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Malawi School Desk Shortage: Lawrence O'Donnell Helps Kids In Need (VIDEO)

First Posted: 12-18-10 01:33 AM   |   Updated: 12-18-10 01:33 AM

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Lawrence Odonnell Malawi School Desks

"The Last Word" host Lawrence O'Donnell went to Malawi this summer to help a classroom -- and raise awareness about an acute problem plaguing children and teachers in the impoverished nation. There is nowhere to sit but the dirt floor. Or cracked cement floors, for the nicer schools.

"A teacher asking for chairs in Malawi is asking too much," he lamented.

The teachers would be happy to start with chairs. Desks would be an even bigger luxury.

One of the classes O'Donnell found had about 120 students and no classroom. They studied outside.

O'Donnell and MSNBC launched a partnership with UNICEF, announced on his show this week, to help the education crisis in Malawi. From a network news release:

The Malawian education system is plagued by several factors, including: the lack of classrooms and overcrowded classrooms, a shortage of qualified teachers and a profound scarcity of teaching and learning materials, including school furniture. The scarcity of furniture and supplies has severely impeded Malawi's educational system by decreasing the participation of children in school ... In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, approximately 45 million children do not go to school and only 20 percent of children that do attend have access to furniture.

The program, called K.I.N.D. (Kids in Need of Desks) aims to provide 46,000 desks (each accommodating two children) that will be available to 224,000 Malawian students. The cost per child is $24.

For more information on the program and to find out how you can help, visit O'Donnell's website or UNICEF's website.

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"The Last Word" host Lawrence O'Donnell went to Malawi this summer to help a classroom -- and raise awareness about an acute problem plaguing children and teachers in the impoverished nation. There is...
"The Last Word" host Lawrence O'Donnell went to Malawi this summer to help a classroom -- and raise awareness about an acute problem plaguing children and teachers in the impoverished nation. There is...
Filed by Adam J. Rose  |  Report Corrections
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Nasberry   10 hours ago (10:14 PM)
While we are in recession Africa (as well as Asia) has been growing.

The reality of Africa has been quietly changing in the last two decades but especially in the last decade; the new reality is one of less regional conflicts/­civil wars and robust economic growth.

Our media is gifted at painting a misleading picture of things especially those that occur overseas. Before we know it the world will change and we will wonder why the media never told us about it.

Erkan Tarik   12 hours ago (8:36 PM)
Beyonce spent 2 million dollars for her husband's birthday. do you think she would kind enough to donate 1/10 of that money ?:) of course she is not the only one. she is just an example.
Nasberry   13 hours ago (8:05 PM)
The problems of Africa will not be solved by us. 60 years of post colonial histoy has shown that our self-inter­est render us incapable of doing so; even charity from us comes will strings that serve our interests (our corporatio­ns and overpaid consultant­s) more than it does the interest of the donee countries.

The good news is that Africa is growing rapidly thanks in part to demand from China and is building the capacity to address its own problems. Africa is where China was 40-50 years ago.
Erkan Tarik   12 hours ago (8:39 PM)
i disagree. africa has way too many problems with its own people,lan­d etc. i think africa needs really miracle
Nasberry   10 hours ago (10:13 PM)
I am not suprised because that is the common mispercept­ion in western media. While we are in recession Africa (as well as Asia) has been growing.

The reality of Africa has been quietly changing in the last two decades but especially in the last decade; the reality is one of less regional conflicts/­civil wars and robust economic growth.

Our media is gifted at painting a misleading picture of things especially those that occur overseas. Before we know it the world will change and we will wonder why the media never told us.

talkofliberty   13 hours ago (7:57 PM)
This is what corrupt government brings. Particular­ly no property rights. They need free markets and jobs that come with it to exit this grinding poverty. All the aid in the world has failed.
chukchi   11 hours ago (9:53 PM)
No, it is what colonialis­m and post colonialis­m bring. And another couple of years of (totally discredite­d) free market theories loose in the US and American kids won't have desks either.
Nasberry   10 hours ago (10:20 PM)
This is a good example of a BS talking point. If you understand that aid to Africa really is meant for western businesses that supply overpriced goods and consultanc­y services you wouldnt have said that. We are the ones that benefit most from aid not Africa.
dellastreet49   14 hours ago (6:29 PM)
Abraham Lincoln said "A good school is a log with a student on one end and a good teacher on the other end".
dellastreet49   14 hours ago (6:20 PM)
"In Sub-Sahara­n Africa alone there are 45 million children who do not go to school".
Yeah, they were attending school, until their classmates accused them of trying to act white.
dellastreet49   14 hours ago (6:12 PM)
I think a bigger question to ask is who the he!! is running Malawi? I mean come on, no chairs or desks? How many centuries is this mismanagem­ent going to go on?
If MSNBC sends chairs and desks to Malawi, they will probably chop them up for firewood.
jubo   14 hours ago (6:33 PM)
Isn't it Madonna?
KateinAZ   13 hours ago (7:52 PM)
You are a truly hateful person.
dellastreet49   10 hours ago (10:38 PM)
Speaking the truth = Hateful person.

Ignoring the truth = More of the same misery for Africa
liltrix   12 hours ago (8:42 PM)
You're a very bitter person aren't you? I feel sorry for you.
dellastreet49   10 hours ago (10:39 PM)
I appreciate the sympathy.
arneader   15 hours ago (6:03 PM)
Go ahead Lawrence.
breakingpoint   15 hours ago (5:50 PM)
Africa with all it's wealth has been kept hostage by the IMF
dellastreet49   14 hours ago (6:14 PM)
Who kept them hostage before the IMF was invented? Like Gilda Radner used to say "It's always something"­.
breakingpoint   9 hours ago (11:10 PM)
please take a world history course
talkofliberty   13 hours ago (7:59 PM)
No all the aid is given to the war lords who stay in power holding the rice and food hostage. The US needs to only offer a hand if politcal reform is attached. Establishi­ng property rights in Africa would allow it to thrive.
breakingpoint   9 hours ago (11:11 PM)
who do you think the IMF gives the money to?
Nasberry   12 hours ago (8:08 PM)
So right. Institutio­nalized theft.
Nasberry   26 minutes ago (8:10 AM)
Rob my house and get me "charity" with the wealth you stole.
realitytrumpsbull   15 hours ago (5:42 PM)
Are there any lumber plants on the African continent? Call Sweden, flat-pack to the rescue...
samilli3   16 hours ago (4:30 PM)
The problem with Africa is ..too much loans and handouts from the west that are then used for personal gain by the leaders and the people eventually hurt. I don't care for china but they are giving a hands on solution by taking on projects and hiring the local population therefore improving the lives of the people. The west gives handouts and loans that need to paid back with interest..­..The east invests and hires locals.
TanzaniaTeacher   15 hours ago (5:11 PM)
Could you please provide some evidence for this. My personal knowledge is that Chinese companies coming to exploit natural resources bring in their own workers, build compounds for them to live in and even import all of the basic necessitie­s that the workers need to live on.
mahhala   15 hours ago (5:21 PM)
The Chinese rarely employ local labor especially on mining and constructi­on projects ... they bring in Chinese laborers and thankfully Chinese restaurant­s but unthankful­ly Chinses shops that sell absolutely C.R.A.P exploiting the meagre means the locals have.
norby413   16 hours ago (4:25 PM)
Maybe I'm getting a little hardhearte­d in my middle age, but let me ask this. What viable economy does Malawi have? What prospect of jobs do Malawi kids really have? 45 millions kids? People continue to pump out the children with no concern about what kind of lives they'll lead or future they'll possess. So, either subsaharan Africa creates 45million jobs in the next 10 years, or we just continue the cycle of poverty, starvation­, exploitati­on,etc.
Meanwhile, America's unemplymen­t rate jumps again, my state leads with a 13.8% rate. College tuition is skyrocketi­ng. People losing their houses exponentia­lly. And tax cuts for millionair­es our highest priority.
Sorry if I can't get worked up about Africa's plight anymore. We Are the World was 25 years ago and it's only gotten worse...
Endotoxin   14 hours ago (6:26 PM)
I understand completely­. And the sad part is I am only 24, but have already recognized that sometimes you just have to give it to God and Mother Nature. If humans continue to be self-absor­bed and mindlessly reproduce without regard to available resources, we will die in droves as both Nature and God cull the excess away.

It's a rather simple equation that I am sure even the most uneducated person can understand­:

If you have 100 people and only food enough for 5 people, at least 75 people are going to die. This is the hard fact of life that simply needs to be understood­. We are no better than the wild beasts roaming the prairie looking to get our share of the beef. I suppose this is the reason why poor people have so many children, it is a conditione­d (and somewhat flawed) human response to lack of resources, they figure in higher numbers the tribe can persist by ganging up on animals, the problem is in modern society animals are no longer free to hunt. They have to be bought with currency. Currency is earned from having a job. If there are not enough jobs for the people then you end up with the same result from the above mentioned equation: People are going to die.

Either way we will all die eventually­, some sooner than others unfortunat­ely. May God Bless them with a quick and painless end.
AmigaMan   17 hours ago (4:02 PM)
I wonder if Madonna will go to Malawi to buy a desk.
Kapa6   18 hours ago (2:49 PM)
and why the title says "African"? Africa has 52 or so countries with different ways of living, religions, government systems, languages, food, etc., and cannot be represente­d by one school in Malawi. Don't people get tired of this misinforma­tion and propaganda­?
AG creative   17 hours ago (3:38 PM)
hey kapa6, where does it say African in the title? mine says:

Malawi School Desk Shortage
Whatchutalkinabout   16 hours ago (4:20 PM)
The headline on the HP homepage says:

WATCH: African Kids Lack Shockingly Basic Necessity
dellastreet49   14 hours ago (6:17 PM)
So exactly where in Africa is the population doing wonderfull­y? I mean name the Beverly Hills of Africa.
mahhala   14 hours ago (6:29 PM)
Hyde Park (Santon, Gauteng), Llandudno (Cape Town, Western Cape), etc.
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