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Sweden's Hypocritical Pursuit of Assange Is a Joke Naomi Wolf: The nation is lax on sex crimes, until now
By John Johnson,  Newser Staff | Suggested by kokuaguy

Posted Dec 15, 2010 7:43 PM CST
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(Newser) – Naomi Wolf finds it a wee bit fishy that Sweden does a lousy job at pursuing rape cases—unless your name happens to be Julian Assange. She dispels the "bizarre fantasy" that Sweden is a "progressively post-feminist paradise" quick to go after men who cross the line. Far from it. Sweden has a higher rate of rapes than the US and a lower rate of prosecution, she writes at the Huffington Post.

Which makes the treatment of Assange—"a global manhunt, solitary confinement in the Victorian cell that drove Oscar Wilde to suicidal despair within a matter of days, and now a bracelet tracking his movements"—all the more ludicrous and, in fact, an insult to feminism. "Shame on Sweden; shame on Interpol; shame on Britain," she writes. "And lasting shame, given this farcical hijacking of a sex crime law that is scarcely ever enforced in Sweden in far less ambiguous contexts, on the United States of America." Read her full column here.

A supporter of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange protests in London on Dec. 13.
A supporter of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange protests in London on Dec. 13.   (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)
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Showing 3 of 14 comments
Dec 16, 2010 8:40 AM CST
its called political pressure, the world is globalized, its not like governments act independently anymore. this is a country thinking about legalizing incest.
Dec 16, 2010 4:52 AM CST
Great job with the summary, John. Mahalo newser for upping the character limit for usergrid writers from 800 to 1200, a more realistic amount and one that compares better with the limits imposed on the regular newser staff. With respect to the treatment of Assange, it seems clear that a whistle blower acting exactly as journalists are supposed to, is being singled out on these fishy charges by Swedish authorities eager to suck up to the U.S. State Department. Of course the Obama Administration will be forced by war hawks, neo-cons and xenophobes to take a hard line with Assange, just as Republican conservatives hounded Clinton when Wen Ho Lee, the supposed Chinese spy at the Los Alamos nuclear facility, was in the headlines. Lest we forget, Lee was exonerated on all but the most trivial charges, collected $1.6 million in an invasion of privacy lawsuit, and the federal judge who handled his criminal case apologized repeatedly and profoundly for the unjust way his case was handled. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wen_Ho_Lee
Dec 15, 2010 11:51 PM CST
I'm liking the Guy Fawkes mask. V that was a good movie. And sorta applies. How do you get people to give up freedom--fear. That was fiction, they created the fear to get the freedoms revoked. We aren't like that are we? Giving the heave to The Bill of Rights because we think exposing a free government's secrets is a crime? Did you read that stuff? It's beyond boring and not important unless your exceptional America level is at stage four. Shit, you'd have croaked over the Pentagon Papers--we killed South Vietnam's president? Well, we didn't stop it. We faked the Gulf of Tonkin so we could blow the shit out of Hanoi? No one even remembers that today. You think this is important? It's not a bad thing to know your own country warts and all. We aren't perfect or exceptional, but we are tough and have a big heart. That heart comes from the essential thing that made us--the truth behind the First Amendment: sticks and stones will break our bones, but words can NEVER hurt us.
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