnings in France, Germany, and the UK... More »

Despite Floods, US Restarts Drone Attacks in Pakistan

Good will could go 'down the drain,' officials warn

Despite Floods, US Restarts Drone Attacks in Pakistan

Good will could go 'down the drain,' officials warn
(Newser) - Pakistan is in the midst of a massive humanitarian crisis, with floods submerging a sixth of the country, leaving six million people homeless. But that hasn’t stopped the US from resuming its unmanned aerial assaults, MSNBC reports. Drone missions were briefly grounded by the monsoon, but now have fully... More »

 Top 9 Revelations 
 From Leaked 
 Afghan Reports 

Biggest military leak in history underscores grim realities

Top 9 Revelations From Leaked Afghan Reports

Biggest military leak in history underscores grim realities
(Newser) - Wikileaks has unveiled 92,000 secret documents about the Afghan war, which, in the New York Times ' words, "illustrate in mosaic detail why ... the Taliban are stronger than at any time since 2001." Don't have time to scan through 92,000 documents? Here are what appear to... More »

 Al-Qaeda No.3
 'Killed by Drone' 

US: Mustafa al-Yazid's death will be a crushing blow to militants

Al-Qaeda No.3 'Killed by Drone'

US: Mustafa al-Yazid's death will be a crushing blow to militants
(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's operational chief has been killed by a US Predator drone strike in Pakistan, according to reports from the militant group that American officials believe are correct. Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, an Egyptian, was a founding member of al-Qaeda and is believed to have been the militant group's third-in-command behind Osama... More »

 US Slams 
 Drone Jockeys 
 for Killing Afghan Civilians 

Operators ordered to undergo increased training

US Slams Drone Jockeys for Killing Afghan Civilians

Operators ordered to undergo increased training
(Newser) - The US military has released a harsh self-critique, blaming the “inaccurate and unprofessional” actions of Predator drone operators for the deaths of 23 Afghan civilians in a February strike. Six servicemembers have been disciplined, reports the New York TImes, in a report that underscores the importance being placed on... More »

US Preps a Retaliatory Hit on Pakistan

White House readies its response should Taliban strike US soil

US Preps a Retaliatory Hit on Pakistan

White House readies its response should Taliban strike US soil
(Newser) - The Times Square incident sent the White House scurrying to examine its options for a counterattack on Pakistan in the event of a successful strike on US soil, reports the Washington Post. The hit would be used only in extreme scenarios or if President Obama loses faith in the CIA's... More »


NYC Bomb Was Payback for Drone Strikes

Shahzad saw hits in Pakistan; lost Conn. home to foreclosure

NYC Bomb Was Payback for Drone Strikes

Shahzad saw hits in Pakistan; lost Conn. home to foreclosure
(Newser) - A picture is starting to emerge of what drove Faisal Shahzad to attempt to detonate a bomb in Times Square. The 31-year-old father of two lost his home to foreclosure last summer, unable to parlay his Master's degree into success, the LA Times reports. Shortly thereafter he spent eight months... More »

 CIA Drones Batter 
 Pakistan Militants 

'Fast and furious' drone campaign hits Qaeda, Taliban hard

CIA Drones Batter Pakistan Militants

'Fast and furious' drone campaign hits Qaeda, Taliban hard
(Newser) - Stepped-up CIA drone attacks in the Pakistani region of North Waziristan have hit al-Qaeda and the Taliban hard in recent months, forcing many militants to retreat to mountain tunnels and placing the Haqqani leaders under increasing pressure. Bombardment of the militant stronghold has become "fast and furious" this year,... More »

 1 in 3 Killed by US 
 Drones Are Civilians 

Think tank issues report on Pakistan casualties

1 in 3 Killed by US Drones Are Civilians

Think tank issues report on Pakistan casualties
(Newser) - One out of three people killed by unmanned US Predator drones in Pakistan is a civilian, according to a new report sure to fuel criticism of the unmanned attacks. The report by a Washington think tank found that 32% of the more than 1,200 people killed since 2004 were... More »

US Evolves Strategy, Widens Assault on Terrorists 

Iraq withdrawal and Pakistani cooperation enable more drone strikes

US Evolves Strategy, Widens Assault on Terrorists

Iraq withdrawal and Pakistani cooperation enable more drone strikes
(AP) - Long before he went on the defensive for his handling of the failed Christmas Day airline bombing, Obama had widened the list of US targets abroad and stepped up the pace of airstrikes. The death of Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud in August marked his first major victory in a... More »

 Pakistani Taliban Leader 
 Reported Dead 

Army probes reports that drone strike killed Hakimullah Mehsud

Pakistani Taliban Leader Reported Dead

Army probes reports that drone strike killed Hakimullah Mehsud
(Newser) - The Pakistani army is investigating reports that the leader of the Taliban in the country has died after being injured in an American military drone strike. Hakimullah Mehsud, 28, had been at the helm of the Pakistani Taliban for 5 months, having taken over after the death—also in a... More »

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