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Google stories: 748 news summaries

1 - 20 of 748 Stories | 1 2 3 4 5 ... 38 Next >>

Google Lets You Browse
the Human Body

Move over Google Maps: New app all about anatomy

Google Lets You Browse the Human Body

Move over Google Maps: New app all about anatomy
(Newser) - First, it took on land . Then it took on the oceans . Now Google has set its sights on a new target: the human body. Its " Body Browser " lets users explore the human body, layer by layer, with any WebGL-enabled browser (Chrome 9 beta or Firefox 4 beta). You... More »

Google Database Tracks
Popularity of 500B Words

We use 'women' a lot more than we used to

Google Database Tracks Popularity of 500B Words

We use 'women' a lot more than we used to
(Newser) - Google has quietly released a massive database that's as scholarly a tool as it is fun to play with. Called Ngram , this digital storehouse contains 500 billion words from 5.2 million books published between 1500 and 2008 in English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, and Chinese. It lets anyone search... More »


Google's 'Open' E-Books?
Not So Open

In fact, Amazon e-books will soon be more open

Google's 'Open' E-Books? Not So Open

In fact, Amazon e-books will soon be more open
(Newser) - Google is making quite a big deal about the "openness" of its e-books , but Farhad Manjoo has news for you: "Google's e-books are 'open' in the same way that politicians are 'bipartisan' and oil companies are 'green,'" he writes on Slate . "Open" certainly sounds good, when... More »

Google Releases New
Chrome OS Laptop

...To the lucky few in its 'pilot program'

Google Releases New Chrome OS Laptop

...To the lucky few in its 'pilot program'
(Newser) - Google is giving out free laptops—but good luck getting one. The search giant unveiled its new Chrome OS yesterday, but announced that the public wouldn’t be able to buy netbooks sporting it until the middle of next year, eWeek reports. But in the meantime, Google is running a... More »

Google Set to Battle Amazon With Launch of eBooks

Gloves are off in battle of the eBookstores

Google Set to Battle Amazon With Launch of eBooks

Gloves are off in battle of the eBookstores
(Newser) - After much anticipation, Google launched its ebookstore in the US today, jumping into the fray with Amazon, Apple, and Borders with its first “real” retail service, reports Wired . Google eBooks lets readers view their books on a variety of devices, from iPhones to Chrome and Safari browsers to Sony’... More »


 China Ordered Google Attacks 

And learned the Internet was 'fundamentally controllable'

China Ordered Google Attacks

And learned the Internet was 'fundamentally controllable'
(Newser) - Chinese invasions of Google’s networks were perpetrated by the top levels of China’s government, an insider says in cables released by WikiLeaks. “According to our contact, the closely held operations”—in which Google said a “significant” amount of intellectual property was stolen—“were directed... More »


Google's China Trouble: Politician Googled Himself

Propaganda official became angry after seeing 'critical results'

Google's China Trouble: Politician Googled Himself

Propaganda official became angry after seeing 'critical results'
(Newser) - Much of Google's trouble with China has to do with a thin-skinned senior politician who Googled himself and discovered, to his horror, that people weren't writing nice things about him. Both the New York Times and the Guardian lead their WikiLeaks coverage with the anecdote about Li Changhun, the country's... More »

 Google Tweaks 
 Search to Weed Out 
 Bad Businesses 

Bullying customers is no longer a ladder to the top

Google Tweaks Search to Weed Out Bad Businesses

Bullying customers is no longer a ladder to the top
(Newser) - Apparently bad customer service will no longer snag you a spot at the top of Google search results. The search giant announced yesterday that, in the wake of an article about an online retailer who did just that , it will change the way it ranks search results to avoid similar... More »

 Student Googles Self, 
 Finds He's a Wanted Man 

Police mistakenly post his name and photo in murder case

Student Googles Self, Finds He's a Wanted Man

Police mistakenly post his name and photo in murder case
(Newser) - One night, Zachary Garcia decided to Google himself—and the Florida teen discovered he was wanted for murder. Garcia, a University of Florida student, saw his name next to his driver's license photo, alongside notice that he had been charged as an accomplice to murder, AOL News reports. The police... More »

 Google Set 
 to Launch 

Google Editions expected by end of year

Google Set to Launch E-Books Venture

Google Editions expected by end of year
(Newser) - Google's long-delayed venture into digital book sales has cleared the final few hurdles and execs say Google Editions will be up and running before the end of the year. The service, unlike competitors, won't be tied to an online bookstore or a particular device, and many expect it will upend... More »

 EU Antitrust 
 Target Google 

They say it discriminated against rivals in search results

EU Antitrust Regulators Target Google

They say it discriminated against rivals in search results
(Newser) - Google is in hot water with EU antitrust authorities over allegations that it discriminated against rivals in its search results, and barred some websites from using rival ad services with its AdSense contracts. The European Commission will also investigate allegations that Google makes it difficult for advertisers to move data... More »

Latest Rumor: Google to Buy Groupon for $5.3B

It would be search giant's biggest purchase yet

Latest Rumor: Google to Buy Groupon for $5.3B

It would be search giant's biggest purchase yet
(Newser) - Google is thiiiis close to a deal to buy Groupon for a whopping $5 billion to $6 billion, according to multiple reports. Google’s current offer is $5.3 billion, sources tell All Things Digital , but according to the New York Times the pricetag could stretch as high as $6... More »

How One Company Bullied Its Way to the Top of Google

DecorMyEyes.com actually wants bad publicity

How One Company Bullied Its Way to the Top of Google

DecorMyEyes.com actually wants bad publicity
(Newser) - Clarabelle Rodriguez has been overcharged, cussed out, called names, harassed with late-night phone calls, and threatened with sexual violence—yet the eyewear company that allegedly subjected her to all this, over a disputed order, continues to thrive—thanks to the customers that find it sitting at the top of their... More »

Google Lovers Egg Houses
of 'No Street View' Germans

Choose one: Show your home, or
egg attack

Google Lovers Egg Houses of 'No Street View' Germans

Choose one: Show your home, or egg attack
(Newser) - It's a bizarre case of vigilante vandalism: A group of Germans have egged the houses of dozens of families who have chosen to opt-out of Google Street View. About 3% of Germans—250,000 people—requested that their homes be blurred, which makes it very easy to tell which houses... More »

Fired Leaker Was Apple Employee No. 6

Industry 'legend' gave details about raises

Google's Fired Leaker Was Apple Employee No. 6

Industry 'legend' gave details about raises
(Newser) - The leak of Google’s companywide raise prompted a firing at the search giant, and it looks like it was an “Apple legend” who got the sack, writes Ryan Tate at Gawker . Word of mouth among Googlers—and plenty of circumstantial evidence—suggests Randy Wigginton, one of Apple’s... More »

Nude Guy in Trunk Stumps Google Street View Fans

What the hell was he doing?
(Newser) - Why would a naked man calmly climb into the trunk of a car parked in a driveway? That's what the world wants to know after eagle-eyed Street View fans spotted the unusual scene and posted their intriguing find online. The shot, which has been taken down by Google, showed the... More »

 Plug-in Syncs MS 
 Office, Google Docs 

Cloud Connect lets you work in Word, save online

Plug-in Syncs MS Office, Google Docs

Cloud Connect lets you work in Word, save online
(Newser) - Google has found a way for users to edit documents online without having to navigate a new application—bringing us a step closer to a cloud computing revolution. The search giant has built a plug-in for Microsoft Office that syncs it with Google Docs, TechCrunch reports. With the Cloud Connect... More »

1 in 4 Page Views
Are for Facebook

It also accounts for 10% of Internet visits

1 in 4 Page Views Are for Facebook

It also accounts for 10% of Internet visits
(Newser) - Hitwise has some new stats that qualify as impressive even by Facebook standards. Mark Zuckerberg's baby accounts for 25% of page views and 10% of Internet visits, notes the Tech Talk blog of CBS. Trailing is Google, with 7% of Internet visits and YouTube with 3%. Those two also combine... More »

Google Debuts Fashion Shopping Site

Store can learn your taste, visualize options

Google Debuts Fashion Shopping Site

Store can learn your taste, visualize options
(Newser) - Google is looking to make its mark on an unexpected sector of business: fashion. The experiment comes in the form of an e-shopping website called Boutiques.com . The site is multi-faceted, combining the stores of hundreds of virtual boutiques organized either by designer or "curated" by celebrities, bloggers, and... More »

 Google Building City for Staff 

Expanding corporate campus will have employee housing

Google Building City for Staff

Expanding corporate campus will have employee housing
(Newser) - Some Google employees will soon be able to live their lives under the shadow of the company—in Googletown, a residential complex to be built on an old space base in Silicon Valley . Google's not actually calling the mini-city that—it's Gawker's phrase —but it will be filled with... More »

1 - 20 of 748 Stories | 1 2 3 4 5 ... 38 Next >>

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