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Sat December 18, 2010
Source     Fark Headline Comments
(WLSAM)   Ok, so how much will I really save after all this tax hoo-ha? Really? That much?  (wlsam.com) (19)
(WLSAM)   Witholding internet access is the new spanking  (wlsam.com) (14)
(Some Guy)   Bored with only half the world hating them, Israel picks a fight with extraterrestrials  (shalomlife.com) (21)
(Some Guy)   Man threatens girlfriend with gun, tries to put it away in the back of his pants and shoots himself in the buttocks. What an asshole  (spokesman.com) (24)
(Daily Mail)   Vicar wants to rip the 12th century wooden pews out of her church and replace them with plastic chairs. Parishioners don't like the sound of this one bit  (dailymail.co.uk) (63)
(FARK)   Photoshop Theme: When no one is looking  (fark.com) (20)
(Straits Times)   Singapore provides new data points supporting global warming: more and more people are stripping naked in public  (straitstimes.com) (26)
(WWSB ABC 7)   Man burns girlfriend with an iron on suspicion that she cheated on him....hope they can smooth things out  (mysuncoast.com) (46)
(Google)   Being the New Mexico Governor has its challenges; improving schools, promoting economic development, pardoning 'Billy the Kid'... wait, what?  (google.com) (27)

Fri December 17, 2010
(AFP)   "US Foie Gras Industry Ducking Controversy." Maybe they can help goose the economy when they (puts on sunglasses) de-liver it. YEEEEAAAAHHH  (news.yahoo.com) (111)
(Some Guy)   Oral medication to give men 'new hope' in the bedroom, which includes having an awkwardly romantic moment with your sister, watching your male buddy shoot first and seeing an old man bang his lightsaber with your father  (todayonline.com) (49)
(Daily Mail)   English chef says deep frying a turkey is scariest way to cook a bird. "It may come as no surprise that in the United States, the land of the morbidly obese, this is a relatively common practice"  (dailymail.co.uk) (243)
(Boston Globe)   Photoshop this scene from the amazon jungle  (inapcache.boston.com) (34)
(The Smoking Gun)   MILFs, mushroom cuts, mohawks, magenta hair and much, much more meander through this week's Mugshot Roundup  (thesmokinggun.com) (210)
(Some Guy)   Grandma, what a big bag of money you have. "Shut up and step on it"  (mankatofreepress.com) (30)
(My San Antonio)   You went full Fenway, man. Never go full Fenway  (mysanantonio.com) (52)
(Huffington Post)   Larry Flynt: Why I Am Donating $50,000 to WikiLeaks' Defense Fund  (huffingtonpost.com) (226)
(El Paso Times)   Mexican drone crashes in Texas neighborhood. Authorities suspect it was shot down by American drones concerned it would take their jobs  (elpasotimes.com) (76)
(Some Guy)   Possibly the best line in the best police report ever written: "Santhuff admitted he'd jumped into the exhibit, stolen the meerkat and stuck it in the stroller"  (blogs.pitch.com) (36)
(Washington Post)   Department of Defense says alleged treasonist Bradley Manning not being tortured. He still can't have his binkie, tho  (washingtonpost.com) (137)
(Nerve)   Will men stare at nice breasts? Yes. Will men stare at nice breasts long enough for someone to take a sample of their DNA and charge them $4300 without their knowledge? ...Yes  (nerve.com) (210)
(The Consumerist)   Walmart manager opens business with $250K of stolen items, ends up getting rolled back to jail  (consumerist.com) (59)
(PhysOrg.com)   What's better than the winter solstice on 12/21? When the winter solstice includes a lunar eclipse that will be visible across North America  (physorg.com) (139)
(SacBee)   In a fire emergency, the chain of command is as follows: Fire chief, fire captain, UPS driver, firefighter  (sacbee.com) (45)
(Some Guy)   World's largest camel beauty contest begins in Abu Dhabi  (emirates247.com) (44)
(Stuff)   "Fares lower than your grandma's boobs" billboard managed to offend some people  (stuff.co.nz) (51)
(Fox Sports)   Michael Vick bought a $90,000 Porsche for his girlfriend, Kijafa Frink. Her uncle is reportedly an eccentric inventor, prone to shouting GLAVEN FLAVEN NICE DOGGY HOO BOY and his work on bigulators and controversial de-bigulators  (msn.foxsports.com) (131)
(The Smoking Gun)   "Honest, Officer, those drugs hidden in my crotch are not mine". With 'you want to believe her' mugshot goodness  (thesmokinggun.com) (99)
(FARK)   Take the Fark Weird News Quiz, the hardest working news quiz on the planet  (fark.com) (51)
(Boston Herald)   Apparently, getting sex from accused prostitutes is not one of the perks of being a courtroom clerk. Who knew?  (bostonherald.com) (29)
(Yahoo)   Extra, extra. Wikileaks reveals that US fears escape of weaponized monkey brain zombie viruses from India  (news.yahoo.com) (53)
(NYPost)   "If the Mets' logo were to appear on your favorite brand of bread, how would it affect your purchase?"  (nypost.com) (54)
(Yahoo)   Thanks to the ruinous policies of our free-enterprise hating socialist president, the Dow is on pace to reach a record high in 2011, about six years earlier than most analysts predicted  (news.yahoo.com) (129)
(Bloomberg)   The Governor of Missouri would rather balance the budget by cutting state jobs, higher education and certain public school programs than close a single prison  (bloomberg.com) (56)
(Chicago Tribune)   Problem: Teamsters taking more than their fair share. Solution: STFU, don't you remember what happened to Jimmy Hoffa  (chicagotribune.com) (25)
(Chicago Sun-Times)   Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius, chases roadrunner straight onto frozen Lake Michigan  (suntimes.com) (43)
(The Smoking Gun)   This week's Friday Photo Fun contest is another match the criminal to the crime and has the requisite hooker but not the requisite ugly hooker. This one might be a toughie  (thesmokinggun.com) (22)
(Yahoo)   One of the reasons China and Venezuela have been best buds recently? Chavez is selling oil to China at $5/Barrel  (news.yahoo.com) (45)
(CNN)   Finally, someone's thinking about the children. Orphan gorilla children, I mean  (cnn.com) (15)
(Gawker)   Assange got leaked  (gawker.com) (399)
(I Heart Chaos)   Even from the grave, this photo of Teddy Roosevelt could eat a pack of angry mountain lions for breakfast right before kicking your lily ass  (iheartchaos.com) (220)
(TMZ)   Playboy Playmate Donna D'Errico in hospital after getting a serious infection from a staff... *whispers*...hospitalized with a serious staph infection  (tmz.com) (59)
(Some Guy)   British oral histories recording from the late 19th/early 20th century assures us that the Brits have always been insufferably boring  (sounds.bl.uk) (22)
(WFTV)   Think your parents are control freaks? How about this mom who reported to police that daughter was suicidal, planned to kill her two kids?  (wftv.com) (30)
(YouTube)   You had an adorable, quirky wedding proposal all ready to go. This guy ruined it (video)  (youtube.com) (125)
(Denver Channel)   Man seriously injured jumping away from fire. In his defense, it seemed like a better idea than jumping INTO the fire  (thedenverchannel.com) (20)
(Canoe)   Study advocates free booze for the homeless. What could possibly go wrong?  (cnews.canoe.ca) (51)
(Some Guy)   The UN wants to control the internet for your safety  (itnews.com.au) (63)
(Huffington Post)   Just in time for the holidays, a plea for forgiveness and understanding from the person responsible for Sandra Lee's infamous Kwanzaa Cake  (huffingtonpost.com) (112)
(Some Guy)   Another day, another report on TSA scanners turning us all into mutants  (macedoniaonline.eu) (33)
(WTOP)   Surf's up, dudes: The CIA is spending $5 million on waterboarders. Oh, wait  (wtop.com) (29)
(FARK)   Fark Shop now active. Sadly, 5" Daleks and Cthulhu Hand Puppets are already sold out  (fark.com) (95)
(AOL News)   TSA says you can't have Baywatch ghost porn because it's impossible to capture body scan images (with picture of body scan that can't be captured)  (aolnews.com) (218)
(Chicago Sun-Times)   Hey, you aren't the regular jail doctor. I didn't ask for a prostate exa...HELLO  (suntimes.com) (26)
(USA Today)   The Silly Bandz fad is dead, so you can get back to timeless pursuits like Beanie Baby collecting, Texas Hold 'Em, and hula hoops  (usatoday.com) (67)
(WTOP)   Good news, Washington. Security pat-downs are coming to a Metro station near you  (wtop.com) (78)
(NYPost)   Savant, who is one of six Americans to have "superior autobiographical memory," a condition that allows her to recite details from every day of her life, unfortunately remembers everything. Fortunately Subby has the opposite condition  (nypost.com) (61)
(Mother Nature Network)   More and more elderly people are faking illnesses in order to go to a hospital just so they don't have to spend Christmas alone. If this doesn't make you want to call your Nana you have no soul  (mnn.com) (71)
(News on 6)   In search for help to deal with giant mound of black ash sitting next to their tiny town, residents turn to Congress, hope they can find some ash hole willing to take it off their hands  (newson6.com) (18)
(Huffington Post)   Senator Al Franken on why he voted to extend tax cuts for millionaires  (huffingtonpost.com) (155)
(Orlando Sentinel)   Florida city installs gold bar and coin vending machine in high crime area. This should end well  (orlandosentinel.com) (45)
(Denver Post)   Easter candy on store shelves for Christmas has one woman asking WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN  (denverpost.com) (43)
(UPI)   Caffeine is robbing children of sleep, preparing them for the workplace  (upi.com) (19)
(AJC)   With the school district running a $50 mil deficit, the new interim superintendent asks the school board for a 44%, $73K raise. Let's see who fails the math  (ajc.com) (81)
(FARK)   Theme: Something old is new again  (fark.com) (29)
(USA Today)   A bunch of Wall Street insiders would like you to know that it's time for individual investors to start throwing money at Wall Street again  (usatoday.com) (41)
(Some Guy)   Fark-ready headline: "Shoplifter who soiled clothes fails to wipe record clean"  (thehawkeye.com) (7)
(Washington Post)   Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison moves to stop all funding that the FCC might use to adopt Net Neutrality   (voices.washingtonpost.com) (115)
(Albany Times Union)   New York man arrested with 193 cartons of untaxed cigarettes. In other news, tax on 193 cartons of smokes in New York is nearly $10,000  (cbs6albany.com) (58)
(Chicago Tribune)   Researchers claim the closer you live to a highway or Jenny McCarthy, the greater your snowflake's chances of contracting autism  (chicagotribune.com) (36)
(AOL News)   Really, it isn't Christmas until grandma sings a Christmas carol, like Jay-Z's "99 problems"  (aolnews.com) (11)
(Telegraph)   Never bring a knife to a snowball fight. No, wait, that actually would work  (telegraph.co.uk) (11)
(The Local (Sweden))   "Not satisfied with traditional approaches to disrobing, the couple decided that it might be more fun to remove one another's underwear using a knife." This being Fark, you can guess how things turned out  (thelocal.se) (34)
(Canoe)   North Korea something something attack something something South Korean drill something something nuclear  (cnews.canoe.ca) (44)
(Washington Post) NewsFlash You get a tax cut. You get a tax cut. EVERYBODY GETS A TAX CUT  (washingtonpost.com) (676)
(Sun Sentinel)   Florida artist forced to remove her tasteful nude sculptures from community center due to complaints such as "I can't fap to this"  (sun-sentinel.com) (134)
(Minneapolis Star Tribune)   Artwork made of dollar bills forming the word "Honesty" left unattended. Perhaps that wasn't the best policy  (startribune.com) (45)
(laist)   Man stabs moviegoer with a meat thermometer. Jury: You're done  (laist.com) (50)
(CNN)   Well, bi  (cnn.com) (422)
(Some Guy)   Photoshop these Segway commandos   (cheezpictureisunrelated.files.wordpress.com) (29)
(Quad City Times)   18-year old woman arrested for having sex with a 12-year old boy. Yeah, you probably would hit it  (qctimes.com) (184)
(Some Guy)   "I really felt that American Rednecks are an under-served, but large population that could benefit from a formal membership organization structure," said American Redneck Society Executive Director Rob Clayton  (washingtonexaminer.com) (135)
(News.com.au)   "Magnetic bra, undies designed to stay on." Well, until subby works his magic on the ladies, anyway  (news.com.au) (123)
(Some Guy)   Man who was fired from Harrods last week, drinks 2 bottles of whiskey and breaks into Harrods maintenance control room that controls the exterior light display. Hilarity ensues. (Not safe for work Language)  (businessrevieweurope.eu) (74)

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