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User stories are short summaries of news stories from across the web written and submitted by Newser readers.

The 10 Most Ridiculous World Records of 2010
indyposted.com | Dec 24, 2010 3:04 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Have you ever wondered how many bananas you can fit in your pants? Or how many times you could get a Mattress World employee to say the word mattress in one phone conversation? Everyday, people from around the world send in their ridiculous world records to the Universal Record Database. Here are 10 of the most absurd set this year: Most bunnies...

The Most Pirated Movies of 2010
indyposted.com | Dec 22, 2010 2:50 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Avatar made more than $2.5 billion dollars worldwide—despite the fact that it was the most pirated movie of 2010. The details: Avatar (16.6 million illegal downloads) — Avatar also holds the record for most illegal downloads in a year. Last year's most pirated movie, Star Trek, was downloaded 6 million fewer times . Kick-Ass...

Pols Brazenly Chase Cash While Casting Key Votes
Washington Post | Dec 26, 2010 6:23 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Washington Post Staff Writers Carol Leonnig and T.W. Farnum report that the office of Congressional Ethics has been investigating eight cases of lawmakers who took hundreds of thousands in donations from financial firms while rewriting federal regulations for Wall Street. Although they have been warned that their actions could be unethical, in June,...

WikiLeaks: Obama & GOP Killed Torture Probe
motherjones.com | Dec 26, 2010 12:02 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - A WikiLeaks cable shows that when Spain considered a criminal case against ex-Bush officials, the Obama White House and Republicans got really bipartisan. Read the full article .

Keep an Eye on Your Presents: Track Santa Online
Daily Telegraph (UK) | Dec 24, 2010 9:22 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - The North American Aerospace Defense Command (aka NORAD) is back on the hunt for Santa by way of its Father Christmas Tracker . Developed three years ago, the Father Christmas Tracker site has racked up more than 2 billion hits, as eager kiddies take to the Internet to keep an eye on the progress of their presents. NORAD will track Santa's movements...

Santa Claus Takes Down Mafia Suspect in Sicily
Der Spiegel | Dec 26, 2010 6:42 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Santa Claus can do it all: deliver presents, climb down chimneys, fly through the Christmas sky in his sleigh. And, as it happens, he can also make arrests. On Thursday, he busted a suspected member of the Sicilian mafia. Read the full article .

Norway Puts Reflectors on Reindeer
Daily Telegraph (UK) | Dec 22, 2010 7:04 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Norway has come up with a novel way to keep drivers from crashing into reindeer: They're fitting reflectors on the animals in the form of reflective collars or antler tags. So far, 2,000 of the nation's 200,000 reindeer have been fitted. "It really works," a roads official tells the Telegraph . About 500 reindeer are killed each year by...

Tennessee Homeland Security Office Targets ACLU
centerforinvestigativereporting.org | Dec 23, 2010 7:37 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR), reports that ACLU communications are being monitored by a Tennessee police-run intelligence "fusion center", one of dozens established by the Department of Homeland Security to collect information about possible terrorist threats after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Authorities admit it was a mistake...

Teen girl brings pot laced brownies to school
chicago.cbslocal.com | Dec 22, 2010 1:04 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - If you´re feeling mellow and unusually happy in school, you´ve probably eatern one of these brownies. A 17 year old teen girl was caught selling pot laced brownies to students of Maine South High School. Police have said that the girl was selling the brownies for $10.00 each. The high price probably led to some suspicion as to what made the brownies...

Couple Answers Question Correctly, Loses $800,000
indyposted.com | Dec 21, 2010 6:56 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - What product hit stores first? The Sony Walkman, the Macintosh Computer, or Post-It Notes. If you answered Post-It Notes you'd be right, but not if you were on Fox's "Million Dollar Drop." Contestants on the show placed $800,000 on Post-It Notes, but they were told that they got the question wrong, and watched their money drop down to the abyss....

The Most Wasteful Government Programs of 2010
indyposted.com | Dec 21, 2010 4:52 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - When money is tight, most people try to hold on to it. But not the US Government. Senator Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, has just released "The Wastebook: A Guide to Some of the Most Wasteful Government Spending of 2010," which details some of the worst examples of poor government money management. Here are some of the worst instances of wasteful government...

Which is Greener, Real Xmas Tree or Fake?
New York Times | Dec 23, 2010 2:03 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - What is better for the environment, an artificial Christmas tree or a real one? The answer is not so clear according to a Montreal consulting firm. They found that if you work out all those nitty gritty details you would have to use that artificial tree 20 years before it was "break-even" from the point of view of greenhouse gas production. That...

Suicide bombers kill 14 in Iraq
bbc.co.uk | 7 hours, 13 minutes ago
(USER SUBMITTED) - 14 people were killed and 47 wounded in the Iraqi town of Ramadi (Anbar Province) by two suicide bombers. The bombers first targeted a vehicle near a government office and as people gathered at the scene of the explosion, the second bomber detonated his explosives vest. Out of the 14 killed, 4 were Iraqi policemen. Most government offices are...

Video - The Luckiest People of 2010
YouTube | Dec 21, 2010 4:59 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - No, that plane will not crash. Yes, this man will get out of his car at the very last moment. And in a very funny moment, police officers surround bank robbers without even knowing it. It's all there, in a video made by a user named Nobodyyy: Sports, planes, trains, automobiles, crime, avalanches, accidents, with the very surprising result that...

Ukrainian reporter causes furor over bunny costume
Daily Telegraph (UK) | Dec 22, 2010 1:38 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Meh…what’s up doc? A Ukrainian reporter entered parliament dressed in a rabbit suit sparking a huge scandal. The reporter, Roman Vintoniv, conducted this stunt to mock the “farcical” and “comical” nature of Ukrainian politics as evidenced by the recent brawl last week at Verkhovna Rada. Astonishingly, Mr. Vintoniv conducted his duties in a professional...

Shep Joins Stewart's 9/11 Healthcare Crusade
Salon | Dec 21, 2010 6:35 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - For the second straight day Shepard Smith, who likes to portray himself as the voice of the people at Fox News, has come out naming names of Republican opponents of the 9/11 first responder healthcare bill in the U.S. Senate. Today on his 3 p.m. show Smith took aim at the last Senate Republican still willing to stand up and publicly defend his decision...

Experiments Show Light Can Generate 'Lift'
Science News | Dec 21, 2010 1:45 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Scientists have known for quite sometime that light can 'push' objects - it's the fundamental premise behind solar sails. Until recently, however, scientists were not sure whether light rays could generate 'lift' - the concept of the flow of a medium in one direction causing the movement of an object inside that flow in another direction. A study...

Beetroot Juice, Your new sports drink!
Science Daily | Dec 21, 2010 11:10 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Here's another reason to eat your veggies...or this case drink them. In a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers have discovered that consumption of beetroot juice enables an individual to use less oxygen for a particular physical task. In one experiment alone, scientists discovered that beetroot juice allowed individuals...

China peeved at Japan for "Irresponsible policy"
Space War | Dec 22, 2010 9:40 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - China is once again upset with Japan for what it considers the latter's “irresponsible remarks”. The new round of tension began after Japan expressed its concerns over Chinese growing military presence in the region especially in light of the Korea shelling incident. Consequently Japan has revised its National Defense Program guidelines to focus...

Call of Duty: Black Ops has hit the billion mark!!
news.cnet.com | Dec 22, 2010 9:11 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Call of Duty: Black Ops fans rejoice! Activision has just announced that its star game has reached $1 billion in worldwide sales in just 6 weeks. The wildly successful Black Ops has even bested the venerable Modern Warfare 2, which took over 2 months to hit the billion mark. Activision has compiled statistics and found that gamers have played the...

Youngest Chess Master in the US
bbc.co.uk | Dec 22, 2010 5:54 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Chess, it's just too awesome. This was proven today by a 9 year old boy from California who has become the youngest chess master in the US. Samuel Sevian, a resident from Santa Clara, California has been acknowledged by the US Chess Federation as the youngest player to become a chess master. Samuel trains everyday for 2 hours and plays chess against...

Total Lunar Eclipse Treat
NPR | Dec 21, 2010 6:34 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - High in the early Tuesday morning sky, the moon slowly turned from a bright silver to a glowing deep red. The astrological phenomenon could be seen from North and Central America where skies were clear. Parts of Europe and Asia only caught some of the show. The last time a full lunar eclipse happened the same day as the winter solstice was 1638. The...

UN demands more protection for Journalists
United Nations | Dec 22, 2010 8:55 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - A report conducted by the CPJ (Committee to Protect Journalists) is calling for the UN to better protect the rights, freedoms, and safety of media professionals working in conflict ridden areas. CPJ notes that in 2010 alone, 42 journalists were killed. Countries with some of the highest rates of journalist deaths include Mexico, Honduras, Iraq, and...

China and U.S. In Wind Energy Tiff
earthtechling.com | Dec 23, 2010 9:52 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - The United States has filed a compliant with the World Trade Organization against China, claiming the latter has a government program that provides subsidies to the country’s wind-turbine manufacturing industry that runs afoul of WTO rules. The filing puts the U.S. government as a backer to the United Steelworkers, who wanted the claim filed. Read...

Nuclear Power: Clean Energy Or Not?
earthtechling.com | Dec 23, 2010 9:37 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Nuclear power promises to offer cheap, abundant energy. The question is: is it really clean like solar or wind, or just as bad as fossil fuels? Experts pro and con offer their opinions. Read the full article .

We now know why Pat Robertson says crazy things
Huffington Post | Dec 22, 2010 3:06 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Don't bother looking for a Bible verse 420, you won't find it, but Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson has joined the crusade to legalize marijuana. The host of The 700 Club, has stated publicly he is in support of legalizing pot as part of an effort to "get smart on crime." Robertson went on to say he is not in favor of using drugs, but...

Hero Takes Bullet For Dancer, Dies
KNXV-TV | 32 minutes ago
(USER SUBMITTED) - An Arizona man is being mourned as a hero, giving his co-worker the Christmas gift of life by paying the highest cost. The shooting occurred late Sunday at the Alaskan Bush Company in Phoenix. Two men were killed and two injured. The deceased bouncer, Adam Cooley, apparently placed himself between the shooter and a dancer, who had already been shot...

Chicago's Top 30 In Tech 2010
flyovergeeks.com | Dec 22, 2010 11:37 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - The list of the top companies in Chicago's tech scene is out- comapnies like Groupon and GrubHub made the list but weren't #1.... read the whole story to see the list! Read the full article .

Jets had a problem with tripping, now with feet.
Huffington Post | Dec 22, 2010 1:29 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - First it was coaches tripping the opposing players on the sidelines, now it's possibly coach Rex Ryan's wife's feet that are embarrassing the New York Jets. Video has surfaced that appears to be foot fetish in nature. In the video, a woman who looks much like Ryan's wife Michelle, is showing off her foot to an off camera admirer. A user named "ihaveprettyfeet"...

unexploded bomb found on Italian subway
msnbc.msn.com | Dec 21, 2010 7:51 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - ROME — Italian news reports say an explosive device has been found in a subway car in Rome. The ANSA and Apcom news agency said the device was found Tuesday inside a train during a stop in Rebibbia, on the outskirts of Rome. Read the full article .

The Fed Tries To Cancel Christmas at Oklahoma Bank
jrdeputyaccountant.com | Dec 21, 2010 11:19 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Earlier this month, Kansas City Fed bank examiners told Oklahoma's Payne County Bank that bank employees were not allowed to wear religious Christmas pins nor post a daily Bible verse on their website, using Regulation B (fairness in lending) as the excuse. While the bank complied, employee-owners questioned the validity of this request, forcing the...

Republican leaders are pro-child... marriage!
The Raw Story | Dec 21, 2010 4:11 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Once again, Republican leaders are showing their love for children by refusing to support legislation condemning child marriage in developing nations. Republicans voted against the International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act, when it was called to a vote December 16th 2010. Republicans say the bill might cause abortions, although...

The GOP under fire for failing True 9/11 Heros
Los Angeles Times | Dec 20, 2010 9:39 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Republicans in Congress are under growing criticism for their opposition to a bill that would provide medical care for 9/11 attack responders and survivors, including ailing police officers and firefighters. As advocates press for Senate approval, Republican resistance to the measure has grown increasingly untenable. After the Sept. 11 attacks, the...

John McCain wants soldiers to kill themselves.
Huffington Post | Dec 21, 2010 10:17 PM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Senator and war hero John McCain is blocking efforts to fund programs to help keep our veterans from committing suicide. It seems since his Presidential loss, Senator McCain has become an angry man. He is blocking all bills offering help to others, including the Dream act, this bill and others. Read the full article .

UAE residents suckers for fancy number plates
emirates247.com | Dec 23, 2010 8:40 AM CST
(USER SUBMITTED) - Residents of oil-rich UAE are the world's largest spenders on fancy number plates, holding the world record for the top five most expensive number plates ever auctioned, the Emirates247.com reports. Plate No. 1 in Abu Dhabi, the capital of UAE, holds the honour of being the most expensive number plate to be auctioned, fetching Dh52.5m ($14.4m) at...


December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010

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