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Feds Sue District for Denying Teacher's Muslim Pilgrimage Instructor was forced to quit to perform Hajj
By Nick McMaster,  Newser Staff

Posted Dec 14, 2010 5:32 PM CST
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(Newser) – The Justice Department is suing a Chicago school for not allowing a Muslim teacher an unpaid break from work to perform the Hajj pilgrimage, AOL News reports. Math teacher Safoorah Khan asked for two weeks off in 2008 to visit Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The school denied her request because "the purpose of her leave was not related to her professional duties," court documents show.

Khan ultimately quit and went on the pilgrimage anyway, filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission along the way. "Because Berkeley School District denied her a religious accommodation, the district compelled Ms. Khan to choose between her job and her religious beliefs, and thus forced her discharge," the Justice Department's case says. Khan wants to be reinstated and is seeking unspecified damages.

Tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims moving around the Kaaba, the black cube seen at center, inside the Grand Mosque, during the annual Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010.
Tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims moving around the Kaaba, the black cube seen at center, inside the Grand Mosque, during the annual Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010.   (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)
Tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims moving around the Kaaba, the black cube seen at center, inside the Grand Mosque, during the annual Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010.
Tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims moving around the Kaaba, the black cube seen at center, inside the Grand Mosque, during the annual Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010.   (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)
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Showing 3 of 53 comments
1 hour, 55 minutes ago
to hell with the muslims,you dont see humans,ooops sorry i mean christians asking for rediculous time off.What next are they going to have a day to celebrate the muslim assholes who blew them selfs up to kill americans?.fire all the towel head mf's and make them live like humans and not swine!
Dec 15, 2010 12:11 PM CST
This is the biggest non-issue that is going to waste tax payer money for years. No one in the school district is saying she cannot practice her religion. She is free to practice Islam and work as a teacher. And according to her religion, she only has to make the Hajj pilgrimage once in her life. It did not have to be the year after she started working as a teacher. When you take a job, especially a teaching position, you are agreeing to certain conditions. As a teacher you are agreeing to instruct students throughout the course of the school year, you are not allowed to take vacation. In most cases, it is a ten month salaried position. With the exception of sick leave, the time off consists of a 7-10 days for winter break, 7-10 days for spring break, roughly 7 holidays, and 8-10 weeks off in the summer. She accepted the employment terms when she became a teacher, and if she wants to attend the Hajj, all she has to do is wait a few years when the Hajj will occur during her summer vacation. She is just seeking attention by filing this claim. Any sensible judge will throw out this case.
Dec 15, 2010 9:54 AM CST
I wonder why this isn't being compared to the pharmacists being dismissed for not dispensing medications their religions don't approve of? I believe both demands for religious leniency place(d) too much burden on the company.
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