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NEWS ABOUT: Start Treaty

Start Treaty stories: 18 news summaries

Obama Drops Reagan's Name
in Push for START

Without arms treaty with Russia, we would undercut Reagan's call

Obama Drops Reagan's Name in Push for START

Without arms treaty with Russia, we would undercut Reagan's call
(Newser) - With the tax bill under his belt, Obama is moving on, with a fresh push for congressional approval of the new START treaty. In this morning's weekly radio address, the president did a little name-dropping while calling for bipartisan support of the nuclear arms treaty with Russia, which would replace... More »


Sarah Palin to Senate:
Vote Down New START

Former Alaska guv believes new treaty 'makes no strategic sense'

Sarah Palin to Senate: Vote Down New START

Former Alaska guv believes new treaty 'makes no strategic sense'
(Newser) - Sarah Palin comes out swinging against New START, the nuclear arms reduction treaty currently being considered for ratification by the Senate, in a National Review op-ed. The treaty is not "in America's interest," the former Alaska governor writes, as it "requires the US to reduce our nuclear... More »

Sen. Wyden Has Prostate Cancer, May Miss Votes

Democrat will undergo surgery next week

Sen. Wyden Has Prostate Cancer, May Miss Votes

Democrat will undergo surgery next week
(Newser) - Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden has been diagnosed with early-state prostate cancer and will undergo surgery next week. The long-term prognosis is good for the 61-year-old from Oregon, but he will miss votes tomorrow and next week, potentially complicating Democratic efforts to gather 60 votes to pass measures including the START... More »

Lame Duck Congress
Looks to Pass All or Nothing

If House doesn't approve tax deal, nothing will get done

Lame Duck Congress Looks to Pass All or Nothing

If House doesn't approve tax deal, nothing will get done
(Newser) - Congress is about to pass lots of major legislation—or nothing at all. The House’s dilemma: If it tries to change the Senate’s $858 billion tax bill, the Senate won’t have time to vote on repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the DREAM Act, START, or... More »

Reid: Senate Can
Work Past Christmas

GOP accuses Reid of dissing holiday

Reid: Senate Can Work Past Christmas

GOP accuses Reid of dissing holiday
(Newser) - Senators dreaming of Christmas turkey should be thinking more about lame duck, Harry Reid warns. The majority leader says that after the tax cut deal is passed, he wants to address the START treaty, the DREAM Act, health care for 9/11 first responders, and the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal,... More »

The Unique (and Growing)
Role of Joe Biden

VP fights for White House in Congress, abroad

The Unique (and Growing) Role of Joe Biden

VP fights for White House in Congress, abroad
(Newser) - If it seems like Joe Biden was just waxing poetic about “the first mainstream" black guy who's "bright and clean," then you probably won't recognize the fierce veep who defended the boss last week, shouting at whining Dems, "There's no goddamned way I'm going to stand... More »


 Romney: START 
 Must Be Stopped 

Mitt Romney: Obama's rushing a dangerous treaty

Romney: START Must Be Stopped

Mitt Romney: Obama's rushing a dangerous treaty
(Newser) - President Obama is trying to rush the New START treaty through Congress—but it’s far too important not to explore thoroughly before a decision is made, writes Mitt Romney in the Boston Globe . The president has already gotten Congress to speed through his stimulus package and health care reform.... More »


 Powell, et Al.: 
 Ratify New START 

Kissinger, Powell, Baker call on Senate for 'essential' vote

Kissinger, Powell, et Al.: Ratify New START

Kissinger, Powell, Baker call on Senate for 'essential' vote
(Newser) - The New START treaty got some serious firepower behind it this morning, with the past five Republican secretaries of state writing a Washington Post op-ed in its support. "Although each of us had initial questions about New START," write Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, James Baker III, Lawrence Eagleburger... More »

 Putin: We'll Use 
 'Strike Forces' 
 Against Missile 

Russian PM even warns of 'new nuclear technologies'

Putin: We'll Use 'Strike Forces' Against Missile Shield

Russian PM even warns of 'new nuclear technologies'
(Newser) - If NATO builds a missile shield near Russia without Russia’s help and involvement, the Kremlin will deploy “strike forces” and even “new nuclear technologies” in response, Vladimir Putin warned last night in an interview with Larry King. Asked about Dmitry Medvedev’s “ new arms race ”... More »


 Tea Party's Next Target: 
 Dick Lugar 

As he bucks GOP party line, challengers line up

Tea Party's Next Target: Dick Lugar

As he bucks GOP party line, challengers line up
(Newser) - Dick Lugar gets the "maverick" treatment from the New York Times and Politico, with both suggesting that the Indiana Republican's willingness to buck his own party on key issues leaves him vulnerable to a Tea Party primary challenge in 2012:
  • Politico : Tea Party candidates are already "lining up
... More »

charles krauthammer

 Psst, Obama, 
 Russia Is No 
 Longer an 

Krauthammer: The START treaty is a useless diversion

Psst, Obama, Russia Is No Longer an Enemy

Krauthammer: The START treaty is a useless diversion
(Newser) - President Obama's big priority of the moment is the New START treaty with Russia, to which Charles Krauthammer says, "Good grief." You'd think the president would have more important things to worry about than this irrelevant deal, he writes at the Washington Post . "A nuclear exchange between... More »


 I'd Skip a 

And she's optimistic it'll get less-invasive

Hillary Clinton: I'd Skip a Pat-Down

And she's optimistic it'll get less-invasive
(Newser) - Hillary Clinton probably can't even remember what it's like to fly commercial, but would the secretary of State man up and submit to a pat-down? "Not if I, not if I could avoid it," Clinton told Face the Nation. "No, I mean who would?" Of note, Clinton... More »


Obama Goes Head-to-Head With GOP on Arms Treaty

Pushes for lame-duck vote ... with big political implications

Obama Goes Head-to-Head With GOP on Arms Treaty

Pushes for lame-duck vote ... with big political implications
(Newser) - By urging a lame-duck vote on a new arms-control treaty with Russia, President Obama is setting up a face-off with Senate Republicans that could set the political tone for the next two years, writes Peter Baker in the New York Times . If the treaty is ratified, Obama will prove his... More »

GOP Blindsides Obama, Blocks Russian Arms Treaty

New Start treaty will likely meet a quick end, thanks to Sen. Jon Kyl

GOP Blindsides Obama, Blocks Russian Arms Treaty

New Start treaty will likely meet a quick end, thanks to Sen. Jon Kyl
(Newser) - President Obama seems likely to end 2010 with one less feather in his cap than he counted on: The new arms control treaty with Russia that numbered among his top foreign policy goals for the year appears to be dead in the water. The White House was "blindsided and... More »

 'Sarah Palin's 
 No Expert' 

Who's getting punched in the face now?

Obama Smackdown: 'Sarah Palin's No Expert'

Who's getting punched in the face now?
(Newser) - Sarah Palin might think Barack Obama's asking for a "punch in the face," but she's the one who was smacked down by the president in an interview yesterday. "Last time I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear weapons," said Obama in a... More »

Obama, Medvedev Will Talk Arms Treaty Tomorrow

But they're not expected to sign a final accord to replace 'START' pact

Obama, Medvedev Will Talk Arms Treaty Tomorrow

But they're not expected to sign a final accord to replace 'START' pact
(Newser) - President Obama will meet with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev tomorrow to discuss a successor to the recently expired START pact on nuclear weapons. The meeting, on the sidelines of the Copenhagen climate conference, isn't expected to yield a final accord. Both leaders, however, have pledged to eventually sign a replacement... More »

 Obama, Medvedev 
 to Open New Arms Talks 

Obama will meet with Medvedev, announce plan to cut arsenals

Obama, Medvedev to Open New Arms Talks

Obama will meet with Medvedev, announce plan to cut arsenals
(Newser) - President Obama will begin a busy week in Europe tomorrow by announcing that the US and Russia will begin talks to reduce their nuclear arsenals by about a third to 1,500 warheads apiece, the New York Times reports. Obama will meet with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev on the sidelines... More »

No Progress on Missile Deal After Rice's Russia Visit

US, Russia no closer on defense system in Eastern Europe, but more polite about it

No Progress on Missile Deal After Rice's Russia Visit

US, Russia no closer on defense system in Eastern Europe, but more polite about it
(Newser) - Moscow talks between top US diplomats and their Russian counterparts haven't edged the two sides any closer to deals on a proposed US missile shield in Eastern Europe and a nuclear-arms reduction treaty, the Financial Times reports. Condoleezza Rice heads home empty-handed, but US-Russia relations at least seem to have... More »

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