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Bradley Manning Is Being Tortured Glenn Greenwald takes a long look at 'inhumane' detention
By Evann Gastaldo,  Newser Staff

Posted Dec 15, 2010 11:25 AM CST
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(Newser) – With so much attention focused on Julian Assange, it’s easy to forget about the plight of accused leaker Bradley Manning—who has now been imprisoned for seven months without being convicted of any crime. In an extensive Salon piece, Glenn Greenwald lays out the case for why he believes that Manning’s solitary confinement constitutes “cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture.” Greenwald talks to people familiar with the conditions, including an official at the brig where Manning is being held, and cites numerous studies and expert opinions to come to his conclusions about torture.

Manning—despite never showing any signs of being a physical threat—has been declared a “Maximum Custody Detainee,” the highest level; he spends 23 out of every 24 hours completely alone. He is denied exercise—and is under constant supervision to enforce that—or even a pillow and sheets for his bed. Doctors have been dosing him with antidepressants to combat the adverse psychological effects of such an incarceration, but studies show it will likely prove to be damaging. Shameful treatment, Greenwald writes, especially considering Manning is “a whistleblower in the purest and most noble form: discovering government secrets of criminal and corrupt acts and then publicizing them to the world not for profit, not to give other nations an edge, but to trigger ‘worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms.’” Click for more of his in-depth piece.

This undated photo obtained by The Associated Press shows Bradley Manning.
This undated photo obtained by The Associated Press shows Bradley Manning.   (AP Photo)
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Showing 3 of 94 comments
Dec 16, 2010 10:33 AM CST
he is a traitor. He should be treated as one.
Dec 16, 2010 9:11 AM CST
"The US Gov is evil" breaking news ALL Gov have an evil side where they attempt to gain the upper hand on every other Gov "This guy is a Hero" More B/S, Remember Benidict Arnold? This guy is a traitor in its purest sense and deserves much more than he is getting Face it, he and A$$anage have committed espionage and not just against the USA Countries attempting to "play nice" are afraid of what will be leaked about them if they don't play it nice but that is blackmail and also if used against you would also make you change your tune Some cry "'they are trying to crucify a hero" No the hero is the GI doing his or her job and trying to help despite crooked Gov officials or back room deals The Heros are the ones who come home and get spit on and called baby killer and don't shoot the SOB who spit on them as all the GI was doing was his or her PATRIOTIC DUTY Patriotism must be something they quit teaching in the late 80's just like in a marriage you stand beside your family even if you think they are wrong and you handle your family in private and work hard to change the way they act from the inside This guy has put countless lives in danger with his actions and he did it out of revenge pure and simple He doesn't deserve to be crucified he deserves a bullet plain and simple
Dec 16, 2010 5:33 AM CST
Shame on all those hatefilled commenters on here. You can clearly hear them bellowing in unison: "CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM. GIVE US BARRABAS"
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