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Marijuana use overtakes smoking in teens
December 15th, 2010
09:01 AM ET

Marijuana use among high school-aged kids is on the rise, according to a new study, and has overtaken cigarette smoking among 12th-graders specifically.

The Monitoring the Future Survey - compiled from 46,000  anonymous questionnaires given to teens – found that 8% of  eighth-graders say they've smoked marijuana within the past 30 days, up from 6.5% just last year. More than 16.7% of 10th-graders and 21.4% of 12th graders say they've smoked pot within the last month as well.

Only 19.2% of 12th-graders are smoking cigarettes in any given month.

"We've seen marijuana use rising among teens for the last several years, but the rates rose significantly in 2010," said Lloyd Johnston, a distinguished research professor at the University of Michigan, and the lead study researcher.

Johnston and his team also found that more than 6% of high school seniors say they're smoking pot on a daily basis.

While they do not have concrete reasons as to why marijuana use has increased, Johnston says he believes it may be related to increased public discussion about the drug's safety.

"There's a good chance that the widespread discussion of the medical marijuana issue, and more recent discussions about fully legalizing the drug may be conveying the notion that it's not as dangerous," he said.

In addition to their findings on marijuana, the researchers found ecstasy use was on the rise – up a half percent in both 10th and 12th-graders since the 2009 survey.

"Ecstasy fell in popularity in the early 2000's, and remained at quite low levels," Johnston said. "It's still not at high levels, but it's clear this drug is making a comeback."

Over the 36-year history of the survey, Johnston says that as the perceived risks of taking a drug like ecstasy decrease, its use tends to increase; and the trends seem to be cyclical.

"These current high school kids were so young when the last ecstasy epidemic occurred, so they forget risks," Johnston said. "I believe there is a 'generational forgetting' of the risks of these drugs."

Use of other illicit drugs such as crystal meth and cocaine and binge drinking rates continue to decline.

soundoff (426 Responses)
  1. Zach

    This is useless information

    December 15, 2010 at 10:28 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Useless

      The article or your post?

      December 15, 2010 at 11:01 | Report abuse |
    • Joe

      Finally America is waking up! This is excellent news. Kids still get a buzz, don't drink as much alcohol and won't wake up with a hangover, and won't die from the 4000 plus chemicals in highly addictive cigarettes.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:16 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      War on Drugs continues to work! Billions lost every year....check out drugsense.org/cms/wodclock

      December 15, 2010 at 11:33 | Report abuse |
    • Michael

      Has anybody thought that the reason for more kids smoking weed is because it's cheaper than smoking?

      December 15, 2010 at 11:42 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      Cheaper? I'm not so sure about that. Perhaps it works a lot better.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:58 | Report abuse |
    • adasd

      gotta love the hoody; it's necessary for a proper drug-user stereotype

      December 15, 2010 at 12:15 | Report abuse |
    • reefermadness

      because the recent talks about medical marijuana has changed the youth's perception about marijuana being "dangerous". Haha, duh we know its not dangerous, damn, ive been high for 6 straight years. still in college, still getting good grades. marijuana use will continue to rise as we get these older perspectives dieing off. contrary to past-popular belief, marijuana does not make you jump off buildings or hallucinate, it actually just makes you dislike oppression in most forms cause it allows you to see things from a more open, accepting perspective. unless your a skin head that toasts, and i just dont get that

      December 15, 2010 at 12:49 | Report abuse |
    • Zeek

      Hilarious. Why would it be that pot is more popular? Perhaps because its illegal. I have no interest myself however logic would point to the fact that if pot was legal it wouldnt be as easy to get, just like cigarettes and alcohol. Strange that the govt spends endless money on this problem that has only increased in use and popularity since becoming illegal and part of the "Drug war". Obviously injesting anything like cigarettes,pot or alcohol is bad for you. But jeez lets no be dumb here.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:30 | Report abuse |
    • Josh

      CNN you act like this is a bad thing? Marijuana much safer than ciggs.


      December 15, 2010 at 14:56 | Report abuse |
    • Robert

      The numbers of teens that admit smoking pot has increased, this does not mean that more or less teens are smoking pot. What it means is that teens have become more comfortable with admitting it in a random study. Worthless information unless published along side factual evidence which includes data based on proven teen drug use.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:30 | Report abuse |
    • JEM

      The reason Pot is illegal is because our current generation of senior citizens along with the generation before them carried a hatred of the reckless, the hedonistic and the young. There were warnings back in the 1960's that laws against drugs would turn this country into a shameful police state and now the US incarcerates more of its citizens for more reasons than any other country. The "Land of the Free" has been transformed into the worlds "Prison Nation".

      We now live in a worthless tyranny because the current generation of OLD PEOPLE always hated liberty and sent their lives destroying it.
      Thanks a lot OLD PEOPLE

      December 15, 2010 at 15:39 | Report abuse |
    • MOD

      Portugal is the best example we have in the world today. they have FULLY decriminalized drugs for a while now and the evidence is clear particularly with high school kids where pot smoking is down since the change in law.
      we call it the forbidden fruit syndrome.
      knowledge is power. News should not be opinionated rather based in hard research, tough questions and most importantly pure fact.

      December 15, 2010 at 19:43 | Report abuse |
  2. Chris

    I would call this a victory

    December 15, 2010 at 10:29 | Report abuse | Reply
    • BC

      100% agreed

      December 15, 2010 at 10:33 | Report abuse |
    • Former 12th Grade Habitual Marijuana Smoker

      I smoked pot everyday from 10th-12th grade. Still got all A's and B's, graduated, was accepted into every college I applied to and was awarded scholarships for most of them. With the responsibilities of college and keeping my scholarship, and with getting an internship and starting to work in the adult world, my pot usage steadily declined. Now, at 24, I very very rarely smoke and have no health problems (nor did I ever). Most of my friends who smoked marijuana habitually will tell you the same thing. With the exception on 1, all only do it rarely now, if at all.

      Out of my friends who smoked cigarettes throughout high school, about 80% still smoke. 100% wish they could quit.

      It is a very good thing that high schoolers are smoking more pot than cigarettes. As they get older, they will do it less and less (some will continue to smoke, however). The cigarette smokers, however, will have a much harder time quitting their addiction, a great deal will never kick the habit.

      Lastly, cigarettes (until we turned 18) and alcohol were much harder to acquire in high school than: pot, meth, cocaine, x, and heroin. Legalize pot!!!

      December 15, 2010 at 11:31 | Report abuse |
    • PIc

      Wow, just reading some of the posts and it sounds like Marijuana is a very healthy choice and can actually be good for you. REALLY?

      December 15, 2010 at 11:46 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      Healthy? That's debatable.
      Better than cigarettes? Yep!
      Addicting? No.

      There are a ton of people who actually need this because it does help with stress when nothing else can. It's definitely not addicting, especially compared with cigarettes.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:55 | Report abuse |
    • LJS

      I agree with most of these guys. I am not a pot smoker, but have been a cigarette smoker for years. Out of my friends who smoked pot in HS/University, maybe 10% still smoke pot once in a while. Out of all the cigarette smokers I've known, most still smoke 1/2 to a full pack a day. In terms of health, I think cigarettes are much worse. Just an opinion...take it or leave it.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:06 | Report abuse |
    • Squeeker

      I have to agree with the other posts. I smoked all through high school and college and then went on the steady decline as I got older. I'm 46 now and still take a toke now and then, but it's use subsided on it's own. Cigarettes, now that's another story. I smoked all through high school and my first year in college, but when I TRIED to quit it was an awful battle, but I finally did and, unlike MANY others, I never went back to it and HATE cigarettes now! Don't be the tobacco industry's bit*h!!! You only look stupid smoking cigs anyway AND you stink! I wish I'd gotten that earlier than I did.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:26 | Report abuse |
    • Mike

      I agree completely!!!

      December 15, 2010 at 13:22 | Report abuse |
  3. jake

    it's because POT is safe!!! 4loko has killed students and other drugs are just wrong!

    The government needs to stop be hypocrites and either BAN alcohol AND pot or legalize pot and control it just the way booze is controlled.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:30 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Leo

      i agree thats proble the most smartest thing ive ever heard all year

      December 15, 2010 at 11:05 | Report abuse |
    • hamdemon

      4 Loko has not killed anyone. Alcohol has killed many people, but it's ok for you to climb down off of someone else's bandwagon on the 4 Loko bashing. Try thinking for yourself in the future instead of repeating what you THINK you heard on TV.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:10 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      They should do an article on alcohol vs. marijuana.

      I wonder which substance would win?

      December 15, 2010 at 11:23 | Report abuse |
  4. Justina

    These kids responsible for all the tragedies in Mexico?

    December 15, 2010 at 10:31 | Report abuse | Reply
    • jackie

      ya feds need to step up sooner then later and we should be able to choose what happens we should be able o vote on it

      December 15, 2010 at 10:41 | Report abuse |
    • Damian

      No, our federal government, who are fighting a bogus "war on drugs" is responsible.

      December 15, 2010 at 10:45 | Report abuse |
    • There are no gods.

      Matt, you are so ignorant it is almost staggering.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:54 | Report abuse |
    • lance corporal

      not in anyway, the corporate "war" on drugs is

      December 15, 2010 at 12:04 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      No more than people who wear diamonds being responsible for war in Africa.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:06 | Report abuse |
    • Legalize It

      Matt...Some great weed is grown in Mexico...but I like the weed that comes from California USA....that is grown for medical marijuana and is high grade drug cannabis....most of it is what locals could call chronic. Keep your Canadian weed.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:51 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      Amsterdamn doesnt even compare to California anymore. We used to go to Amsterdamn every 2 years. Pointless now that the best stuff is grown in the good old USA.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:00 | Report abuse |
  5. Sabu

    It is really time for the Feds to step in and end the nonesense that is going in California, Colorado, and the other medical marijuana states.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:32 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Caste

      Just you.

      December 15, 2010 at 10:41 | Report abuse |
    • truth2power

      Yes, it's time to make marijuana legal and widely available!

      December 15, 2010 at 10:43 | Report abuse |
    • BioHzrd

      Yes, let's end this nonensense and make it legal.

      December 15, 2010 at 10:49 | Report abuse |
    • hamdemon

      Sabu is the kind of guy who screams about government spending too much money UNLESS it's for his favorite pet cause. Grow up, Sabu. You're an adult now. Start acting like it.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:12 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Yes, lets end the nonsense and make it legal and we will continue to increase the percentage of students graduated after 12 years of school that can read at a 4th grade level and cannot add 2+2 without a calculator. Remember the old commercials about the young adult in his mid 20s sitting in a bedroom smoking a joint saying that "I've been smoking pot for over 10 years and nothing has happened to me." Then you hear his mommy holler "what are you doing in there?" He opens the window and starts trying to push the smoke out the window at the same time answering "nothing ma." The point being that pot can make nothing happen to you too. That commercial was very accurate. Those of you that think you are successful and have been smoking every day for years, think of how successful you would have been if you did not kill your brain cells. And no, I don't think alcahol should be legal either. However, I do agree that if one is legal then the other should be made legal, it would fix a lot of the tax/deficit problems. But be prepared to remain lowest in the world in terms of the education and intelligence of our countries citizens.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:39 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      If you keep doing the same thing you will get the same result. Drug use has been on the rise way before those states decriminalized it. Amsterdam has seen a significant drop in crime since they have opened their coffee shops. And drug use among teens has stayed the same over the past few years.

      People will always abuse drugs whether they are legal or not. What you fail to realize is the amount of kids that use drugs because it is illegal. Amsterdam's results show this and our battle with the war on drugs since Nixon was in office has gotten worse and worse. You have to be mentally retarded to not see the facts...

      December 15, 2010 at 11:41 | Report abuse |
    • Randy Fromm

      Perhaps if you lived with someone with chronic pain who now is relieved by Marijuana you would be singing a different tune. It is far from "nonsense." The only nonsense is that it is illegal.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:45 | Report abuse |
    • Ted

      No, the Feds just need to legalize it already. I'm an adult and should be able to choose whether or not I want to purchase and smoke weed (just like people who choose to drink booze). The hypocrisy, misinformation and propaganda against MJ needs to stop already. If you choose to inhale, fine. If not, that's fine too. Just don't tell me what I can and can’t do. "Keep your government hands off my Medicaid" – as stated by some un-intelligent American during the Health Care debate. I thought that was a good one too. ;-)

      December 15, 2010 at 11:59 | Report abuse |
    • lance corporal

      says the uninformed fool

      December 15, 2010 at 12:05 | Report abuse |
    • Jared

      @Reality Chews....Pot does not kill your brain cells. It's been proven medically -_-

      December 15, 2010 at 12:52 | Report abuse |
    • Tommas

      @Reality Chews, do you have any idea how many people are far more successful then you who smoke cannabis. It does not kill brain cells and may even be a neuroprotectant. That stereotype in that stupid commercial could have easily been a writer or a scientist toking up and coming up with ideas that they would have never if they were not high. Can you say Carl Sagan.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:55 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Jared, you and Tomas need to google the research done in amsterdam and israel. I did agree that it needs to be legalized, and neither one of you can prove wrong the statistics of the number of high school graduates that can't read above a 4th grade level or do simple math without a calculator, rising in correlation with the increased pot usage by that age group. Tomas you are right, I don't know how many out there more successful than I, that smoke pot. But then again you don't know how successful I am. Neither one of you gave more than an opinion response, just your opinion, many of the potheads on this blog, including the self described successful people, gave intelligent research based responses, only judgement and opinions, along with name calling, which says something about their maturity level.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:41 | Report abuse |
    • JOhn

      well that's idiotic. really?

      December 15, 2010 at 15:30 | Report abuse |
    • ....whatever

      @Reality Chews.....do you have children? The sad part isn't kids smoking pot. What is hampering our children's math and reading skills is actually the education system. I have 2 step children in high school and they are encouraged to use calculators in math classes. They are encouraged to research the Internet about projects rather than researching through reading. They also have new lessons to teach adding math by estimating, same with multiplication tables.....and these new lessons have been effective for quite a few years! (No child left behind...thanks George W Bush)...Teachers are instructed to not teach math and reading like it was 10 even 15 years ago. And technology has crept into the classroom so children are not using their full potential. Before you go accusing some research about a drug/medication that can help (unlike MANY FDA approved prescribed medications which cause liver and kidney failure) do some research on how our children are educated first!

      December 15, 2010 at 15:34 | Report abuse |
    • Sara

      @Reality Chews – The fact that these things are happening in tandem doesn't prove a correlation. What have you found that actually proves a direct correlation between marijuana use and academic achievement? By the way, I'm highly literate, have a degree, a happy family, a good job, good health, a nice house, a well manicured lawn, AND a bong.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:40 | Report abuse |
    • JEM

      Governments serve THEIR interests; not yours or mine.
      Stop talking like the STATE has your interests at heart.

      Legalizing pot would certainly serve OUR interests and the interests of the American people, but what is important is the interests of the state. Stop thinking like the wants and needs of us serfs matter to government.

      The STATE is not your friend.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:44 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      .....whatever, I agree with you completely. I believe the "no child left behind" law was the stupidest thing done as far as for the future of America. But I won't get on my soap box about that. All I was saying is the increase in the percentage of graduates being unable to read above the 4th grade level, has almost exactly coincided with the increase in pot usage in teenagers. If I read correctly, the coincidence was not exact, but very close. I do remember the higher number was in graduates being unable to read above a 4th grade level.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:55 | Report abuse |
    • Reasonable

      @Reality Chews,

      Funny how you forgot to mention that HS marijuana use was MUCH higher in the 60-70s (upwards of 50%) yet they managed to graduate (and ironically, are the ones who fail to see this logic).

      That so many kids graduate on a low reading level is ENTIRELY the byproduct of pushing kids through the system. They are falling behind as early as 2nd-3rd grade... are you going to tell me it's because elementary school kids smoke pot?

      Funny thing is that of all the people I know in life who do nothing, about half of them have never smoked before in their life. I know it doesn't mean much to you since you've already formed an opinion on the subject, but just some food for thought.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:57 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Sara, how often do you use the bong? If you really are that literate, then locate and read the stats of the people answering the poll, then at what level there reading and math skills were when they graduated. I belive that will show the correlation. Though .....whatever's posting was accurate for the major cause. The younger teachers (some of my kids teachers are in their early to mid 20s) some of whom smoke pot regularly (some have been fired in my sons school system when caught) does not help their teaching skills any.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:01 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Reasonable, didn't you read my post where I said I agree with ....whatever? I agree with you as well except for the part of your using the capitalized "ENTIRELY," that is kind of like using the words "always" and "never." which shows a closed mind. I am an analyst for a living and am accustomed to considering all possibilities, factors, and variables, plus research, before coming to a conlusion. It drives my wife nuts, because when I tell her something, I tend to be correct and she can't argue.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:09 | Report abuse |
  6. Sonic

    Weed and ciggies are nearly the same price anymore...must as well get high if you smoke something. :)

    December 15, 2010 at 10:36 | Report abuse | Reply
    • julsie

      Ha, wow. I hope that didn't persuade anyone.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:06 | Report abuse |
    • Matt

      Why would you hope it didn't persuade anyone? What's the point of smoking something if there's no high? Cig smokers get a "buzz" when the first start smoking, after there addicted there's no point in smoking except feeding an addiction.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:40 | Report abuse |
    • Haakonas

      It is now 2010 and we have had many years to study this plant. I know testing on this plant has gone further than I have been alive. As we read, we see benefits to the millions of children with ADHD and the studies from not only doctors but loving mothers on how their children have become stable after a Pot Brownie or Cookie. How some Cancer patients are no longer Patients of cancer. ADHD was not as prevelant as it is today and since this is a new more significant problem we are currently facing we need new ways to help the children grow up well and healthy. There are many of you who will not believe but in light of the situation we are facing there is a difference POT will not kill you Cigarettes WILL. Pills from pfeizer and other pharma's usually have a miilion and 1 side affects possibly have issues for the rest of your life. POT gets you high and helps with whatever ails you. in life. Yes even asthma for those who say that weed is as bad as smoking.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:41 | Report abuse |
  7. bbb

    Safer than cigarettes. But Justina may be partially correct because youngsters will smoke Mexican crap weed as they don't know any better. Go local. Lazy stoner kids are better than drunk driving kids.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:38 | Report abuse | Reply
  8. laura

    Exactly – there is a reason why binge drinking is on the decline – because its harder to get alcohol than marijuana. Legalize and regulate it! It's a no-brainer!

    December 15, 2010 at 10:38 | Report abuse | Reply
    • king

      This! I dont see this mentioned enough. Because it is illegal can make it easier to get for minors. Dealers dont card....

      December 15, 2010 at 10:46 | Report abuse |
    • Ashi

      It is not as simple as what you said. Bottles of beer are much harder to hide in your pockets. That is probably the bigger issue. A dealer selling alcohol could not just stand around on a corner with it in their pockets, and kids could not just hide it in their pockets.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:15 | Report abuse |
    • 100yearswar

      that's why kids get some crazy of-age person to buy them the cheapest fifth of vodka available ($5) and put it in a water bottle, then slam the whole thing in their parents' basement. So alcohol isn't easy to conceal?

      December 15, 2010 at 11:37 | Report abuse |
  9. Mike

    Not surprised at all. Cigs are gross anyway.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:40 | Report abuse | Reply
  10. razzlea

    I think this is a never ending battle. http://razzlea.blogspot.com/

    December 15, 2010 at 10:40 | Report abuse | Reply
  11. Eric T


    December 15, 2010 at 10:40 | Report abuse | Reply
  12. fivetwenty

    wow they need a study for that? i could have given them this insight and i'm 45 with no kids but lots of nieces and nephews and i'm glad they are smoking pot instead of cigarettes actually. "Use of other illicit drugs such as crystal meth and cocaine and binge drinking rates continue to decline." if we de-criminalize pot, the use of those other dangerous, dirty, illicit drugs will continue to decline. imo

    December 15, 2010 at 10:41 | Report abuse | Reply
  13. jackie

    feds step up and let us vote on it

    December 15, 2010 at 10:42 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Andy

      California did vote on it you ignorant moron. It lost 60/40. Maybe if you weren't high all the time you would be able to read these things...

      December 15, 2010 at 11:28 | Report abuse |
    • ja75477

      @andy if you had not been an arrogant idiot you would have read that one of the main reasons it was turned down is because the growers in N cal didnt want it legal because they wouldnt make as much money. They had huge campaigns against its legalization. The majority of america wants it legal because its not dangerous if used responsibly. ive smoked for many years and know lots of people that did and still do

      December 15, 2010 at 11:45 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      It's the people who think they know what they're talking about who are misinformed on marijuana and voted against it.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:09 | Report abuse |
    • Denizen Kate

      Andy, what's with the name calling? What are you, 12?

      Jackie is right, we need to legalize it on the federal level, tax and regulate it just like alcohol (a far more dangerous drug). Let's start by not calling it marijuana, a label given to it many decades ago in a racist effort to make the white majority fear it. We should make an effort to call it cannabis, a more proper name without racist overtones. The California initiative failed for many reasons, most of them propaganda-related. You obviously don't live here in CA or you would have known that. That is, if you actually have a couple of brain cells to rub together . . .

      December 15, 2010 at 12:55 | Report abuse |
    • Matt

      It failed because it's such a huge cash crop, medical marijuana dispensaries and pot dealers who actually are pro legalization all voted against it because they would lose their job. It's an odd situation because anyone who currently sells it while they are morally for legalization they are financially against it.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:25 | Report abuse |
    • Andy

      Look guys, i too think it should be legal. If people want to get high, fine let them. But you need to realize that most people who are pro legalization are probably under 30. That leave a huge group of people who grew up with it being this bad voodo and they will not change their minds about it. If this whole country voted on it, it would fail again just like it did in California. California is probably the most pro legalization state in the union, and if it wont pass there it certainly will not pass overall in the whole country.

      And yes, I am being very harsh, but how hard is it to google these things before you post?

      December 15, 2010 at 13:59 | Report abuse |
    • Tommas

      @Andy, if you are going to round at least know how to do it. I believe it actually was 46% in favor... that would make it 50/50. and as others said many of the against are for legalizing just not by that specific proposition.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:00 | Report abuse |
    • motamorfosis

      great reply Tomas on the rounding! it did only lose 54to 46 or so quite close considering all the growers and Med MJ patients voting against the Proposition.
      another thing Andy....COLORADO is the most pro pot state in the Nation! it will legalize 2012 just as Breckenridge colorado did in 2008.

      December 16, 2010 at 21:03 | Report abuse |
  14. whoopee!

    Legalize it. It is completely absurd for marijuana to be illegal. Booze kills 100 times more people than marijuana ever would! The kids are getting smarter! Stick to the pot.....cigarettes kill .

    December 15, 2010 at 10:42 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Breathe Air Not Smoke

      The human body is not designed to inhale smoke. Marijuana use and tobacco use both put the lungs at risk for numerous health issues. Breathe air, not smoke. Otherwise you will be smoking pot to ease the pain while you go through the late stages of cancer.

      December 15, 2010 at 10:56 | Report abuse |
    • DK

      Guess you'd have to ban cars, factories, campfires, etc. They produce smoke which you breath every day.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:05 | Report abuse |
    • rh

      Anyone who thinks that marijuana smoke and tobacco smoke are significantly different in terms of lung disease potential are kidding themselves.

      Alcohol may be a worse public health risk than marijuana, but that's partially because it is legal.

      Tobacco is equivalent to marijuana in health risk, except that you don't want potheads driving around or performing surgeries (hey man, that's a cool red color!).

      December 15, 2010 at 11:07 | Report abuse |
    • You Dont Know Everything

      @Breathe Air Not Smoke...ever heard of edibles or a vaporizer? you dont inhale smoke and you can still get extremely high, with no adverse health effects. Educate yourselves.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:15 | Report abuse |
    • Chris

      @Breathe Air not Smoke:

      The human body also isn't designed to drink alchohol, caffeine, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, excess fat, etc etc etc...

      That's an utterly useless argument and really beside the point. It's about choice, in my opinion. Also, I imagine kids are under a lot more stress these days than when I was in high school 14 years ago. I don't blame them one bit for seeking some release, at least it's safer by far than binge drinking.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:20 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      I doubt kids are any smarter. I would guess the rise in pot use will correspond with the growing percentage of students graduating from high school being able to read only to the 4th grade level and cannot add 2+2 without a calculator.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:45 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      Amazing, i did not know only stupid uneducated individuals smoke pot. Astonishing what you learn from self educated tards on the net.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:11 | Report abuse |
    • Matt

      While I agree that pot smoke is just as bad as cigarette smoke I have to educate you a little because clearly you've never touched the stuff. Most pot smokers will take a few hits of weed and be high for hours while a cigarette smoker will smoke an entire cigarette and then possibly light up another one only minutes after they're done. An extreme pot smoker may take 50 hits in a day while an average cigarette smoker will take well over 100. Personally I take between 2 and 10 hits depending on the day, that's the equivalent of maybe a cigarette or 2. I don't know any regular cigarette smoker who only smokes 1 cigarette a day

      December 15, 2010 at 13:35 | Report abuse |
    • Clay

      @RH: you said:"Anyone who thinks that marijuana smoke and tobacco smoke are significantly different in terms of lung disease potential are kidding themselves."

      Yes they are different. first you dont have chain smoking pot heads. two hits off a bowl is enough for most people depending on the weed. Cig smokers can smoke 20+ cigs a day, at 10+ hits a cig thats conservatively 200 hits a day as opposed to less than 10. pot smoke has also been linked to decreasing lung cancer tumor growth by more than 50%. there are many empirical studies on this subject. google: pot cures cancer.

      "Alcohol may be a worse public health risk than marijuana, but that's partially because it is legal."

      No its because alcohol is supremely addictive. Marijuana has zero physical addiction. Alcohol on the other hand...

      "Tobacco is equivalent to marijuana in health risk, except that you don't want potheads driving around or performing surgeries (hey man, that's a cool red color!)."

      Just as you don't want people under the influence of alcohol doing those things either. Im not sure what your point is. Tobacco has been proven to be much more of a health risk than Pot. the only reason its still legal is because the government is making too much money from big tobacco, big alcohol and big pharma to make them illegal.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:19 | Report abuse |
  15. NotForMe

    Make it legal. Tax it. Boom, less debt, everyone wins.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:43 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      "Everyone Wins", except the parents that still have their 35-40 year old stoned kid living in their basement.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:49 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      It'd probably be better than a kid causing problems on the street? You choose.

      Also, there are plenty and plenty of adults who do this. Not just kids.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:10 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      That would be the parents fault. Also, people do that now and its illegal. I fail to see the point you are trying to make...

      December 15, 2010 at 13:13 | Report abuse |
    • Clay

      Reality: I smoke every day, am in my mid twenties and make 100k per year. I would consider myself successful. sorry but your argument does not hold water.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:24 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Clay, perhaps for you, you might be an exception. Then again, you might possibly have been a "Bill Gates," if you did not smoke pot.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:46 | Report abuse |
    • Reasonable

      RC, how absurd of you to suggest "could have been a bill gates".. are you doing as well as he is?

      I guess there's literally nothing that would change your mind. Why waste your time here? You are obviously in the minority, and I don't see a single person backing up your claims.

      What agenda are you pushing? Do you work for Phillip Morris?

      When faced with endless examples of how you are wrong, *most* rational people would simply shut up.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:08 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      RC is always bringing up some bogus studies that supposedly back up his arguments and when you ask him to cite them he tells YOU to look it up,,,I say they don't exist,if they did he would prove me wrong by citing them.

      December 15, 2010 at 18:56 | Report abuse |
  16. Chuck Gaffney

    Even US teens are going green.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:46 | Report abuse | Reply
  17. T3chsupport

    Cigarettes are legal and easy to get from just about anywhere. Hell, some kids are just bums and will jack butts out of ash trays and smoke those.

    Yet pot is illegal, and more teenagers smoke pot than cigarettes.

    Yeah, prohibition is working.

    Really though, be glad it's pot and not cigarettes. Pot isn't nearly as harmful or addictive as cigarettes OR alcohol.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:46 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      "Really though, be glad it's pot and not cigarettes. Pot isn't nearly as harmful or addictive as cigarettes OR alcohol."

      You sound like "nothing has happened to you too" and you so addicted and stoned you don't even realize it. You can get the same cancers and lung damage from smoking pot as you can cigarrettes. The bad part is you won't feel the damage in time to possibly do anything about it.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:52 | Report abuse |
    • T3chsupport

      Way to assume things. I'm not stoned right now at all. I'm at work.
      And no, the smoke isn't nearly as harmful as cigarettes, and doesn't have the same chemicals at all.
      Plus, you don't actually have to SMOKE weed to get high. You can vaporize it, eat it, or drink it.

      Thanks for playing, though.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:03 | Report abuse |
    • T3chsupport

      * it has SOME of the same chemicals when smoked, but not nearly as many is what I meant. If it's smoked, it's definitely still smoke.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:04 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      Go tell that to the people at Harvard that released a study saying Marijuana may slow or stop the growing of cancer cells. You do not know what you are talking about. Please educate yourself before spewing at the mouth...

      December 15, 2010 at 13:15 | Report abuse |
    • Matt

      I'll stick with my pot and you can have your Oxycontin, let's meet back here in 10 years and see how our lives turn out.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:37 | Report abuse |
    • ....whatever

      @Reality Chews.....Why are you so against something that has helped so many sick people? Did your physician not provide to you a prescription for Viagra when you complained about your ED?

      December 15, 2010 at 15:42 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Reality Choose strikes again, "smoking Cannabis causes the same cancers as Tobacco"

      ,,,,,where did you get that bit of misinformation Mr.Analist... Care to cite that study,,OH I forgot,it's not your job to back up your stupid claims it's the other guy's job. Well OK, everyone Google Dr.Donald Tashkin UCLA Cannabis studies.

      December 15, 2010 at 19:03 | Report abuse |
  18. Wake_up_Right_America

    You can punish those who use this drug under the direction of their doctor.... but really what is the point. The people selling your kids pot are not checking ID.... there are no undercover sting operations to ensure minors are not sold illegal substances.

    Even with strict regulation the government can't keep booze and tobacco out of the hands of kids. How do you expect them to do it with pot and other drugs?

    December 15, 2010 at 10:47 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Eric T

      What about punishing under the direction of a doctor? What are you trying to say?

      December 15, 2010 at 10:51 | Report abuse |
  19. Cheech

    I'd hit it.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:51 | Report abuse | Reply
  20. Patrick

    Cannabis on the rise.....Cigs and alcohol on the decline......Hmmmmmm. Which of these drugs is illegal again? Please, please lets come to our senses and legalize cannabis. Regulation of this safe drug will help keep it in the hands of responsible adults and keep decent people from being branded as criminals.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:52 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Texas Pete

      Please start arresting the stoners in our schools.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:38 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Very few "decent people" smoke cannibis.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:53 | Report abuse |
    • Chris

      @chews Prejudge people much? I can do that too, everyone who is gay has aids and everyone who is a muslim has a bomb on their body... oh and my favorite every christian wants to invade the holy land and move the vatican there.

      Prejudice people (like you) are ignorant.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:14 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      @chris, it is not prejudice or ignorance, it is education and observation. Just the fact that they are doing something illegal and harmful, precludes them being "decent" and says a great deal about their morality, or lack there of.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:42 | Report abuse |
    • Dev

      Hey reality chews, what do you mean by "decent people"? I have a law degree, my brother is a doctor, and guess what? we smoked pot ?!? Am I a decent person? Whats your education? I'm willing to bet that you probably don't have much going on since you've been all over this blog talking trash on weed b/c you're too square to do it. But you know what I think? I think that you are just jealous b/c people like me exist who are superior to you in almost every way and therefore you have to bash pot heads to give yourself the illusion of higher ground. Well unfortuneatly that doesn't change the fact that you are a loser and your arguments are worthless. I think its obvious from all the posts here that the general population understands that it should be legal. But please, next time you try bash pot heads and say they are losers, think of me, think of my millionaire family that has accomplished more while smoking than you ever will sober. Marijuana users come from all walks of life and it is truly the people's drug. Stop wasting your time because nobody believes your outdated propaganda anymore anyways.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:49 | Report abuse |
    • Matt

      It's really funny because I know a lot of people that smoke pot and most of them are extremely hard workers, the most successful person I know smokes daily yet maintains a very high position as an engineer at the worlds largest telecommunication company. I think the key is not getting stoned when you go to work, some people don't realize that just because you smoke pot doesn't mean your stoned all the time. It's the same as alcohol, just because you drink doesn't mean you're always drunk

      December 15, 2010 at 13:43 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Thank you DEV for proving my point, you had no single logical, researched or educated argument. All you could do is resort to name calling. You do not know me, yet make such lengthy judgements. You showed your arrogance and the level of your stupidity with your posting. Must be from all the pot smoking, which you doing with a law degree (supposedly, as I don't know you either) tells of an even lower character than a typical stoner. If you were as smart as you think you are you would know better. By the way, I don't mind ignorance as that is curable. There is no cure for stupidity.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:20 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      By the way DEV, in no posting have I used the word "loser," which shows your level of reading comprehension.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:22 | Report abuse |
    • ....whatever

      @ Reality Chews....are you a decent person? Why? Because you don't smoke? Must be nice to live in your world. Sad, weed would probably not help you become a more pleasant person.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:44 | Report abuse |
    • Dev

      Wow Reality Check, you're right, I am an arrogant person in many ways, but you obviously seem to think highly of your self as evidenced by you spilling you're many ejaculations all over this page. I'm not sure why you hate pot users so much. Were you abused by one as a child? I would not be surprised if someone abused you at some point because you seem to be a very bitter person. I hope that you can learn to enjoy life without having to have prejudices towards others. But even if you can't I think you should atleast know that all those stereotypes you keep making about pot users aren't really true. You must know very little about marijuana and the people who smoke it because there really are many people from all walks of life that use it, and many of us lead normal non-loser lives. You would probably be surprised by how many people you know from your own life that secretly get high, but they would never tell you because you obviously are not cool with it.

      December 15, 2010 at 20:38 | Report abuse |
  21. Wake_up_Right_America

    Eric T
    I was simply responding to the ridiculous calls to have medical marijuana banned in Cali and other western states..... doing this I believe would be punishing the people who use MJ under the supervision and reccomendation of their physicians.

    December 15, 2010 at 10:55 | Report abuse | Reply
  22. Joe, LA, CA

    more 'pot' hysteria...

    December 15, 2010 at 10:56 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Madness

      Like Reefer Madness?

      December 15, 2010 at 11:02 | Report abuse |
  23. Summarex

    The worst thing of all is that there are some idiots who probably think this is somehow good.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:01 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Smoking Kills

      I agree with you that it is not. Smoking leads to lung related illnesses. It does not matter whether you use tobacco, marijuana, banana peels, or burn the leaves in your front yard. Your lungs are not made to inhale smoke. Why do you think your body has so many systems to protect the lungs through filtration?

      December 15, 2010 at 11:05 | Report abuse |
    • Chris

      Yes it is good. How many people die each year from smoking ciggs? Millions? How many people die from smoking pot? Right around zero

      December 15, 2010 at 11:05 | Report abuse |
    • Leo

      @Chris your logic is laughable... To say there are no death due to smoking pot compared to tobacco just shows your level of ignorance. It's zero because they aren't keeping track of it because is illegal, that doesn't mean they don't happen.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:16 | Report abuse |
    • M

      @Leo – they aren't keeping track of deaths caused by pot because it's illegal? That is wonderful logic. They don't have reports or keep track of deaths due to cocaine, heroin, meth, or x because they are illegal either. The fact is, there has never been a death due to marijuana use, period.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:35 | Report abuse |
    • brian

      sorry Leo, but Chris is 100% correct. Also through numerous studies, it is also not cancer causing.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:40 | Report abuse |
    • Texas Pete

      Not true Leo. A local grower of the MJ was killed when he crashed his car while transporting his cargo.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:40 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      To whoever thinks this is bad. Take a good and very very long look at alcohol.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:14 | Report abuse |
    • Matt

      I'll give you a limit less supply of pot then a limit less supply of alcohol, smoke or drink as much as you possibly can in an hour and see which one lands you in the hospital and which one sends you to the kitchen. Notice I listed pot first because I know what that outcome will be, the alcohol however could easily result in death

      December 15, 2010 at 13:49 | Report abuse |
  24. rh

    That's because like all illegal drugs, the FDA and government does not focus on publicizing long-term health effects.

    I daresay there are many more 20+ year olds who smoke tobacco regularly, and pot occasionally, but there aren't that many who are chronic pot users to the same extent our parents smoked (two or more packs per day).

    Hey kids, no filter = more cancer...

    December 15, 2010 at 11:05 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Denizen Kate

      Cannabis is most definitely not a carcinogen. There are many studies that prove this. Smoking it isn't completely harmless, but to damage your lungs with cannabis, you would have to smoke the equivalent of a couple of packs of cigarettes per day (40 or so "joints") to cause asthma or emphasema (I may have spelled that wrong). It isn't possible to smoke that much cannabis, you'd be comatose before you were halfway there.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:55 | Report abuse |
  25. A. Goodwin

    As a mom of a 6 year old with Epilepsy and for which his seizures are not controlled through medication. I found out recently that pot has helped many adults with seizure disorders to either control their seizures completely or reduce the amount of seizures they are having (a small percentage do increase when smoking pot). If I knew pot would help my son control his seizures, I would move to CA in an instant. Not willing to test this on him, but I'm hoping that someday I'll know if it works.

    Pot NEEDS to be legal. For kids like mine, for kids with ADHD where its been working, for individuals suffering from cancer or general diseases that cause pain. When are we going to wake up? My son take THREE seizure meds currently that have all sorts of side effects. Pot – very little. I'm angry that so many people want to take away my sons right to SAVE himself. If only I knew it would work....

    December 15, 2010 at 11:06 | Report abuse | Reply
    • FedUp2

      Maybe pot could help with hyperactivity, but attention deficit or impulsivity? Really? Just wishful thinking by some people, really. There are other meds on the market today that try the same approach at reduction in ADHD symptoms. Calming some of those hyper kids down may help them focus, but making kids that already can't focus all lucid and sleepy doesn't really help much.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:29 | Report abuse |
    • M

      @FedUp – yes, the ADD and ADHD medications you speak of are legal meth and cocaine. I would much rather my child eat a pot brownie than take a legal meth or cocaine pill to calm him down.

      PS- I did my best mathematics work while high. I even did a little experiment – take a math test high vs sober. I switched it up for every test in that class for a full semester. The results showed an overwhelming improvement in scores while I was high. I also took all my AP exams while high, as well as the SAT. I received 4-5's on my AP exams and was in the 96th percentile for SAT scores. Man, that marijuana really did awful things for my concentration.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:41 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      I hope that you are writing your representatives and telling them to reschedule Cannabis out of schedule1, until they do they have a lock down on all Cannabis research done in this country. Do a Google search on Cannabis and Israel, I hear that they are far ahead in this field of research, Good Luck with your child.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:54 | Report abuse |
  26. TECH


    December 15, 2010 at 11:09 | Report abuse | Reply
  27. Leo

    We are screwed, the next generation is going to be a bunch of potheads with the munchies all the time...time to invest in Frito-Lay stocks

    December 15, 2010 at 11:11 | Report abuse | Reply
    • FedUp2

      Yes, it's really going to mess up their military training they have been getting through violent video games. Just when they've found how to unlock that killer instinct and channel it through a joystick too. Next thing we know, they'll want to love their neighbors, and other dumb sissy stuff like that. Can't have that.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:35 | Report abuse |
    • Texas Pete

      The military is pretty strict on MJ use in the ranks.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:41 | Report abuse |
    • Dude


      December 15, 2010 at 11:56 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Texas Pete, the military is not only "pretty strict," they won't even let you in if you have much more than tried it. If you are proven to use it after you joined, you are discharged immediately, well perhaps not immediatly, after the associated jail time is finished.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:01 | Report abuse |
    • lance corporal

      try thinking for yourself, that is a stoooopid comment

      December 15, 2010 at 12:07 | Report abuse |
    • Reasonable

      RC, there may be a bit of truth to that – and then a whole lot more to the story.

      A friend of mine recently sat down with a recruiter. He answered the question "countless times in the past six years, most recently 3 months ago". The recruiter told him to change what he wrote to "a few times in high school".

      So maybe they won't accept people who used a lot of pot or maybe they just want to project that perception. They certainly had no qualms about telling him to lie on his application and were more than willing to let him join...

      December 15, 2010 at 16:18 | Report abuse |
    • Hmmm, Interesting

      Reasonable, sounds like your friend's recruiter might have been low on his quota. If he got caught doing that, he would get jail time before his discharge. Fraud is highly frowned upon in the military.

      December 15, 2010 at 18:04 | Report abuse |
  28. Mark

    That's a lot of cigarette smokers, can't the police crack down on tobacco barons?

    December 15, 2010 at 11:11 | Report abuse | Reply
  29. ShoelessKYBoy

    I hope that kid knows he got taken on that weed. Stuff aint even green.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:12 | Report abuse | Reply
  30. killallthewhiteman

    One of the main reasons I smoke cigs in high school was to cover up the pot smell. Would have been nice if I never had to start smoking cigs. .

    December 15, 2010 at 11:12 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      I see, and did you graduate high school being able to read at 10th grade level? or even at 4th grade level?

      December 15, 2010 at 12:04 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      Actually I have a friend who used marijuana in high school. He's a college graduate and wanted to be a counselor, but is currently a teacher. He's 21 right now and probably still uses it too. That any kind of proof how this doesn't affect our true judgment?

      December 15, 2010 at 12:17 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Vax, more confirmation one the reasons the percentage of high school graduates that cannot read, write, or do simple math without a calculator, is increasing.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:45 | Report abuse |
    • Reasonable

      Wow, RC must have been one of those who graduated with a 4th grade reading level. Honestly, does anyone on this blog believe a word that comes out of his mouth? I guess me and just about everyone else posting here are the exception, graduating 4th in my class of several hundred, kept a 4.0 throught first 3 years of college (still graduated with 3.8), got a good paying job, etc.

      Oh well, back to closet we go. One day people will realize that smoking pot doesn't effect your ability to succed in life anymore than smoking cigarettes. By that time over half the population will be smoking, but will probably lie about it to protect themselves.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:22 | Report abuse |
  31. Mark

    At this point, the country doesn't produce anything the world needs, there's no question that with 10-20% unemployment, we need to start growing hemp again. The fact that this hasn't happened yet is a travesty.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:13 | Report abuse | Reply
  32. Rachel

    Pot is the lesser of the two evils, if you can even consider it that.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:13 | Report abuse | Reply
  33. Bzas

    The US government has a response for dealing with their drug policy that has allowed this usage increase among minors - continue doing the same thing: imprisoning teenagers and denying them college student loans and financial aid. The logic goes, since it hasn't worked in the past, then it must work in the future.

    Of course, if they were serious about curbing this increase, they would regulate it, so that the only people selling pot would have a vested interest in only selling to adults (via regulation). In truth, federal marijuana policy isn't about curbing teenage drug use; it's about the continued vilification of all things related to hippie culture from a half-century ago. Hippies liked pot, ergo we must put people in prison who smoke it.

    At some point, the public will need to start making the argument that support for continued prohibition is tantamount to being "soft" of drug use. Because ultimately, prohibition means availability without rules.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:15 | Report abuse | Reply
  34. NH

    It was easy to get it in high school (gratuated 2008) its cheaper then alcohol, and honestly I would rather find out my kids are doing pot rather then drinking or smoking.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:15 | Report abuse | Reply
    • feelfreetohate

      Too bad you can't spell graduated correctly. I guess you're not one of the intelligent ones.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:20 | Report abuse |
    • TECH

      you're one of those morons that misses the point in statements and looks to correct everyone's grammar. probably because u have a small penis and have no other way of feeling adequate in society. i leave this comment to you in spite of all those on all websites who shoot down peoples comments based on spelling. your a HERB.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:36 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      FeelFreeTo Hate;
      You certainly do.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:01 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      Being intelligent has nothing to do with how well you're life is. Don't you think you should know that?

      December 15, 2010 at 12:19 | Report abuse |
    • NH

      I was on break at work, and wrote the comment from my phone, I was not worried about things like that, I just wanted to add my perspective on this article, and my personal feelings about this study. You cannot judge my intelligence on one subject and use it to come up with a conclusion, that is just plain ignorant.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:39 | Report abuse |
  35. citizenUSA

    Hate to hear about the increase in ecstasy use. Reminds me of Angel Dust days. Totally useless. I never thought that getting high, (which I include booze), to the point that you cause trouble for yourself or others, or you can't remember even doing whatever, made sense. I want to be alive, active and enjoying the high.

    I believe that the findings are accurate in saying there is more curiosity with all the recent hub-bub about pot. I guess if my kid was going to do anything I'd want it to be only pot.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:17 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Evil

      you must not have done Ecstasy if you don't think you're "alive, active and enjoying the high" when on it. Pot should be treated like tobacco but then the Tobacco companies would have no costumers, why would anyone smoke a cigarette over a joint?

      December 15, 2010 at 11:22 | Report abuse |
  36. Loretta Nall

    This is good news actually. Cigarettes will kill you. Marijuana will not. And it isn't like it's crack, heroin or meth. Be glad the kids are making safer choices.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:20 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      Safer choices???? And the dumbing down of america continues.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:06 | Report abuse |
    • Vax

      Safer? Most likely. I guess you would choose cigarettes and alcohol over this. Maybe some heroin as well?

      December 15, 2010 at 12:21 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Vax, use your head man, the safer choice is none of it. I have a low tolerance for stupidity, (not ignorance, ignorance is just a lack of knowledge, which is curable, there is no cure for stupidity) and you and Dude are testing my tolerance level.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:12 | Report abuse |
  37. Matthew

    It's also worth considering if the increased attention paid to marijuana in the news doesn't make kids feel they can be more honest on a survey (anonymous or not people lie for many reasons). Perhaps adding a question like "have you lied on this survey?" would be a good idea.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:22 | Report abuse | Reply
  38. Loretta Nall

    And really this is the government's fault because of their stupid insistence on prohibition as opposed to regulation. They have made marijuana easier to get than alcohol or tobacco. Want fewer kids to smoke pot? Then legalize it YESTERDAY!

    December 15, 2010 at 11:22 | Report abuse | Reply
  39. Placido

    First thing's first, everyone needs to stop referring to marijuana as a "drug" because it is not. It is a plant that can be found in the wild in many parts of the world. The plant contains naturally occurring chemicals that induce a euphoric sense of being when the smoke or vapors are inhaled. There are several other plants that grow in the wild that will produce similar effects, but they are not as common, marijuana just happens to be more mainstream. Until we stop treating this plant as a "drug" nothing is going to change. Even if it becomes legalized, which I believe it will during my lifetime, it will still carry a stigma because it is labeled as a "drug".

    December 15, 2010 at 11:24 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Matthew

      Look up the definition of drug and you will see that the ingesting of marijuana smoke or other is the taking of a drug. Though not necessarily any more harmful than sugar, coffee or tylenol which are also drugs.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:28 | Report abuse |
    • Bzas

      Well, it is a drug because it contains chemicals that alter the body's biochemistry, whether those chemicals are produced naturally or not. By your logic, neither heroin, cocaine nor opium would be considered drugs, as they are all derived from naturally grown plants as well (coca and poppy).

      I'm in favor of legalization as much as the next person, but pot is still a drug. It just needn't carry the current stigma. Aspirin is also a drug, but there's no social stigma attached to it.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:32 | Report abuse |
    • Texas Pete

      You do know that both Heroin and Cocaine are also plant products, right?

      December 15, 2010 at 11:43 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Cannabis IS a drug, 14 states declare that Cannabis is medicine,ergo it is a drug.
      As a MedMJ person I always get a laugh when some people call me a "drug" user,while they are loaded up on "legal" prescription drugs, go figure.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:10 | Report abuse |
  40. Matthew

    boooooooooooooooooo cigarettes !

    December 15, 2010 at 11:25 | Report abuse | Reply
  41. Americanno

    Regardless of where an illegal drug is obtained someone has been brutalized in the production or trafficking of the drug. Not to mention the social problems drug use can cause. So the next time you get your fix, just think of all the people you will be hurting. Research like this is interesting in identifying a trend, but it doesn't tell us why the trend in happening. The question I would have liked answered is why these teens, or anyone for that matter, sees a need to get high. Is it how it makes them feel, an escape, an act of rebellion, peer pressure...?

    December 15, 2010 at 11:25 | Report abuse | Reply
    • nepawoods

      "Regardless of where an illegal drug is obtained someone has been brutalized in the production or trafficking of the drug" ... Not quite true, as there are decent people growing it in their attics or basements and selling to friends and acquaintances. But to the extent there is some truth in that, it is exactly why it should be legalized. We have petty thugs becoming rich, powerful, dangerous drug lords over a WEED that anyone could grow in their back yard effortlessly were it not for prohibition.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:02 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      The fact that the law is being broken by these people growing illegal drugs in their attics or basements, sort of belies the fact of them being "decent" people.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:09 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Humans have been "getting high" from the very beginning , it is a part of our nature to seek "the other" some even say that religion has it's roots in entheogens. This is not something to be feared regardless of what the government wants you to believe. If you choose to not use drugs ,fine, but do not make me a criminal because I do, thank you.
      Your comment points out the need to legalize Cannabis, not to continue the prohibition that spawns the violence .

      December 15, 2010 at 12:22 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Reality Chews

      The fact that the law is being broken by these people growing illegal drugs in their attics or basements, sort of belies the fact of them being "decent" people.
      WRONG, when laws are unjust decent people oppose them,it is our duty, if we do not we risk tyranny. Decent people do not support criminalizing their fellow citizens for preferring Cannabis over the " legal" toxic, government approved drugs.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:37 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Dude, another attempt to justify your actions. I'm suprised that you are still making up things or using things that don't relate to try to justify your actions, kind of like what my kid started doing at 16 or 17. Still doing this at your age???? Yep, smoking pot "made nothing happen" to you too.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:10 | Report abuse |
    • You Dont Know Everything

      @Reality Chews...slavery was once legal, and it was obviously illegal for said slaves to run away/escape. oh, and the underground railroad? Wasnt that illegal? Oh and screw rosa parks, she broke the law too. and the millions of people that get arrested for driving 40 in a 35. So each one of these people arent decent people, just cause they broke the law once or twice? Random fact: JFK smoked pot for medical reasons while he was in the white house. He definately didnt graduate with above a 4th grade reading level. i mean, president is kind of a below average job to you i guess, being as the last three presidents have also smoked pot. Did you know pot was legalized briefly during WWII to increase money flow and open a new job market? But it was re-illegalized by Reagan. Ever wonder why? Well apparently, a study performed in the 70s showed that "smoking even one joint, was equal in brain damage to standing on an island during a nuclear blast." But if you decide to do some research for once, you would find out that this is an extremely invalid experiment. The "scientists" hooked gas masks to monkeys and pumped straight marijuana smoke through them. Every monkey died within five minutes. Now you may be telling yourself, "proves my point, im such a cool dude for being on this little website, even though no one is on my side and i havent disproved a single argument yet"...but it doesnt take a genius that these monkeys DIED FROM LACK OF OXYGEN. im pretty sure that if you deprive brain cells of oxygen, they die. and then the animal dies. because of no oxygen. not from marijuana. is any of this ever gonna get through to you? go to google videos, search for The Union: BC Bud. Watch it before you post anything else on this story, and then come back here and try to argue if you still can.

      tldr: quit being so closed-minded, smoke a bowl, and try to understand our side of the argument before making assumptions and stereotypes.

      December 17, 2010 at 01:14 | Report abuse |
  42. Mood

    DO NOT DO DRUGS!!! Let's take Michael Phelps for example. He smokes pot and lets see what that has done to his life. 8 gold medals in one olympics. The most medals ever won by an individual in the olympics. His work out regime and physical fitness is all but 2nd to none. He has world wide sponsors that pay him millions to 'rep' their products as well as be their spokes person. KIDS, DO NOT DO DRUGS OR YOU MIGHT END UP THIS WAY!!!

    December 15, 2010 at 11:26 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      Think of how much better he would be if he didn't do drugs?

      December 15, 2010 at 12:10 | Report abuse |
    • Tommas

      @ At warped Reality, you can just as easily say... or how much worse

      December 15, 2010 at 14:04 | Report abuse |
  43. ShoelessKYBoy

    My real opinion though... People who have never tried pot, or only smoked it once are the ones who make all the "im so stoned that I can't do anything but sit on the couch and see things that don't exist" references. TV doesn't help because it only shows the negative connotations associated with marijuana use. CNN is about the only source that provides both sides of the argument, without shunning its use.

    The logical argument is unnecessary because the facts are there. It would save money. We ask our US Citizens to cut back on excessive spending but don't fully expect the government to do the same. COME ON PEOPLE!

    Just think. Not about the laws of the past. But about NOW and about YOUR FUTURE. "But this is how its always been" is not acceptable anymore.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:29 | Report abuse | Reply
  44. YOUBRO


    December 15, 2010 at 11:29 | Report abuse | Reply
  45. Eric

    Keep it illegal, for the children!!!
    ...............to get it easier

    December 15, 2010 at 11:32 | Report abuse | Reply
  46. wcb2009

    Good. We'll have less deaths due to cancer.

    I would rather my kids experiment with smoking weed before cigarettes and booze any day!

    December 15, 2010 at 11:33 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      If you were educated about the consequences of cannibis use, you would not have that opinion. I would suggest you do research on the long term affects of cannibis usage in countries that have legalized it, i.e. amsterdam. The results of the research are not real publicized, but it is out there and can be found.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:14 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Reality Chews;
      Methinks the pot doth call the kettle black.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:41 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Dude, methinks you need to do some research yourself. You are probably one of the stoners that thinks "nothing has happened to you too."

      December 15, 2010 at 12:51 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      I'm almost 66 years old, been using Cannabis for most of those years,retired,ex-Navy,raised a family,even went to church for a while,lived a pretty good life. Have you even tried Cannabis?

      December 15, 2010 at 13:19 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Aaaah Dude, so that explains your lack or ability to only give insults rather than thoughtful/logical responses to posts, you have no brains left and "nothing has happened to me from smoking pot." It also says something about your character that you were smoking pot while active duty in the military, dealing with the countries secrets. I wish you had been caught, spent some time in jail, and been summarily discharged. Maybe it would have taught you a lesson. Did you ever stop to think there might be a reason the military has such severe penalties for smoking dope and drug use for active duty personnel. The use of drugs is one of the reasons some of our secrets were given to the russians and chinese.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:05 | Report abuse |
  47. mick

    ecstacy use is on a rise because of bands like the disco biscuits. kids are being brain washed

    December 15, 2010 at 11:34 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Bzas

      It's true. If it weren't for those damned Disco Biscuits and their ilk, there'd be no incentive for teenagers to experiment with euphoria-inducing club drugs. Damn those hypnotic beats!

      December 15, 2010 at 11:37 | Report abuse |
    • TECH

      you are a moron. every genre and scene has elicit drug use.. listen to JAY_Z... "MDMA got u feelin lika champion"

      December 15, 2010 at 11:39 | Report abuse |
    • Bzas

      It must be. I take it satire is not something you're familiar with in your neck of the woods.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:43 | Report abuse |
    • TECH

      LoL. just too much coffee today

      December 15, 2010 at 12:08 | Report abuse |
  48. chuck

    Good I'm glad the percentages are up. Who cares. Put one in the air for me 12th graders. Maybe then they'll legalize it and get us out of this deficit.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:38 | Report abuse | Reply
  49. Stoned Illinoisan

    I smoke pot every day to alleviate my clinical depression. I was a suicidal, reckless individual before I started dabbling in marijuana and other psychedelics. Although one can be psychologically dependent on weed, I feel that in my case it has helped immensely with overcoming personal issues in my life. I have become much more sociable, assertive, and analytical over things. Although I don't agree that children and adolescents should partake in this activity, I find that marijuana has made me into the person I am today. Hey, I'm not dead; what do you think that says?

    December 15, 2010 at 11:39 | Report abuse | Reply
    • fronc

      You were a coward! Just kidding! I can relate. It did the same for me and I'm much happier and outgoing now. It's a wonderful life!

      December 15, 2010 at 11:48 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Yes, and have either one moved out of your parents basement?

      December 15, 2010 at 12:15 | Report abuse |
    • Stoned Illinoisan

      Good comeback for a troll.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:17 | Report abuse |
    • fronc

      Yes, I have and I'm married with two wonderful children.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:05 | Report abuse |
  50. fronc

    Let's go Operation Johnny Appleseed and start planting it everywhere. Anytime you find a seed in your stash (crappier weed has tons of seeds), stick it in the ground somewhere and let nature take its course and no one can be claimed responsible cause no one would know who stuck it in the ground. It'd be great. You could walk down the street and be like "wow" that's a nice plant. And you could pick a little piece off and be on your way! I know!! Stupid idea!! Though I can dream!

    December 15, 2010 at 11:40 | Report abuse | Reply
  51. nic

    How can you say there are no ill effects of marijuana?! I have cared for patients who have smoked marijuana for many years and are now reaping the long-term effects. I treated a 40-year-old man who had congestive heart failure from his frequent use of marijuana. His heart stopped twice, but thankfully we were able to bring him back.

    Many studies have also shown that long-term marijuana use causes apathy and laziness. I'm sure that's something we need more of in America.

    Please, wake up America. Pot is not harmless. It is both mind and body-altering.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:42 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Bzas

      Really? The sole cause of a 40-year-old's congestive heart failure is marijuana usage? Are you confusing correlation and causation by any chance?

      By the way, did you know that 100% of people who consume water end up dying within 120 years of their first sip, oftentime much sooner. 100% of the entire population. We should consider banning water.

      December 15, 2010 at 11:47 | Report abuse |
    • M

      My father is 63 and has habitually smoked marijuana since he was 20. He had open heart surgery at 50 due to INHERITED predispositions to heart disease. This had nothing to do with his pot smoking. His brother, who never once touched the stuff, died of a second heart attack at the age of 36. My dad's mother, who neither smoked, died of a stroke at 92.

      With my dad's family history of heart disease, not to mention my mom's family history of the same, I'll stick with smoking pot as it lowers my often high blood pressure.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:05 | Report abuse |
    • lance corporal

      puh-lease..... utter nonsense, studies have been done, you are completely wrong

      December 15, 2010 at 12:10 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Nic, I knew this is the response you would get from the uneducated, or permanently stoned. All legitimate "studies" show there are long term harmful affects from cannibis use. Google the studies done in amsterdam since it was made legal.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:19 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Reality Chews;
      Can you cite these " studies" that prove the harmful physiological effects of Cannabis consumption.

      Didn't think so.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:49 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Dude, your ignorance (meaning lack of knowlede, not stupidity) too many to list. If your knowledge of how the internet works is sufficient, all you have to do is google the research done in amsterdam and israel. You will get enough hits to gain some real education on the subject. With your assumptions and name calling, well that doesn't show ignorance, that shows stupidity and childishness/stubborness.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:54 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      You made the claim,substantiate it. Otherwise you lie.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:16 | Report abuse |
    • littlemizzknowitall

      This is BS

      December 15, 2010 at 13:21 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Dude, well that explains it. You really don't know enough about how the internet works to find the results of the studied done in amsterdam and isreal. You want me to do the work for you. You need to lay off the ganja dude. Maybe you have enough brain cells left to recover, then again from reading your other postings, maybe not.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:58 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      Reality Chews is it fun to make stuff up in your head? You are a liar, anyone with any knowledge of the subject knows what studies have been done. The reason for this is because the studies are limited because marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. Under its classification of a schedule one drug it means it is one of the most powerful drugs known to the government. Schedule 2 drugs are less addictive and less powerful. Cocaine and Meth are schedule 2 drugs, answer me this, how is marijuana a gateway drug to drugs that are less powerful and addictive? You are a sheep, you only know what people tell you. Then you run off spewing non sense at the mouth with nothing to back it up.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:22 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Bsitz, You have partially helped me to prove what I and others have been saying. There is a reason it is a schedule one drug. The rest of your posting went down hill and makes you look like the typical stoner or liberal that can come up with no other response than name calling and insults. Google the research done in amsterdam and israel on the long term affects of cannibis usage. I won't do it for you.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:57 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      RealityCHews, You do realize Israel is starting their own medical marijuana program as we speak? Amsterdam its already decriminalized. And the only studies i found done in Israel are the recent findings that it helps people with PTSD. So where are these studies? Thanks for proving my point! That people like you make stuff up on the internet to back up their claims. You are a liar and the very definition of what is wrong with this country. Stubborn pig headed people that wont change their mind no matter how much information they are given to disprove their claims. In your head you will always find a way to prove TO YOURSELF that you are right. So go ahead and stomp your feet and cry like a child because everyone around you is now having the fog lifted and you are stuck in your ways.

      December 16, 2010 at 09:07 | Report abuse |
  52. TED



    December 15, 2010 at 11:45 | Report abuse | Reply
    • M

      Except if you live in a state like GA – for less than 1 gram, I had to pay $1000 bail, $500 lawyers fees, $300 pre-trial deferral fee, $360 in monthly pre-trial/probation supervision fees, and had to complete 80 hours of community service.

      In contrast, those in the same courtroom for DUI's got everything I got, except only 40 hours of community service.

      Because my <1gr of pot was more harmful to the community than the drunk drivers.

      Please legalize!!!

      December 15, 2010 at 11:56 | Report abuse |
    • TED


      December 15, 2010 at 12:05 | Report abuse |
  53. Dude

    RH, Google Dr.Donald Tashkin, UCLA studies.
    You don't know what you are talking about.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:49 | Report abuse | Reply
  54. Chris

    For those who say there is a cancer risk... seriously people, in 2006 there was a big study done to show the cancer risk of smoking marijuana. Since nobody apparently remembers this news here was the result:

    "The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer."

    'Should' and 'Could' cause cancer is conjecture not science. Science shows time and time again that cannabis is one of the SAFEST substances you can take into your body. If you disagree you are wrong. Go read the Shafer report from 72. It was stacked with anti-drug guys and they actually did their job and looked at facts and said marijuana should not be illegal and that the law was more damaging then the substance could ever be. (ok I am paraphrasing a little, but by all means go read it yourself!).

    Read the congressional testimony when they passed the 1937 marihuana tax stamp act. In committee there was a Dr. from the AMA that was ticked they were saying the AMA was behind the bill (they did not support it, cannabis was one of the most widely used medicines at the time). Then when the bill went to the house floor a representative asked what marihuana was, someone told him it was a narcotic. Then he asked if the AMA was behind the bill and someone from the committee who had seen this doctor get so mad stood up and lied and said they were behind it 100%.

    They had to lie to make it illegal and they are still lying about it. Don't believe politicians and cops and judges and prison guards. They all profit from growhibition. Educate yourselves. READ!

    Stop putting 870,000 innocent people in jail PER YEAR for a plant that you cannot get a toxic dose of (takes 15,000 joints in like 10 to 20 mins... not possible!!!). You can drink too much water and die from it! Ahh crap now they are going to make water illegal... my bad :(

    If you worry about kids then MAKE IT LEGAL. Kids don't buy alcohol because its regulated! If you say people would drive stoned then you obviously have no experience with weed. You get paranoid and drive safer (alcohol makes you drive more aggressively on the other hand). People who are high usually drive slower not faster and are much more cautious. I am NOT saying you should drive stoned, but lets put it in context here come on.

    If you say well more kids will get it if there parents are allowed to have a stash. SO WHAT. You cannot die from it. It will not harm you. The THC Acid is not psychoactive until you remove the extra carbon oxygen and hydrogen molecules. This happens during combustion (burning), vaporization (only boils off the oils containing the drug and leaves the plant matter alone), and baking (that is why putting it in food and baking it works).

    Once again people read the Shafer report and learn something about this subject if you are going to comment on it and pretend you know what you are talking about.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:51 | Report abuse | Reply
  55. Austin

    Pot cant kill it feels good and increases visual plesures. I believe this to be a good thing, the only thing i disagree with is middle schoolers smoking thats to young and their focuses need to be elsewhere

    December 15, 2010 at 11:52 | Report abuse | Reply
  56. Liam

    Well, yeah, duh. You have to be 21 to buy a cigarette.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:53 | Report abuse | Reply
    • victim of democrat hypocrisy

      Wrong. You only need to be 18 to buy cigarettes.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:36 | Report abuse |
  57. JC in SC

    We finally respect our lungs when they don't work anymore.

    December 15, 2010 at 11:58 | Report abuse | Reply
  58. Flynn

    More teens drink lite beer rather than drink 25yr old Scotch. What's your point?

    December 15, 2010 at 11:58 | Report abuse | Reply
  59. skippy319

    Legalize Pot, Make Cigarettes Illegal and watch the tables turn back around! It's so Simple!

    December 15, 2010 at 11:58 | Report abuse | Reply
  60. lance corporal

    woo hoo!! go marijuana, at least the kids aren't drinking THAT is the REAL dangerous drug and tobacco smoke REALLY effects the health when smoked during these formative years, the pot will just relieve some stress that the kids need anyway and help keep them off zoloft etc that big pharma wants them on. now if we could just get this herb legalized and not criminalize these kids we will have a better system

    December 15, 2010 at 12:02 | Report abuse | Reply
  61. Julia Morgan

    I have smoked pot regularly the last 6 years, at least 3 to even 10 jays a day. I am graduating university in the spring, studying abroad for the next two months. I have goals, plans and a future ahead of me. I am not lazy, I am not uninspired, I am not a waste of space.

    I am healthy as a horse, I look young for my age (unlike most alcohol and cigarette abusers), and I can stop smoking for a month at a time without any withdrawal symptoms that you would get from cocaine, crack, alcohol or cigarettes.

    Did you know there is a receptor in your brain that only reacts with THC? If we were not meant to smoke it, then why are we designed with the tools to accept it?

    In this frigged up world of hate, war and corrupt politics, marijuana is the least of my worries. Stop spending billions of dollars on the war against pot, and just leave us peaceful, educated folk alone to actually enjoy our lives how we see to live them.

    Thank you.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:04 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Maria

      Ditto. My experience has been exactly the same :)

      December 15, 2010 at 12:07 | Report abuse |
  62. BrainDamage

    I like bubbles. I like monkeys. I like monkeys blowing bubbles. Don't do drugs. Especially mine.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:09 | Report abuse | Reply
  63. Alexandra

    if we do legalize pot, (which I am all for) what drug is next?

    December 15, 2010 at 12:11 | Report abuse | Reply
  64. harnaold

    most drug use in the current time starts with childeren watching poooorn on the internet. Pooooorn has become the gateway to drug usage. THe younger a child starts to watch poooorn the more drugs he/she is going to use. It going to give someone an exuse to use drugs. Thats how poooooorn will mess a young persons mind.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:11 | Report abuse | Reply
  65. YourAllSick

    First off its obvious all of you who want pot legalized are all potheads yourselfs. Medical marijuana I can understand. I have severe migraines and a disease that gives me chronic pain, but even then I wouldn't smoke it. I have seen every single one of my friends in highschool show up EVERYDAY blazed out of their minds. Not even able to comprehend anything that was thrown at them. I let my best friend copy my homework and essays in hopes she'd graduate with me. She barely did. And every one of those friends started with marijuana, then moved on to narcotics, other perscription drugs, (oxycontin was the biggest), shrooms, acid, some even went to meth. Try watching your best friend start with pot thinking its harmless, then missing a few days of school and showing up with meth picks all over her face and arms. Kids gets bored with the high pot gives and they go looking for more. Then you find them with needles in their arms. Happened to my best friend, my cousin, even my brother. Watch it happen to you once you get what you want when its legal.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:16 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Death Metal Chef

      Anyone who is "bored of the high pot gives" obviously doesn't own an xbox

      December 15, 2010 at 12:28 | Report abuse |
    • Julia Morgan

      If those people move on to harder drugs, then they have a lot more demons in their life then they are letting on. It's about the choices you make, and when to set yourself limits. If you do not have the power of self-control, then yes, it is easy to turn to harder drugs. No one told you to let her copy your work, no one told you to sit by and watch her go down that road... that was a choice you made.

      The people I know who smoke pot do not do anything harder than mushrooms (which is an organic product that is not induced with any extra chemicals than what God gave it... again unlike cigarettes).

      As a pot smoker, I like to unwind at the end of a day with a jay rather than drink a class of wine or liquor, so what's the problem with that?

      Why not do some research yourself and find out the real reason why the government banned the plant. Maybe it has to do that it threatened the oil industry, or that it caused people to want peace rather than war during Vietnam.

      I believe in legalizing pot, not because it will make it more accessible (because, believe me, it's easier to get than a chocolate bar at a store), but to keep it out of the hands of young kids who still have developing minds.

      Maybe if you tried a joint, you would relax and little and chill out. Life is good, learn how to enjoy it.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:31 | Report abuse |
    • Julia Morgan

      And I am sorry about what has happened to your friends and family, this is why I say keep it out of the hands of young people. But you can't do that if you have no control over the substance.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:35 | Report abuse |
    • YourAllSick

      Cause you really think that with all my pothead friends I've never tried it. Right. And you think I willingly let my best friend go down that road. No way.. why don't you wake up outta your stoner daze and see how much it can hurt a family. I guess when I have kids I won't be the type of parent to sit down and smoke a joint with them. Nah, I'll actually have drwams for them and be disapointed if they do drugs. Stoners aren't fun to be around. I've been there. So don't try to preach to me. I've been through more then you could possibly dream of. Watched one of my brothers almost die multiple times from drugs starting with POT. He's outta school, didn't stop him. So for all the little potheads who want to comment and preach to me, your wasting your time. Cause your all worthless to me. My disease gives me chronic pain and I get perscribed pain killers like crazy but I don't touch them. Why? Cause I don't want to get addicted. Unlike you people i'd rather feel and put up with my emotions than run away from them. I'm only 18 but I'll do this forever to show everybody you don't need drugs to be happy and stable, even with diseases. So ppl who do pot for recreational fun, I find you even more pathetic. Can't handle the real world sober, huh?

      December 15, 2010 at 12:49 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      I feel for you and applaud your strength of will to avoid the drugs. But I'm afraid you waste your time trying to educate the worthless potheads that do not want to be educated because they are already too far gone and don't even know it. They think they have been smoking for year and "nothing has happed to me." Yes, because they haven't done anything to progress, with few exceptions. Those exceptions, well, think of how much better they would have been if they didn't smoke cannibis. The waste is really a shame.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:00 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Your All Sick;
      Martyr complex much?

      December 15, 2010 at 13:03 | Report abuse |
    • YourAllSick

      Glad to see there is one person who feels the same way. If marijuana is ever legalized, I'll be off the streets. Accidents will be everywhere. Ever rode in a car with someone who is driving high? They might not realize it but they swerve everywhere. Least I know some ppl can stay sober to enjoy life.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:11 | Report abuse |
    • Julia Morgan

      I’m not saying you willingly let your friend go down that road. But because you willingly allowed that person to COPY your work, that was harming the person more so than doing them good. What use is school when you are not learning how to do the work yourself? And just because you do pot, does not mean you are incapable of learning. If you read my previous post, you will see that as a pot smoker I am on my way to being a successful member of this society.

      People say pot is a gateway drug. That is ridiculous. Because it is illegal, those who sell weed may also sell harder stuff. So the soft drugs are paired with hard drugs, and if a dealer is looking to earn more money they will offer something heavier to a customer, and that customer has the CHOICE to say no. It’s not like they are holding the person down and sticking needles in their arms or shoving pills down their throats. I have had the opportunity to try other drugs and I said no, because I know those drugs are harmful to my health.

      I’m happy you are making the choice to stay away from weed, good for you! It is not for everybody (and by the looks of it, it is not for your friends either because they are making bad choices). I’m not preaching, I’m debating my side of an argument. And do not say that I am in a stoner daze because I have been off of it for a month, as I usually do when I come home from university so I can enjoy my 4.0 GPA average and lose the extra few pounds I may have gained because of eating too much while high.

      I will NEVER sit down with my future children with a joint, because by that time in my life I will have quit so I can be responsible in raising them. If they decide to make the choice to try weed, I will make sure they know the pros and cons of it so they can make an educated decision whether or not it is for them.

      I love life, and not because I living in a ‘stoner daze,’ but because I have a loving family, loving friends, and a wonderful future ahead of me. I am living the real world honey, you are only 18 and you have a lot to learn about what it really is like outside of your parent’s house.

      People like me and you will never see eye to eye because you have your opinions and I have mine. By waiting until after high school to make the choice to smoke weed, I discovered my values and morals that would otherwise have been compromised if I had chose to smoke when I was younger.

      I hope you have a lovely day, YourAllSick… and by the way it should be ‘You’re.’

      December 15, 2010 at 13:22 | Report abuse |
    • Denizen Kate

      So sorry to hear about the troubles of your friend and your family members, but don't you think it's probable that they would have become addicted to something whether or not they started with cannabis? An addictive personality is going to find that path one way or another. And please, both you and Reality Chews should stop assuming that all who use cannabis are stoners or "potheads." Not all drinkers are alcoholics.

      And by the way, if your user name is to imply that "you are all sick" it should be "you're" not "your."

      December 15, 2010 at 15:22 | Report abuse |
    • YourAllSick

      Julia already mentioned that. Its a common error. Typing on an android makes it worse, it likes to "fix" your words. You would know if you weren't wasting your money on weed :) addictive personalitys? Is this your excuse? This is what my 70 year old grandma says when she runs out of frozen snickers. Addiction isn't a disease, its an excuse. Its all in your head. Try having a REAL disease and living your life with it. Oh and Julia, your becoming an "important member of society", right? Well I hope you realize soon that your reality will set in when you fail an important urine test for the big job your wanting.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:56 | Report abuse |
    • Julia Morgan

      Because I am currently still in school and working on getting my masters, I have three more years to enjoy my life the way I see fit. And even then, I am not from the US (thankfully) so if I want to enjoy my evening joint, I will. And I will share it with anyone who wants to have a nice session with me. Including my boss. I will even hand a pass over to you if you so desire.

      As I said before, it is not addictive. It is easy to quit. It only takes a month for it to be out of your system, so by the time those urine tests to roll around, I will be well prepared for it because I am a responsible young woman.

      Thank you, and good night.

      December 15, 2010 at 17:26 | Report abuse |
    • Hmmm, Interesting

      Julia Morgan, that does not sound like the actions of a "responsible young woman." Continuing to do something you know is illegal, stopping just before you might have to take one of those pesky urine tests? That sounds more like you should label yourself irresponsible and unreliable and untrustworthy.

      December 15, 2010 at 18:11 | Report abuse |
    • Julia Morgan

      Oh yes. All of mankind is so trustworthy.

      Every employee an employer ever hires is completely honest. People never stretch the truth on their resumes, and they definitely never sugar coat their interviews to make them sound a lot more greater than they are.

      I think you are naive, and maybe you should open your eyes to human nature.

      The kind of job that I want is not one with the government so I can become as close minded as them. I know my path in life, and I know the kind of people I will be working with, non-judgmental and understanding.

      Peace, my friends, peace. Because there are a lot more problems in this world then a measly plant that grows from the earth.

      December 15, 2010 at 18:34 | Report abuse |
    • Julia Morgan


      December 15, 2010 at 18:36 | Report abuse |
  66. BrainDamage

    After you reach legal retirement age pot and crack should be legal. I like crack. I like pot. I would like a pot of crack.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:16 | Report abuse | Reply
  67. BrainDamage

    Don't do drugs.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:17 | Report abuse | Reply
  68. lance corporal

    I started smoking pot as a young teen, tried other drugs and stopped them quick, I continued to smoke pot and it saved my life, I had a horrible abusive childhood and would have ended up dead or in prison if not for ganja, I am now middle aged, successful (college graduate, ex marine, own my own business, good father, neighbor etc) and still smoke ganja instead of having a beer/martini/etc thats over 40 years of usage, I am healthy and have never noticed any side effects, I am capable of not smoking when I have work to do etc, there is no addiction, it has been a wonderful part of my life

    December 15, 2010 at 12:18 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      Sounds like you might be something of an exception, but think of how much better you would have turned out if you had not reduced your opportunites/abilities with pot. And there are side affects and damage being done to your body. You only think you are healthy as a horse. By the time you actually feel bad enough to go to a doctor, it will be too late.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:28 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Reality Chews;
      You really are a moron aren't you.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:06 | Report abuse |
    • Denizen Kate

      @Reality Chews: by his post, "lance corporal" seems to be intelligent, articulate, well-adjusted and successful. Your own many comments on this topic indicate that you've been drinking the anti-cannabis kool-aid. The truth is, ANY substance can be harmful if used excessively. Not all who use cannabis are "pot heads" or "stoners," just as not all who drink are alcoholics. The biggest difference between cigarettes, alcohol, and cannabis is that only one of these substances has been PROVEN to have highly effective medicinal usages. If legalized, it will become more difficult for children to obtain, and those adults who choose to use it on occasion will no longer be subject to criminal charges. Aren't those good things?

      "All things in moderation, including moderation." - Oscar Wilde.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:29 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      denizen, most of your post is not worthy of a response. I will suggest that you research why cannibis is a schedule 1 drug, and maybe throw in a search on the research done in amsterdam and israel on the long term effects. I believe you will find it reverses some of the conclusions done by the small amount of research done in the US. Here is a hint, it has something to do with it being a schedule 1 drug. I will grant that I believe there was some politics involved in making it a schedule 1 drug. Partially because it is a renewable resource for some products that could be made cheaper from it, thus some large influencial companies would lose money. But that does not change the harmful effects of smoking it.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:06 | Report abuse |
    • Chris

      @chewy Why don't you do what you suggest yourself and read why marijuana is a schedule I narcotic:

      December 15, 2010 at 15:55 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Chris, thank you, that website is not one I have heard of. I will read it.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:37 | Report abuse |
  69. Lee

    "More teens smoke pot than cigarettes" is the original headline of this article on the CNN home page Is this really surprising? After all, not many cigarettes smoke pot. (In other words, might want to review the correct use of comparative structures in standard English.)

    December 15, 2010 at 12:18 | Report abuse | Reply
  70. SAM

    And ALCOHOL USE smokes both of them,The Only Difference is ALCOHOL REALLY KILLS OTHERS

    December 15, 2010 at 12:18 | Report abuse | Reply
  71. Debbie

    Which one is legal and regulated? Legalizing and regulating marijuanna use can curb teenage users. When I was a teen it was much easier ti get pot than alcohol or cigs, drug dealer do not check ID's. Guess who also voted against legalizing marijuanna is Cali-drug dealers. At it lost by more like 55-45 FYI

    December 15, 2010 at 12:22 | Report abuse | Reply
  72. jhendrix731

    This is awesome news! Cannabis is healthy and cigarettes are vile, finally people are getting smart and educated. Its only a matter of time before people catch on to the fact that religion is total BS

    December 15, 2010 at 12:24 | Report abuse | Reply
  73. Death Metal Chef

    I discovered the sweet leaf in 9th grade. It's now been almost 20 years of daily use, and I've never looked back. It has had a profound impact on my life for the better. I graduated college and now have a fulfilling career as a chef. If it wasn't for my "prescription", the stress of my career would be unbearable to me. It helps me focus, keeps me mellow, and I fail to think of a better profession for someone with constant munchies! I gave it up for about a year at one point, and hope I'll never have to do it again. While smoking pot affects everyone differently, it's about time we removed the stigma and accepted that marijuana is here to stay in this country. The billions we waste on incarcerating potheads for simple possession could be better spent in about 1000 different ways. Cigs are medically and scientifically proven to be much worse for you than bong hits. One day I can hopefully quit my pack-a-day marlboro habit, but sweet mary jane will always be welcome around my way.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:25 | Report abuse | Reply

    after reading every comment on here its funny cus evey1 thats against pot has a complete lack of understanding.... your all morons.......all of your arguements r irrelavent and nonsense grow up, MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICE just cus its leagle doesnt mean U have 2 smoke it leave the stoners alone and find another bandwagon 2 speak apon ilinformed

    December 15, 2010 at 12:26 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      Dude, with the way you mangle the english language, you have no business calling anyone else a moron. See everyone, read his comment, that is a result of constant cannibis use.

      December 15, 2010 at 12:31 | Report abuse |
    • Tommas

      People like reality chews DEFINE THE LABEL SHEEP. If his/her government regulated guidance counselor / health teacher told them that eating fiber glass was good for you they would have a bowl for breakfast every day without a single question. Free thought is just too hard for some people.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:15 | Report abuse |
  75. isadore

    I have severe PTSD and other mental illnesses. Pot is the only thing that really helps. The drugs that are prescribed are crazy intense, and dope me up a lot more than pot. One of these legal drugs prescribed to me landed me in the hospital, because I started hallucinating. Never had that happen on pot. My doc knows I smoke pot instead of taking the harder prescribed meds. She said many of her patients with PTSD smokes pot for relief. If you have ever experienced PTSD (flashbacks, wild anxiety, hyper vigilance etc.) IT IS HELL.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:27 | Report abuse | Reply
  76. Capnron

    It's time to legalize pot, tax it and end this part of the war on drugs.
    Not only would it generate revenue for our government, but it would reduce law enforcement costs and stupid incarceration costs.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:31 | Report abuse | Reply
  77. Walther Shmit from Oregon

    Almost 50 now, been smoking every day, all day, since 1977. Well educated, fully employed, own my home, pay my taxes (more than many people earn), never been arrested. How many of you think I should be imprisoned?

    December 15, 2010 at 12:34 | Report abuse | Reply
    • FatSean

      Hope that's not your real name. The LawEnforcement-JudicialSystem-PrivatePrison complex needs to feed!

      December 15, 2010 at 12:39 | Report abuse |
    • Rushkovski

      I hop it is his real name. The people need to stand up to the tyrannical policy that distracts and misinforms the public.

      December 15, 2010 at 17:08 | Report abuse |
    • Hmmm, Interesting

      "How many of you think I should be imprisoned?"

      I do. Well, you asked.

      December 15, 2010 at 18:14 | Report abuse |
  78. Ckoegler

    I like how he is rolling a tobacco cigarette in the picture rather than a joint.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:35 | Report abuse | Reply
  79. Bob Cargill

    It's not so much that more kids are smoking pot, more of them admit to it. They realize that it isn't as big of a deal as the media makes it out to be.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:38 | Report abuse | Reply
  80. Pursuit of Happiness

    "The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world." – Carl Sagan

    "The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this." – Albert Einstein quote on Hemp

    "Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica." – Abraham Lincoln

    December 15, 2010 at 12:45 | Report abuse | Reply
  81. tumblin tumble weed

    roll it up, light it up, inhale, exhale. one of these days it will be legal again...all though i don't know if that's a good thing. i'm ok with current market prices, not sure i want to see the government get involved and start making it unaffordable.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:47 | Report abuse | Reply
  82. Jimmy Johnson

    A person who has good character and was going to be successful in life will be successful whether they smoke weed or not. A person who was going to be a screw up in life will be a screw up whether they smoke weed or not.

    The people with no motivation and sit around smoking weed all day were going to be lazy and unsuccessful whether they smoked weed, blew coke or did no drugs at all - people are who they are. Those who choose to get high instead of getting a job... the problem isn't the weed.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:50 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      The flaw in your logic is that the character of a person who is breaking the law is questionable at best. The other flaw is that the people that do have somewhat success in life, think of how successful they would have been if they had never smoked pot at all.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:50 | Report abuse |
  83. Stan

    Well I started to smoke when I was 20 and in the army. After my first few times I realized that the tobacco I was smoking (which I started when I was 12 years old) didn't do anything to me but take away the urge to smoke tobacco.....and only for a very short time. I then decided to quit tobacco and was successful.....it wasn't easy though. Now I am 64 years old and in good health and have been a school teacher for the last 14 years. I was a pot head from 1967 – 1972 and then stopped. I picked up smoking pot again in the 80"s for a few years, but realized I didn't want to smoke anymore and jusst quit. All in all I feel that it was probably a positive thing to be a pot smoker expecially because it got me of tobacco.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:54 | Report abuse | Reply
  84. Pablo

    I guess that's good news. Cigarettes kill. Pot doesn't.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:55 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      Sounds like a lot of people need to google the research done in amsterdam and isreal on the long term results of pot usage.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:47 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      PLEASE show me these studies! The fact is that teen drug usage has stayed the same while violent crime has dropped since the decriminalization of marijuana in Amsterdam. Just read the article above to see what prohibition does! Teen drug usage has gone up every year! You keep doing the same thing you keep getting the same results! 50 billion is spent on the war on drugs every year! The result? MORE DRUG USAGE!!!!

      December 15, 2010 at 14:32 | Report abuse |
    • Hey Joe

      Reality Chews, please post links to these studies you are talking about so you have something to back up your claims.

      You might also google the following term while performing your research, "correlation does not equal causation."

      Just some helpful hints for ya. Run along now and produce evidence of those studies you are talking about.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:44 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Hey Joe. What? You don't know how to use google? .....whateve had now problem doing it.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:35 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      That would be "no" problem, vice "now" problem.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:35 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Chooz is loozing it.

      December 15, 2010 at 19:30 | Report abuse |
  85. rational

    "I believe there is a 'generational forgetting' of the risks of these drugs."...


    He and the rest of his generation need to die off already. They are the silliest bunch of brainwashed idiots the world has ever known and their successes as a generation are far outnumbered and outweighed by their failures. The baby boomer world view is tremendously damaging to the global community and is only resisting progress at this point.

    December 15, 2010 at 12:56 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      Increasing the usage of pot is not progress. In fact it will slow it down more than it alread is. You are sounding like the dude in the old commercial. "I smoke pot for over 10 years, and nothing has happened to me." While trying to push the pot smoke out the window of his bedroom in his parents house, which he still lives in as a mid to late 20s something.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:46 | Report abuse |
    • Tommas

      @Warped Reality , you do realize that there is an abundance of alcoholics in this country. If they were to switch to cannabis wouldn't that be progress

      December 15, 2010 at 14:08 | Report abuse |
    • Denizen Kate

      Your assumption that the boomer generation is brainwashed is the opposite of "rational." Boomers have been working to de-criminalize cannabis for decades, with little or no help from later generations including, I assume, yours.

      If you want to do something constructive, start by discontinuing use of the term "marijuana" and call it cannabis. For those too young to remember, cannabis was given this racist nickname decades ago in a successful effort to make the white majority fear it. It is NOT addictive, and if legalized and regulated, it would NOT be a "gateway drug." The most addictive substances in our society are alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. Remember that the next time you order your latte at Starbucks.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:09 | Report abuse |
  86. Dude

    Martyr complex much ?

    December 15, 2010 at 13:01 | Report abuse | Reply
    • YourAllSick

      Immature pothead much?

      December 15, 2010 at 13:20 | Report abuse |
    • bsitz

      It would be "you are all sick"....just saying.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:34 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      depends on how you define immature.

      December 15, 2010 at 19:34 | Report abuse |
  87. Stan

    Most of my friends are extreme successful. Professionals and blue collar workers who smoked or smoke pot without negative effects.

    December 15, 2010 at 13:03 | Report abuse | Reply
  88. KidCanada

    Marijuana is addictive and it does hurt the individual who smokes everyday.
    However we are all adults over 18 and those of you who want to smoke everyday or occasionally can do so.
    Isn't that what is like to be free? Make your own choices in life, however the outcome, and perhaps learn from your own mistakes rather then always hearing about it or reading about it. Life is about experiences, trying new things, letting go once and a while. Some adults should stop trying to push their beliefs on other adults. If my life ever does flash before my eyes, I at least want to be entertained!
    Legalize it, tax it, and reap the benefits, even people who smoke pot everyday can see this!

    December 15, 2010 at 13:03 | Report abuse | Reply
  89. rational

    It's not addictive any more than anything else humans do that they enjoy and want to repeat. I smoke it a couple of times a year, but I enjoy solving IQ problems daily. Does that mean IQ problems are more addictive? Let's be careful with our language here, because marijuana may not addictive in the same way that coca cola is, and if it is, it is far less addictive than caffeine. In the most general sense, anything we enjoy and repeat because of that enjoyment is a chemical addiction. It is memetic brainwashing that has led to such a war on marijuana, and supported primarily by those that are the easiest to brainwash – the religious.

    December 15, 2010 at 13:16 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      Your user name seems to be a misnomer. There was nothing rational or correct in your argument.

      December 15, 2010 at 13:43 | Report abuse |
    • rational

      @Reality Chews: "Typical stoner or liberal." Your no longer worth a response.

      @dm: How does one become defined as a pothead? You should be sued for discrimination if you actually base your hiring on the chemicals a person consumes, rather than their ability to satisfy your job requirements. It appears you have entered the same dark chasm of dogmatism and stupidity that Reality Chews has, from which very few return.

      December 15, 2010 at 14:07 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      rational, you proved my posting. Both of them actually, and most of the others I have made as well, in putting your reply to both dm and myself as a reply that are no way connected to each other. As for dm's hiring practices, I would like to see you try to sue the US military, or any other company that has a contract with them. We are tested for drug and alcahol abuse regularly. You can not sue a company for requiring competence and reliability. The things you would sue for are legitimate reasons for not hiring someone. Sort of like not hiring someone with a bolt through their toungue. Perceptions and appearance matter, not just whether or not you can do the job.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:16 | Report abuse |
  90. Demosthenes

    Rat poison: No carbs, never had em, never will. Great diet food! Just one meal will feel like you'll never need to eat again!
    Also helps to make sure that you no longer feel the pain of cramps, headaches, ulcers, kidney stones, tumors, broken bones, broken hearts, job loss, high gas prices, splinters, bee stings......

    December 15, 2010 at 13:16 | Report abuse | Reply
  91. Reality Chews

    @dude, you really need to look in the mirror to see what you are describing with your insults. All your posts are name calling insults. I guess it is because you have done so much weed you can think of nothing else logical or useful to say. Typical stoner or liberal.

    December 15, 2010 at 13:41 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Dude


      December 15, 2010 at 19:50 | Report abuse |
  92. dm

    i will never hire a pothead or believe all of the pothead rationalizations as to why pot is ok.

    I don't hire alcohics or smokers either.

    this country is well on the way to being an Idiocracy.

    December 15, 2010 at 13:49 | Report abuse | Reply
    • JOhn

      yes.. and highly intolerant, too. How pious.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:44 | Report abuse |
    • Rushkovski

      I regret to inform you that the image of the stereotypical "stoner" or "pothead" has changed over the past 40 years or so. Now-days one is more likely to encounter a bright and articulate human being, likely well read or otherwise engaged in a field of interest, often quick on their feet, as most of the time they are SOBER and contributing to society. They are most likely sharply dressed – as to avoid the stereotyping form the likes of yourself. With a toke, some Visine and sometime a prayer, we populate your committees, your staff meetings, and other workplaces.
      I am, of course, exaggerating for dramatic effect. Trying to get anything productive done, especially in a corporate structure, is nigh impossible in that mind state. I'd say most users reserve that as an after-hours activity.
      To put a finer point on it, Sir, how can you be sure no one that used or uses MJ works for you?

      December 15, 2010 at 16:24 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Rushkovski, and such people can never have a security clearance or work for the government (legally), because they are not considered trustworthy.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:33 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Rushkovski, and such people can never have a security clearance or work for the government (legally), because they are not considered trustworthy or reliable.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:33 | Report abuse |
    • Julia Morgan


      If I ever applied for a position at your workplace, you would hire me. Nowhere on my resume would I put what I do in my free time. You would never know what I did in the privacy of my own home. You would be lucky to have me as your employee. I am a hard worker, articulate, highly educated, from a good background with good morals, I am a leader and also a listener. Not only am I all of these things, I am beyond one of the nicest and compassionate people you will meet (thanks to my upbringing).

      My lifestyle does not effect my personality or my work ethic.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:50 | Report abuse |
    • Rushkovski

      @ Mr Chews... I can name several prominent political figures and Government officials that have admitted to using cannabis. Like W. And many others. You have been proven wrong. Please return to your backwater philosophical sandbox.

      December 15, 2010 at 17:04 | Report abuse |
    • Hey Joe

      Do you drink coffee or take aspirin?

      December 15, 2010 at 17:41 | Report abuse |
    • Hmmm, Interesting

      Rushkovsk, I'm afraid Mr. Chews is right about this one. The only reason those political figures have not been prosecuted is because of exactly that, politics. Try looking on any jobsite, government or civilian contractor working for the government, that requires a security clearance. All are required random urinalysis testing.

      December 15, 2010 at 18:28 | Report abuse |
  93. Buddy

    I have a dream...One day marijuana will be legal and available nationwide for recreational use as well as medical use. I can understand why teens are using. The taste, the smell and the feeling is so much better than tobacco cigarettes.

    December 15, 2010 at 13:51 | Report abuse | Reply
  94. Katherine

    Only about 10% of the marijuana in this country comes from Mexico. 80% is grown right here in the USA.

    When the DEA sprayed paraquat on the fields of Mexican pot in 1983, making it unsmokable, folks started ordering seeds from Canada and Amsterdam and growing pot in their closets and basements. Pot went from being a weed to being an orchid, and the potency went way up. An excellent example of our countries continually failing drug policies.

    At least pot isn't physically addicting and you can't overdose on it. Considering all the deaths from alcohol poisoning in high school and college, pot doesn't look so bad.

    December 15, 2010 at 13:55 | Report abuse | Reply
  95. Jimmy Johnson

    For those who argue the world would be a dangerous place with the legalization of pot – I'm assuming you're forgetting that driving under the influence is and would still be illegal? Not to mention that driving high is far less dangerous than driving drunk, not that either should be allowed.

    December 15, 2010 at 13:59 | Report abuse | Reply
  96. Stan

    I know that it is impossible to overdose on pot. In the 80's I was growing my own in a mud room in the basement. After a fine harvest we made pot brownies and ended up with a trays worth of about 100 strong doses. When we went out and let the brownies cool on the counter my dog (a springer spaniel) knocked over the tray and eat all the brownies. She did not die. She laid in the same spot with red eyes for a few days then got up and was fine.

    December 15, 2010 at 14:00 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Rushkovski

      Lucky those pot brownies were potent. Were they normal brownies made with plenty of chocolate your dog would be a gonner!

      December 15, 2010 at 16:06 | Report abuse |
  97. YahwaY

    Imma say this – these children are learning that one of gods magical plants is amazing. Good to here more are coming to see the light and truth.

    Bros I just seen my neighbors cat take a huge dump !!!!

    December 15, 2010 at 14:18 | Report abuse | Reply
  98. Tommas

    "If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”
    -Thomas Jefferson-

    December 15, 2010 at 14:20 | Report abuse | Reply
  99. Tommas

    "The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."
    - Carl Sagan

    December 15, 2010 at 14:21 | Report abuse | Reply
  100. Tommas

    " A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded."
    -Abraham Lincoln

    December 15, 2010 at 14:21 | Report abuse | Reply
  101. Tommas

    "We shall, by and by, want a world of hemp more for our own consumption."
    - John Adams

    December 15, 2010 at 14:22 | Report abuse | Reply
  102. Pete

    All I'm asking for is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    December 15, 2010 at 14:23 | Report abuse | Reply
  103. agree

    Marijauna is VERY safe! This is great news!! Humans are evolving so our physiology is making it easier for us to see when people are lying and we are realizing that we can grow up and interact with things that don't kill as long as we don't put anyone else in harms way!!

    How we perceive our world and enjoy it should be our choice!!! There are several drugs that are SAFE and offer us a great time!

    Just because you have to "take" something doesnt make it any different from anything! You want to turn on a computer, you push the button. You want to go for a hike, you drive to the mountains. Everything has a vehicle. Why can't some drugs be vehicles that bring us to places that millions seem to enjoy enough to risk doing something illegal!!

    December 15, 2010 at 14:29 | Report abuse | Reply
  104. svscnn

    Guess kids really are smarter these days. ;)

    December 15, 2010 at 14:31 | Report abuse | Reply
  105. Tommy

    I did not read all the comments, But i do have a comment of my own.
    I never smoked cigarettes because they are nasty and pointless!!! I did however smoke Marijuanna because: first of all, it takes better and there is a point to it. 1.) It makes you happy (good for your health) 2.) It relaxes you (good for your health). It is not addictive and I know from my experience because one day I decided to stop smoking it and I had no problem giving it up.

    The problem with Marijuanna now is that because it is illegal, the week that most people smoke is PURE GARBAGE and sometimes even mixed in with other things that we dont' even know how harmful they are.

    The solution is!!! The government should LEGALIZE Marijuanna and have it Controlled the same way like it is done in Amsterdam. This way, the legal weed will be clean and crime rate will be down!

    December 15, 2010 at 14:31 | Report abuse | Reply
  106. agree

    I guess arresting 21 % of children and giving them felonies would make the world a better place! LOL

    We are criminalizing curiosity that is natural in youth and throughout life and it makes me sick. Who do you people think you are to criminalize the natural human desire to explore different experiences? Why does that scare you so much?

    December 15, 2010 at 14:33 | Report abuse | Reply
  107. Zeek

    Its been proven that over 50% of the mexican drug cartel's funding comes from selliing ditch weed to the US. We have a problem with all the violence on the border. Wouldnt it be logical to cut off their funding by legalizing? A strange thought I know.

    December 15, 2010 at 14:45 | Report abuse | Reply
  108. andrew

    maybe there getting better educated on the subjects and then make the logical decision, weed is better for you than cigarettes. who cares if they get high. as long as there not getting cancer.

    December 15, 2010 at 14:55 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      Yes, that is why there is an increasing percentage of them graduating 12th grade not being able to read above a 4th grade level, yes we really need more of that (much sarcasm intended).

      December 15, 2010 at 15:19 | Report abuse |
    • Mute

      I want to come through this screen and punch that Reality Chews guy square in his teeth.

      He's so ignorant it actually makes me feel stupid just being in a comments page where he has laid his cancerous thoughts into written form.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:34 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Well Mute, come on by and give it a shot. But you still can't prove me wrong. And your posting above shows everyone else your maturity level. I am just hopeful that it does not match your actual age.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:40 | Report abuse |
  109. Dirty Harry

    Well DUH! That shows that regulation works. You need to show ID for tobacco and alcohol. That system works keeping both out of the hands of the young. There is no regulation for marijuana, only prohibition. That creates a black market on something that is safer than both of the above. Why is tobacco and alcohol use down in teens? Regulation works and they can't easily get tobacco and alcohol. A drug dealer does not care about age, does not ask for ID, and may offer other deadly hard drugs.

    December 15, 2010 at 14:59 | Report abuse | Reply
  110. Cartman42

    Alchol and Tobacco is much worse than pot. Ever heard of someone smoking pot and beating up his girlfriend/wife? That's for good upstanding law abiding Alcohol drinkers.

    December 15, 2010 at 15:04 | Report abuse | Reply
  111. Mute

    Alcohol is legal and staying that way, as is tobacco, and both can easily kill you.

    Anyone ever look up how much nicotine it actually takes to kill you? It's a much smaller amount than most people would think, I promise you.

    A small amount of nicotine is actually easy to extract from tobacco and makes for a lethal poison.
    Know how much THC it takes to kill someone? Neither does anyone else. And frankly, that's the way I'd like to go if I had my choice. :D

    But seriously, I self medicate my anxiety disorder and the chronic nausea that comes with my depression with marijuana, and to be honest the only time I feel like a normal, sane, productive member of society is after I've smoked.

    Not to mention it's MUCH cheaper than cigarettes and won't kill you.

    When will people quit writing these moronic articles that lump marijuana together with alcohol, ecstasy, cocaine, meth and just about anything else just so they can fool the least intelligent people in this country into taking up a sword?

    December 15, 2010 at 15:19 | Report abuse | Reply
  112. rak

    I blame the Parents and the decline in moral principals as the United States falls in a 3rd world status. Yeah, producing 1 cell kids. Great Job!

    December 15, 2010 at 15:20 | Report abuse | Reply
  113. Reality Chews

    You know, after reading these posts, from the ones promoting the smoking of pot and how safe, harmless, and healthy it is, I have come to the conclusion that no matter how hard a person tries to inform people, or suggest research for them to do, that Ron White is correct. You can't fix stupid. I have no problem with ignorance, that is just a lack of information. That is curable. Saying that, I am in favor of making it legal, controlled and taxed. I'm just saying it is at least as unhealthy, if not more so, than alcahol. I also agree with the poster that said "everything in moderation" because too much of anything is unhealthy.

    December 15, 2010 at 15:25 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Mute

      Wow, just wow...

      People like you get on the road and drive down the same streets as people like me?

      It's scary to think that at a glance I might take you seriously had we ever met, especially because you're proof that brainwashing people is very real and scary.

      Also: Before you talk about anything, please make sure you can spell it.. -_-

      Nice trolling though.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:32 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Ok mute, what part of my posting is a result of brainwashing? I'm just curious about your opinion. By the way, haven't your fingers ever made a typo from trying to type to fast or some other reason?

      December 15, 2010 at 15:35 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      By the way mute, I do know the word is "alcohol."

      December 15, 2010 at 15:37 | Report abuse |
    • Mute

      Okay, I know I'm falling for this and I really hate being trolled..

      The part that was "the result of brainwashing" wasn't any one thing you said. You're so uninformed that I am actually kind of impressed that you're brave enough to try to talk to people about this, for that I commend you.

      And I am not the only one on here to point out your lack of knowledge on this subject.

      Honestly, if you want to share your opinions like a big boy that's fine, just read up on it first.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:40 | Report abuse |
    • Mute

      And yes, I have made typos.

      Want to know a secret though? You can go back and fix them!

      See that key above \?

      It looks like this: [<-- Backspace]

      Try hitting that next time you spell something wrong, champ.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:42 | Report abuse |
    • Idiot Idiot Idiot

      I agree with you wholeheartedly that you can't fix stupid. After hearing multiple accounts from people of all different backgrounds that HAVE ACTUALLY TRIED THE STUFF (adds a little credence to their argument), you continue to spout solid waste WHEN YOU HAVE NO EXPERIENCE and only speculation to comment with.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:50 | Report abuse |
    • Hey Joe

      Reality Chews, I don't believe a word you say about marijuana.

      Please produce your evidence proving that marijuana is "at least as" harmful as alcohol.

      December 15, 2010 at 15:51 | Report abuse |
    • Jamie

      just give up man....just give up

      December 15, 2010 at 16:00 | Report abuse |
    • Denizen Kate

      Reality Chews, you are correct that most people don't do their homework before they post. I've spent the last hour reading some very conflicting information, including your much-touted Amsterdam studies (didn't find the Israeli info), and I have a Web site for you: http://www.drugpolicy.org/marijuana/factsmyths/. Keep the salt shaker handy as always, but it has some good information with scientific publications to back it up.

      The truth is out there, but every group insists on spinning it to support their philosophy.

      And those of you who insist on calling this person an ignorant troll or a brainwashed moron: enough with the name calling. Reality Chews may not be right about everything, but his/her comments are thoughtful and well-written, which is more than I can say for many of you.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:09 | Report abuse |
    • Jamie

      Atleast someone pities you.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:26 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Mute,,,,no I am not trolling, you did not "fall" for anything. I was genuinely curious about what part of my posting you thought was brainwashing, so that I could give it due consideration. Yes I too have read the responses referring to my "lack of knowledge" on the subject. But I also noticed is that most of them just said I was ignorant and called me names and insulted me, but no one had any facts or suggested research so I could verify which one of us is correct. I have found some conflicting information from various sources and studies, then I tried to look into the perspective of the one doing the study, such as who financed it, etc. So I could give a reasonable judgement of its reliability. As far as the type, I do type over 100 words a minute and catch most of them and correct then with your suggested key combination. But sometimes I miss one.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:26 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Yes Mute, before you say anything, I did it again. It should be "typo" not "type"

      December 15, 2010 at 16:30 | Report abuse |
    • Denizen Kate

      Jamie, please don't presume to speak for me. I don't pity Reality Chews, I just respectfully disagree with him/her, and am weary of all the name-calling here and feel that we all need to treat each other with more polite respect.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:43 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Denizen, thank you for the website, it is not one that I have seen before. I will read it. Out of all the postings only you and Chris have given me additional research possibilities. Every one else is either insulting or name calling without giving me further information that could change my mind.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:48 | Report abuse |
    • Mute

      Wow, honestly..?

      Bashing you is getting boring, it's so easy it's kind of like.. Bowling with the bumpers on, or riding bmx with training wheels.

      Let's get this out of the way: You obviously know you're wrong.

      With that said, the first rule of argument (in my book, and I'm pretty damned good) is to never point one of your flaws or mistakes out. Ever.

      Typo or not, it was a mistake on your part.

      But on subject: "Convincing information" is a timebomb. Don't say things like that, you seem ignorant and noone gives it an ounce of consideration to anyone who includes a sentence admitting they don't have great understanding of a subject.

      If you have to get on google at any point during an argument you have no business discussing that topic.

      But because I know you just won't be mature and walk away with your tattered dignity I'll reply, just for you.

      First of all, the fact that people are calling you ignorant and only one person seemed to care at all about you, and that was purest pity, should tell you that maybe you're ignorant. -_-

      Second, 100 WPM means nothing if you aren't using proper spelling and punctuation. Three commas in a row isn't in any book I've read. I can read 10,000 words per second, but if I have no idea what they say it's an empty victory.

      December 15, 2010 at 17:01 | Report abuse |
    • Mute

      And if you can't find real statistics for something, only made up ones, that probably means it's PROPAGANDA.

      Now, that's a scary word these days..

      I once read a hilarious christian comic ( http://www.truthforyouth.com ) in which one kid says condoms fail 1/3rd of the time and don't help to prevent any diseases.

      Your "facts", if you ever gave us any, would likely be similar. :D

      December 15, 2010 at 17:07 | Report abuse |
    • Mute

      Apologies, that link should have read http://www.thetruthforyouth.com

      It's been a while since I've read that. :D

      December 15, 2010 at 17:09 | Report abuse |
    • Jamie

      @Denizen. Polite respect you say? Have you even read the unnecessary rude things he has said to some people on this page that smoke weed? Or perhaps those are people you don't agree with for some reason.

      December 15, 2010 at 17:55 | Report abuse |
    • Hmmm, Interesting

      Mute, there is some merit in what you reply to chews. But from reading his posts, I think you are a little off. He seems to have done some research (I have googled some of his suggestions and have found merit in some of what he says), just that he wants to learn more and welcomes replies giving him places to find opposing evidence, but most responses to him just seem to be insults and calling him names without giving any place to learn about their reason for disagreement. So I don't think that the "if 100 people are calling you ignorant...." part of your posting to him is valid. The one taking "pity" on him, I did not read her post that way. I saw it as that poster trying to give evidence of the other side for him to consider. It did seem like he got a little harsh, but it was mostly (but not all) with people that were insulting to him first. I can sympathize with him a little in that I also like to learn as much as I can, and like to consider issues from both sides and decide which one is more accurate. From all his posts, perhaps ignorant is an apt description, he doesn't know it all, and seemed to have no problem admitting it, unlike most other posters here. But then again don't we all fit the definition of "ignorant"? I have never met anyone that knows everything.

      December 15, 2010 at 19:10 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      Where's the damn "thumbs-up" button for MUTE on this damn forum,hell this isn't a forum it's a chat room.

      December 15, 2010 at 20:06 | Report abuse |
  114. Mute

    Also, noticed that kid had a reese's in his pocket.

    If that was marijuana and not tobacco he was rolling that would be a good afternoon in my book. :)

    December 15, 2010 at 15:27 | Report abuse | Reply
  115. Ben

    That's a step in the right direction!

    December 15, 2010 at 15:40 | Report abuse | Reply
  116. usaTim

    Let's see , I know at least 2 surgeons and 1 anesthesiologist that are highly regarged and, 1 of them is head of their department; all smoke weed occasionally to relax. I'm just a lowely I.T. analyst making a measily 85K a year. I've never been to jail and parking tickets and moving violations are all the trouble I've ever been in. I've never thought of myself above anyone, but this Reality Chews guy is really annoying. He's like the last person you would want for compassion and caring because all he has on is blinders and woe to the person who does not agree with his/her point of view. He/she just want's to belittle people for their differences and then just ignores the history of prohibition, the non-progress of the 20+ years of "War on Drugs", the suffering of ailing patience, the positive testemony of thousands of people who have actually tried it and the thousands of dead drug trafficers along our borders and cities.

    December 15, 2010 at 15:47 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      I have belittled no one that I did not get tired of their responses being nothing but name calling and insults. As I said, ignorance is curable, stupidity is forever, which one are you afflicted with? I have a low tolerance for incurable stupidity.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:17 | Report abuse |
  117. ....whatever

    NEWSFLASH – Pain management physicians have been prescribing pain medications for several years to patients. What is the primary source for these medications? HERION.....hello! So it is ok to go to a Dr., get a script and get legal herion?....OF COURSE! Because the doctors, insurance companies, drug companies and the FDA are making money off of us. Many patients get addicted to the prescribed medications (because they are HERION based) and then will need to detox.....but legalizing MJ is wrong. Some of you people really need to open your eyes to see that the system is pulling their wool over them!

    December 15, 2010 at 16:00 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Mute


      Marijuana and heroine are two very VERY different things.

      I would disown a family member if they did cocaine or heroine, I've done it before, but that's because "hard" drugs will pull you and those around you down.

      Marijuana is nothing like that, neither in composition or in effect, so stop. Just stop. -_-

      December 15, 2010 at 17:13 | Report abuse |
    • Mute

      And there is no such thing as a "heroine-based medication".

      You're probably thinking of opiates, which are made of (of all things) innocent little poppy seeds.

      Which are then processed into drugs.

      What is it that made you think noone would call you on such blatant falsehood?

      December 15, 2010 at 17:14 | Report abuse |
    • Inkt1

      Heroin is from poppy seeds. Opium, morphine, percocet, darvocet, codiene...All of these are in the same drug family and all are derived from the same plant-poppies. And they are NOTHING like cannabis.

      December 15, 2010 at 18:27 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      I thought heroin comes from the "milk,sap,or resins" exuded from the scored seed pod of the Papaver Somniferum.

      December 15, 2010 at 20:13 | Report abuse |
    • Dude

      I should say that OPIUM comes from the pod.

      December 15, 2010 at 20:15 | Report abuse |
    • ....whatever

      "Heroin is from poppy seeds. Opium, morphine, percocet, darvocet, codiene" (thank you)....yes, and oxycotin and roxycotin...and they are no way compareable to MJ.....My point is, unless the FDA, Government, Insurance companies and (more improtantly) drug companies can earn a HUGE profit from legalizing pot, then pot will remain illegal. However,addictive pain medications are handed out freely by Dr.'s without any recourse....Pot is not a segway into harder medications although some may think so. But, today, it appears more doctors are inclined to presrcibe addictive medications rather than support that medical MJ would be better for their patients....its two ends of the same spectrum...And my point is, medical MJ may be a better introduction to pain management rather than Opium, morphine, percocet, darvocet, codiene, oxycotin and roxycotin, where the side effects are more extreme, addicting and even lethal.

      December 17, 2010 at 15:41 | Report abuse |
  118. Munchys

    All of the people who are saying that stoners are gonna live in their parents basement when they are 30 are stupid. I know s ton of people who are fine. and I don't want to hear how I don't know anything like you say to everybody else because you can say all you want and everybody who actually smokes pot probably just thinks your an idiot...

    December 15, 2010 at 16:06 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Reality Chews

      Of course they will, they will say anything to justify their actions, whether it is factual or not.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:13 | Report abuse |
    • Jamie

      @Reality Chews. like anything you say is factual

      December 15, 2010 at 16:38 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Jamie, rather than just being insulting, it would be more useful to provide me with another source of information or terminology to google, to prove my conclusions faulty.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:50 | Report abuse |
    • Hey Joe

      Your conclusions are not supported by evidence, and are therefore invalid in the absence of such evidence. Thus, they do not require refuting.

      Logic has certain rules to it. "If I claim it to be true, it must be" is not among them.

      December 15, 2010 at 17:33 | Report abuse |
    • Jamie

      @Reality Chews. I'm more concerned about where you get your information from.

      December 15, 2010 at 17:41 | Report abuse |
  119. Anon

    Just for S&G, anyone want to speculate what is the only mainstream drug that can kill you from withdrawal symptoms?

    The answer: Alcohol

    You actually can die if you are a alcoholic and you suddenly stop drinking. However, even heroin will not kill you from withdrawal; you'll want to kill yourself, but it won't do it directly.

    December 15, 2010 at 16:09 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Rushkovski

      Sorry to bust your balls, kind sir, but heroin can most definitely kill you from withdrawal symptoms.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:12 | Report abuse |
  120. Rushkovski

    The most sociologically interesting thing to be taken away from this discussion is the fact that on average the proponents of pot have better spelling skills... And they seem to care more about correcting it... Anecdotal evidence at best but this isn't the only place where I've made such an observation.

    December 15, 2010 at 16:10 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Julia Morgan

      Nice observation, most likely because marijuana smokers are thinkers.

      What does a 'pot-head' do when stoned? Contemplate, think, and eat. Oh no, call the FBI! We have free thinkers eating brownies and discussing controversial subjects, which obviously could be detrimental to our society!

      December 15, 2010 at 16:35 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Julia, you are correct, perfect examples of that can be found in one of the "nerds" movies "what C-A-T acually spelled dog, and in animal house, " you mean an atom of my fingernail is an entire univers in itself?, can I buy some pot from you?" Hollywood I know, but still pretty realistic examples.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:54 | Report abuse |
    • Reality Chews

      Oops, sorry I left the word "if" out of the "nerds" quote, and the animal house quote is a little bit paraphrased as it has been years since I've seen the movie.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:55 | Report abuse |
    • Julia Morgan

      Reality Chews, I have never seen 'Animal House.' I do not like stereotypes; I'm just speaking from experience.

      That is not the only type of thinking all stoners do. What about politics, environment, worldly issues, family problems, how do we become the people we are today, literature, music, pop-culture, art, science, life, etc? I feel like these are all topics covered by cannabis smokers.

      And no, it's not always about serious stuff. Maybe we wonder why some things are spelled one way over another, or maybe we come up with some ridiculous new invention with our imaginations which will make us die laughing for a half hour... but what's so wrong with that? What's wrong with stretching our imaginations and getting enjoyment out of it?

      I'd rather smoke a joint and enjoy a social situation with my friends relaxing, than getting smashed and getting involved in bar-fights or promiscuousness behavior. While under the influence I have fun and I still have my head on my shoulders so I do not make any decisions... other than what to put on my rice cake.

      December 15, 2010 at 17:10 | Report abuse |
    • Rushkovski

      I knew it! Only real stalwart stoners watch that garbage, even I haven't seen it! Chewakka, you're just a gentle troll, and you're clearly a toker!

      December 15, 2010 at 17:10 | Report abuse |
    • Mute

      Julia, I have alot of respect for you.

      I know exactly what you mean, too.

      When I smoke I'm not out on the road driving aimlessly, nor am I jumping off of things to impress my friends like some 15 year old with no self respect. I'm sitting in my room, listening to music and drawing, and thinking about things.
      Not just anything, either:
      Physics, art, math, things of that nature, which I ordinarily feel I'm too busy to spend time with, suddenly become interesting and new.

      I read up on physics mostly, though.

      What do you think Reality Chews does in his down time? (Can't imagine he has any other kind..)

      December 15, 2010 at 17:23 | Report abuse |
    • Hmmm, Interesting

      I don't agree with everything Chews says, but some of his posts do seem to have some validity. Having never used cannibis myself (having been in the military for 20 years and working for the DoD ever since retirement), I have hung around with friends that were heavy pot smokers and I can see differences in how they are now vice when we were in school together. I can't imagine everyone thinking as they do, but from personal experience and obervation, what he said is pretty much the type of thing I saw. I have to admit I got a kick out of both movies and was not watching them drunk or stoned. I just thought they were stupid funny and an easy way to relax my brain. Turn thinking swith off and pure entertainment switch on.

      December 15, 2010 at 18:49 | Report abuse |
  121. Anonon

    "While heroin withdrawal is seldom fatal, it can cause death if heavy users who are in poor health suddenly stop taking the drug. It is worth noting that alcohol withdrawal is often considered more dangerous."

    December 15, 2010 at 16:25 | Report abuse | Reply
  122. Anonon

    So I guess that alcohol is right in line with the worst drug known to man. And yet notinreality seems to think pot is more harmful than alcohol.

    December 15, 2010 at 16:27 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Julia Morgan

      Nice observation, most likely because marijuana smokers are thinkers.

      What does a 'pot-head' do when stoned? Contemplate, think, and eat. Oh no, call the FBI! We have free thinkers eating brownies and discussing controversial subjects, which obviously could be detrimental to our society!

      December 15, 2010 at 16:33 | Report abuse |
    • Julia Morgan

      Sorry, that was meant to be a reply to Rushkovski's comment.

      December 15, 2010 at 16:36 | Report abuse |
    • Tommas

      @ Julia, I think nothing scares a government more than "free thinkers".

      December 15, 2010 at 19:37 | Report abuse |
  123. Tommas

    Veterans Affairs scientists looked at whether heavy marijuana use as a young adult caused long-term problems later, studying identical twins in which one twin had been a heavy marijuana user for a year or longer but had stopped at least one month before the study, while the second twin had used marijuana no more than five times ever. Marijuana use had no significant impact on physical or mental health care utilization, health-related quality of life, or current socio-demographic characteristics. Eisen SE et al. Does Marijuana Use Have Residual Adverse Effects on Self-Reported Health Measures, Socio-Demographics or Quality of Life? A Monozygotic Co-Twin Control Study in Men. Addiction. Vol. 97 No. 9. p.1083-1086. Sept.

    December 15, 2010 at 18:14 | Report abuse | Reply
  124. Tommas

    Marijuana is often called a "gateway drug" by supporters of prohibition, who point to statistical "associations" indicating that persons who use marijuana are more likely to eventually try hard drugs than those who never use marijuana – implying that marijuana use somehow causes hard drug use. But a model developed by RAND Corp. researcher Andrew Morral demonstrates that these associations can be explained "without requiring a gateway effect." More likely, this federally funded study suggests, some people simply have an underlying propensity to try drugs, and start with what's most readily available. Morral AR, McCaffrey D and Paddock S. Reassessing the Marijuana Gateway Effect. Addiction. December 2002. p. 1493-1504.

    December 15, 2010 at 18:15 | Report abuse | Reply
  125. Tommas

    The White House had the National Research Council examine the data being gathered about drug use and the effects of U.S. drug policies. NRC concluded, "the nation possesses little information about the effectiveness of current drug policy, especially of drug law enforcement." And what data exist show "little apparent relationship between severity of sanctions prescribed for drug use and prevalence or frequency of use." In other words, there is no proof that prohibition – the cornerstone of U.S. drug policy for a century – reduces drug use. National Research Council. Informing America's Policy on Illegal Drugs: What We Don't Know Keeps Hurting Us. National Academy Press, 2001. p. 193.

    December 15, 2010 at 18:15 | Report abuse | Reply
  126. Tommas

    Researchers at the Kaiser-Permanente HMO, funded by NIDA, followed 65,000 patients for nearly a decade, comparing cancer rates among non-smokers, tobacco smokers, and marijuana smokers. Tobacco smokers had massively higher rates of lung cancer and other cancers. Marijuana smokers who didn't also use tobacco had no increase in risk of tobacco-related cancers or of cancer risk overall. In fact their rates of lung and most other cancers were slightly lower than non-smokers, though the difference did not reach statistical significance. Sidney, S. et al. Marijuana Use and Cancer Incidence (California, United States). Cancer Causes and Control. Vol. 8. Sept. 1997, p. 722-728.
    Donald Tashkin, a UCLA researcher whose work is funded by NIDA, did a case-control study comparing 1,200 patients with lung, head and neck cancers to a matched group with no cancer. Even the heaviest marijuana smokers had no increased risk of cancer, and had somewhat lower cancer risk than non-smokers (tobacco smokers had a 20-fold increased lung cancer risk). Tashkin D. Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer: Results of a Case-Control Study. American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 23, 2006.

    December 15, 2010 at 18:18 | Report abuse | Reply
  127. Tommas

    If you want the rest (too difficult to post) just google: 10 Cannabis Studies the Government Wishes it Never Funded.... any arguments against cannabis are folly

    December 15, 2010 at 18:24 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Hmmm, Interesting

      It is well known that cannibis doesn't cause a greater risk of cancer than regular tobacco. But there are other damaging side effects with abuse of cannibis. The amount used plus a persons genetics determine time of onset. Which is why some people that use it think there is no harm and they are pretty much fully functional, and others can use the same or even less and practically be a gibbering idiot.

      December 15, 2010 at 18:41 | Report abuse |
    • Tommas

      @Interesting, you are correct but you can say the same about bigmacs and TV, everything is relative. Legalization should definitely come with increased education for sure.

      December 15, 2010 at 19:30 | Report abuse |
  128. agree

    I really am just for living in a world with less fear. There is so much fear and we need to do something about that. First of all lets get honest about marijuana and drop the taboo. Who are people to tell someone what they can enjoy if they do not endanger anybody.

    Alot of people really enjoy this stuff and have a great time. They don't become aggressive. They should avoid driving, but it's no different than Xanex and many over the counter drugs as far as driving is concerned.

    Why should responsible people like myself not be allowed to make a decision about my body and my life. Get the government out of my body!!

    If i am responsible than I am your fellow citizen and hope to treat you with love and respect always wishing you the best wherever your own curiosity takes you!

    December 15, 2010 at 19:03 | Report abuse | Reply
  129. bobby

    Pot is bad because it makes you feel ok about doing nothing. After you grow up smoking pot you come to find out that you really dont know how to do anything.

    December 15, 2010 at 19:24 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Hey Joe

      Pure BS.

      December 15, 2010 at 19:28 | Report abuse |
    • agree

      That is really seriously untrue and cannot be cast out like a blanket for all people. I guess alcohol makes you feel like doing nothing? If I want to do nothing, its my right as long as I don't endanger you! You are brainwashed... I hope you become more intelligent

      December 15, 2010 at 19:30 | Report abuse |
    • Inkt1

      I sincerely believe this is why it should be legalized, taxed and regulated. The reason more kids are smoking pot than drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes is that the people who sell the legal substances are required to ask for I.D. and, when they sell to minors, they lose their license to sell. Drug dealers don't care how old you are as long as you have the cash.

      December 15, 2010 at 19:32 | Report abuse |
    • Tommas

      There are too many example to list so im gonna go with the obvious, i think playing the guitar counts as "anything"

      December 15, 2010 at 19:35 | Report abuse |
    • Sadaski

      is this a smear campaign? #suspect

      December 16, 2010 at 08:53 | Report abuse |
  130. bobby

    haha im was kidding sorry. south park reference. I could literally care less if its leagalized or not.

    December 15, 2010 at 19:38 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Hey Joe

      Hehe.....ok you got me. Missed the SP ref.

      December 15, 2010 at 19:42 | Report abuse |
  131. eddie

    I love how the pro pot people attack anyone with differing views. It seems that everyone who isnt pro pot in here get ridiculed. Mabye intelligence isn't about having a strong opinion on a subject but listening to other peoples point of views?

    December 15, 2010 at 19:45 | Report abuse | Reply
    • agree

      The arguments are strong because it is such an outright persecution and violation of peoples ability to be recognized as mature. We are fighting for basic rights and they are being violated on a very deep level. This really is a serious problem and the laws need to be changed to stop persecuting responsible users.

      December 15, 2010 at 22:02 | Report abuse |
  132. opinion

    anyone can abuse anything. alcohol, cigs, OTC drugs, prescription drugs.. put anything in the hands of the wrong person and it can be abused. point is, marijuana is natural, ya can't OD on it, it's not addictive, and it isn't even really a DRUG. it's idiots who let it control their lives that make it an issue.

    December 15, 2010 at 19:51 | Report abuse | Reply
    • Hmmm, Interesting

      You are wrong on so many levels, it is funny.

      December 15, 2010 at 20:50 | Report abuse |
  133. eddie

    Natural huh. You know that cocaine and herione are derived from a plant to. Actually Pot was a lot less potent back in the 70's until we stepped into the equation.So how does it being nautural make it any beter?

    December 15, 2010 at 20:00 | Report abuse | Reply
    • opinion

      you don't have to process anything from a pot plant before you can smoke it. no chemicals; it's all natural substances unlike alcohol and heroin and meth etc. nothing manmade or synthetic is going into your body, which imo is a lot more "healthy" persay than any other mind altering substances.

      December 15, 2010 at 20:12 | Report abuse |
    • Sadaski

      keyword: derived; what is marijuana 'derived' from again?

      December 16, 2010 at 08:49 | Report abuse |
    • Inkt1

      That would be like comparing freezer crinkle-cut fries to french fries made from actually cutting potatoes and baking them. Read the package of the crinkle cut fries. They are often times full of high fructose corn syrup and/or have added chemicals for preserving them or making them extra crispy. Anything that goes through a process like that is worse for you than just harvesting and letting it dry...

      December 18, 2010 at 14:05 | Report abuse |
  134. eddie

    but i do agree with you its the idiots who abuse the drug who make it look bad. Just like people who get trashed with alcohol. I only drink beer but now in my state two beers puts me over the limit.

    December 15, 2010 at 20:01 | Report abuse | Reply
  135. Hey Joe

    Eddie I'm not into ridiculing people, I am into deconstructing weak arguments.

    Marijuana is generally accepted to be about 3 times stronger today than in the 70's (though the government would have us believe it's more like 30 times).

    How is that a bad thing? Before you answer, consider that it is essentially impossible to overdose on THC. If anything, wouldn't smoking less of it for the same effect be a good thing rather than bad? Though there has been no correlation shown between smoking cannabis and lung cancer, I'd still have to think that smoking less for the same effect would be a bit healthier for one's lungs.

    That's like saying beer would be better if it was 1% instead of 4%. How? I've tried the brewed in Utah stuff and I have to say I'm not a fan.

    December 15, 2010 at 20:18 | Report abuse | Reply
  136. TLB

    If an adult tells a kid that they can't have something, that will just make them want it more. Especially when they find out that hysterical grown ups have lied about it for years. There was less iillicit drug use among kids in the 1930's before marijuana became illegal and half the medicine you could buy at the drugstore contained cannibis. Prohibition causes alot more problems than it solves.

    December 15, 2010 at 21:03 | Report abuse | Reply
  137. Rushkovski

    CNN, you need to have a "like" button for your comments.

    December 16, 2010 at 00:56 | Report abuse | Reply
  138. Sadaski

    pointless article... marijuana is safer than cigarettes anyway. plus id rather them be smoking pot than stealing prescription drugs and getting wasted any day of the week

    December 16, 2010 at 08:11 | Report abuse | Reply
  139. Amazing

    I am gobsmacked by the lengths people will go to, in order to attempt to justify their illegal behavior. Or just insult anyone that does not agree with them. That being said, I support legalizing cannibis, I will not choose to use it myself as I have seen what long term use does to people, no matter what the defenders say about how many years they have used it and they are so successful. That is not a good defense of it. Personally I do not rely on anyone that abuses it or alcahol.But people are going about getting it legalized in ways that it will never happen. Personally I would not want a surgeon that is an alcaholic or drug user working on me, or I would not want to hire a lawyer if I found out he was a drug user or alcaholic (sounds like a bit of a hypocrite to me). I do support legalization, however I also feel that until it is legal, the punishments should be stiffer and there should be greater enforcement than their currently is. But then again I also think there should be stricter enforcement of rounding up and sending illegal aliens back to whatever country they came from, rather than trying to give them amnesty. It is cut and dried simple, which part of the word "illegal" do people not understand? There are reasons for people holding security clearances to not be drug users or alcaholics. They tend to be not trustworthy or reliable individuals thus security risks.

    December 16, 2010 at 08:59 | Report abuse | Reply
  140. Lauren

    I took up smoking for a brief period at age 14 and ended up getting a series of respiratory infections. I took up marijuana at age 20 and it completely turned my life around...on my prescribed anti-depressants I was even more suicidal, awful grades, no motivation, no life. Post-weed, I threw out all my prescribed mood stabilizers and I have not felt one single day in the two years that I've been smoking pot that I have when I was on all those meds. Have been regularly making the Dean's List and am going out there and doing awesome things with my life. Anyone who demonizes weed doesn't know what they're talking about and needs to just shut up.

    December 16, 2010 at 12:00 | Report abuse | Reply
  141. David

    Marijuana is the highly abused drug in US. Its effects are immediate and the smokers get instant pleasure out which hangs about one to three hours. Its effects are even stronger and lasting when it is consumed with food e.g. when it is baked in with cakes and cookies.
    I have learn t a lot about it, its symptoms and withdrawal effects as i was once an addict. Please get over this habit and visit Findrxonline, as it helped me immensely recover back to my normal self. Good Luck!!


    December 17, 2010 at 09:51 | Report abuse | Reply
  142. tazer

    just leagalize it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    December 17, 2010 at 11:08 | Report abuse | Reply
  143. CleanLiving87

    I think a lot of it has to do with the legalization of the drug. Like mentioned in this article, teens are probably seeing that the drug isn't as harmful since the legalization process has been undergoing. Other studies are also showing that there has been a significant increase in marijuana use among teens as well: bit.ly/hhLbMX

    December 17, 2010 at 17:55 | Report abuse | Reply
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