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Hamas stories: 285 news summaries

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WikiLeaks: US Failing
to Stop Flow of Mideast Arms

Hezbollah now has 50K Syrian-supplied rockets, missiles

WikiLeaks: US Failing to Stop Flow of Mideast Arms

Hezbollah now has 50K Syrian-supplied rockets, missiles
(Newser) - American efforts to prevent a buildup of arms in the Middle East have been largely frustrated, according to diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks. In one cable, the State Department accuses Syria of breaking a promise to not provide Hezbollah militants in Lebanon with new missiles, the New York Times reports.... More »

 Gazans Blame Hamas 
 for Economic Woes 

Party shares blame with Israel for sky-high unemployment

Gazans Blame Hamas for Economic Woes

Party shares blame with Israel for sky-high unemployment
(Newser) - As joblessness mounts in the beleaguered Gaza Strip, more and more residents are blaming the ruling Hamas party for their woes, GlobalPost reports. Although Gaza has one of the fastest population growth rates on earth, 45% of people have no job and 85% depend on aid to get by. And... More »

 Hamas Promises New, 
 More Deadly Attacks 

Dismisses peace effort, joins with 12 other groups

Hamas Promises New, More Deadly Attacks

Dismisses peace effort, joins with 12 other groups
(Newser) - Hamas angrily decried the renewed Middle East peace talks yesterday, promising a new wave of “more effective attacks” against Israel. Hamas said it would coordinate with 12 other armed groups, including Islamic Jihad, to carry out this new wave of violence, al Jazeera reports. “We reject completely …... More »

 Gunmen Trash UN 
 Gaza Summer Camp 

Militants torch camp seeking to shield kids from extremism

Gunmen Trash UN Gaza Summer Camp

Militants torch camp seeking to shield kids from extremism
(Newser) - Dozens of masked gunmen attacked a United Nations-run summer camp for Gaza's children yesterday, tying up guards and setting the camp on fire. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, the AP reports, although the UN camps are competing with camps run by Hamas, which teach an anti-Israel doctrine... More »

 Israel Eases 
 Gaza Blockade 

Ban on weapons remains in force

Israel Eases Gaza Blockade

Ban on weapons remains in force
(Newser) - Israel will allow goods to enter Gaza by land but will continue to ban the importation of weapons and will maintain its naval blockade on the area, CNN reports . Rather than listing what's allowed in , Israel will permit everything other than " weapons and material that Hamas uses to prepare... More »

Suspected Mossad Spy Arrested in Hamas Slaying

Alleged agent being held in Poland

Suspected Mossad Spy Arrested in Hamas Slaying

Alleged agent being held in Poland
(AP) - An alleged Mossad spy from Israel wanted in connection with the elaborate hit-squad slaying of a Hamas agent in Dubai has been arrested in Poland. The man, using the name Uri Brodsky, is suspected of working for Mossad in Germany and helping to issue a fake German passport to a... More »

 Israel Releases Full Audio 
 of Warning to Flotilla 

IDF was criticized for earlier edited version

Israel Releases Full Audio of Warning to Flotilla

IDF was criticized for earlier edited version
(Newser) - Israel today released a 6-minute audio clip of one of its Navy warships trying to establish communication with the Mavi Marmara before the deadly raid. The navy had released a much shorter version earlier, but critics accused it of a slanted selection of clips and even of outright doctoring. (A... More »

Charles Krauthammer

Israel Is Just Doing What John F. Kennedy Did

It's protecting itself with a naval blockade; sound familiar?

Israel Is Just Doing What John F. Kennedy Did

It's protecting itself with a naval blockade; sound familiar?
(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer comes to a rousing defense of Israel's flotilla raid, suggesting that the world wants to rid itself of Jews by depriving them of "any legitimate form of self-defense." Anyone remember the Cuban missile crisis? "Israel is accused of international criminality for doing precisely what John... More »

 Netanyahu: I'm Willing 
 to Loosen Blockade 

Humanitarian aid would be allowed after weapons checks

Netanyahu: I'm Willing to Loosen Blockade

Humanitarian aid would be allowed after weapons checks
(Newser) - Just ahead of another potential clash, Israel seems ready to budge at least a little on its Gaza blockade. Benjamin Netanyahu says he's willing to allow ships to deliver humanitarian aid if they are checked for weapons first, reports the Jerusalem Post . Other media outlets, including Haaretz and the Wall ... More »

quick takes

 'Insecure' Israel Blows It Again 

Flotilla raid a misguided use of force

'Insecure' Israel Blows It Again

Flotilla raid a misguided use of force
(Newser) - Israel's raid on the aid flotilla is drawing plenty of criticism from the Jewish community:
  • Amos Oz, New York Times : This mess is the result of the misguided "mantra that what can’t be done by force can be done with even greater force." The problem is that
... More »

 Israelis Hit 
 Gaza After 
 Donkey Bomb 

15 injured in strikes retaliating for militant attacks

Israelis Hit Gaza After Donkey Bomb Fizzles

15 injured in strikes retaliating for militant attacks
(Newser) - Fifteen people were injured when Israeli jets pounded the Gaza Strip overnight in retaliation for militant strikes involving a rocket, mortars—and a donkey. A Syrian-backed militant group claimed responsibility for the "donkey bomb" attack, in which a donkey cart carrying 400 pounds of dynamite was detonated near the... More »

Amid Kidnap Threat, Israel Warns Citizens to Flee Sinai

Hamas believed to be behind plot to abduct Israeli tourists

Amid Kidnap Threat, Israel Warns Citizens to Flee Sinai

Hamas believed to be behind plot to abduct Israeli tourists
(Newser) - Israel is urging all of its citizens vacationing in Sinai to leave immediately. Anti-terror officials say they have "concrete intelligence" of a Hamas plot to abduct Israelis from one of the resorts in the Egyptian peninsula, the Telegraph reports. Tens of thousands of Israelis are believed to be in... More »

 Israel, Hamas Close to 
 Schalit Prisoner Swap Deal 

Hamas will have to deport some of 1,000 freed prisoners

Israel, Hamas Close to Schalit Prisoner Swap Deal

Hamas will have to deport some of 1,000 freed prisoners
(AP) - A deal to swap 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for Sgt. Gilad Schalit, the 23-year-old Israeli who's been held by Hamas for 3 1/2 years, appears close after a whirlwind of negotiations between Hamas and the Israeli government. After a late-night session, Israel has reportedly replied to a Hamas offer conveyed... More »

Israel, Hamas Near Deal for Soldier's Release

Israel agrees to free 70 prisoners for Gilad Shalit

Israel, Hamas Near Deal for Soldier's Release

Israel agrees to free 70 prisoners for Gilad Shalit
(Newser) - Israeli and Hamas officials have confirmed that substantial progress has been made in negotiations for the release of an Israeli soldier captured during the 2006 Gaza war. Israel reportedly approved the release of at least 70 prisoners among the 450 Hamas is seeking for the return of the young staff-sergeant... More »

Palestinians' Abbas
May Not Seek Reelection 

Move could be a feint to jump-start peace negotiations

Palestinians' Abbas May Not Seek Reelection

Move could be a feint to jump-start peace negotiations
(Newser) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will not seek reelection next year, insiders say. Abbas has seen his credibility with Palestinians damaged during peace negotiations with the US and Israel, now stalled. “The president insists on not running in the upcoming election,” an official tells the Guardian, though some believe... More »

 Hamas Releases 
 Video of Captive 
 Israeli Soldier 

Sept. 14 footage of Shalit obtained in trade for Palestinian prisoners

Hamas Releases Video of Captive Israeli Soldier

Sept. 14 footage of Shalit obtained in trade for Palestinian prisoners
(Newser) - Imprisoned Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit appears healthy and talkative in a video released to the Israeli government by his captors in exchange for 20 Palestinian prisoners. In the video, Shalit talks of wanting to return home after his 3-year detention and holds up a copy of a newspaper dated September... More »

Israel Will Free 20 Palestinian Prisoners for Video of Soldier

Hamas says footage proves Shalit is alive

Israel Will Free 20 Palestinian Prisoners for Video of Soldier

Hamas says footage proves Shalit is alive
(Newser) - Israel will release 20 Palestinian women from jail in exchange for a video from Hamas proving that a young soldier captured three years ago is alive. The swap is expected to take place Friday and will lead to further negotiations for the release of Gilad Shalit, now 23, who was... More »

 Majority of Gaza Victims 
 Were Civilians: Rights Group 

252 children among casualties of Israeli operation, group concludes

Majority of Gaza Victims Were Civilians: Rights Group

252 children among casualties of Israeli operation, group concludes
(Newser) - The majority of casualties in Israel's operation in Gaza last winter were civilians, a human rights group has concluded, contradicting the official stance of the Israel Defense Forces. According to the NGO B'Tselem, which conducted extensive interviews and has compiled a list of victims' names, 1,387 Palestinians died in... More »

Al Qaeda Leader Dies in Battle With Hamas

(Newser) - Hamas launched a raid on an al-Qaeda splinter group's mosque stronghold today, leaving at least 22 dead, including the group’s leader, and around 120 people injured, Reuters reports. The extremist Jund Ansar Allah, or Warriors of God, had provoked Hamas by declaring the establishment of an Islamic “emirate”... More »

Hamas: Israel Targets Gaza Youth With Aphrodisiac Gum

(Newser) - Hamas says Israel is corrupting Palestinian youth with aphrodisiac chewing gum. “We have discovered two types of stimulants that were introduced into the Gaza Strip from Israeli border crossings,” a spokesman tells AFP. “The first type is presented in the form of chewing gum and the second... More »

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