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NEWS ABOUT: Michael Moore

Michael Moore stories: 39 news summaries

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How to Get Out of Jury Duty:
Know Michael Moore

Donna Gianell bounced from Citigroup trial

How to Get Out of Jury Duty: Know Michael Moore

Donna Gianell bounced from Citigroup trial
(Newser) - A juror found herself bounced from a Citigroup-EMI fraud trial after her connections to liberal filmmaker Michael Moore emerged. Citigroup lawyers played a clip from Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story in court showing juror Donna Gianell’s name in the credits, then asked Judge Jed Rakoff to dismiss her.... More »

 The Best Summer Blockbusters 

'Jaws' takes top honors, but some surprises make the list

The Best Summer Blockbusters

'Jaws' takes top honors, but some surprises make the list
(Newser) - Summer is all about the beach and blockbusters, and Time Out New York set out on a big mission: To rank the 30 best. It set a few restrictions—films had to hit theaters between May and August, had to gross more than $100 million globally, and couldn't be surprise... More »


 Health Reform a Blow to Film 

Hospital bills have driven many Hollywood screenplays

Health Reform a Blow to Film

Hospital bills have driven many Hollywood screenplays
(Newser) - No one doubts that American life will change when health-care reform takes effect. But few have considered how the changes will affect popular culture—specifically movies. Health care has been a catch-all motivator for screenwriters, allowing for the injection of life-or-death struggle into otherwise comfortable American middle-class existence. John Lopez ... More »


 Health 'Reform' 
 Isn't  Worthy 
 of Name 

Dems should be ashamed of bill, but pass the damn thing

Bastards! Health 'Reform' Isn't Worthy of Name

Dems should be ashamed of bill, but pass the damn thing
(Newser) - The Democrats should hurry up and pass their sorry excuse for a health bill, but they should stop calling it "health care reform," writes Michael Moore. The president and Democratic leaders should apologize to the American people for coming up with a bill that leaves 12 million people... More »

 Michael Moore 
 to Glenn Beck: 
 F--k Off 

And he's tired of Democrats being 'wusses'

Michael Moore to Glenn Beck: F--k Off

And he's tired of Democrats being 'wusses'
(Newser) - Michael Moore has some choice words for Democrats, whom he calls "wusses" in separate interviews, and Glenn Beck. Highlights from his talks with Raw Story and The Young Turks, the latter recounted at the Huffington Post :
  • "You know, I tell you, these Democrats are disgusting. Wimps and wusses
... More »

In Lieberman Rage, Michael Moore Urges Conn. Boycott

Wants senator recalled over health-reform stances

In Lieberman Rage, Michael Moore Urges Conn. Boycott

Wants senator recalled over health-reform stances
(Newser) - Filmmaker Michael Moore fired the latest salvo from Joe Lieberman’s left today, calling on the citizens of Connecticut to get the senator out of office or face a national shunning. “People of Connecticut: What have u done 2 this country?” Moore tweeted . “We hold u responsible. Start... More »

pop culture

 100 Defining 
 of the '00s 

The iPod, Guitar Hero, Twitter—and some serious moments, too

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

The iPod, Guitar Hero, Twitter—and some serious moments, too
(Newser) - From the tragic (World Trade Center attacks, Hurricane Katrina) to the seemingly trivial (Stephen Fry's first Tweet), the Telegraph lists the top 100 defining cultural moments of the decade so far:
  • April 2000: Metallica sues music-sharing service Napster.
  • October 2001: The iPod is released.
  • February 2003: Sacha Baron Cohen hits
... More »


 Chavez Supporters 
 Can't Take Moore's Joke 

Filmmaker's Jimmy Kimmel interview irks Chavistas

Chavez Supporters Can't Take Moore's Joke

Filmmaker's Jimmy Kimmel interview irks Chavistas
(Newser) - So Michael Moore and Hugo Chavez walk into a hotel, split a bottle and a half of tequila, and ... what's the punchline? There isn't one for Chavistas torqued over the filmmaker's joke to Jimmy Kimmel that the two partied down at the Venice Film Festival, and Moore's claim that he... More »


 Michael Moore Attracts 
 His Own Gadflies 

Veritable 'cottage industry' of negative docs on documentarian

Michael Moore Attracts His Own Gadflies

Veritable 'cottage industry' of negative docs on documentarian
(Newser) - Michael Moore makes a living speaking truth to power, and an assortment of other filmmakers are lining up to speak truth to him. “There's actually more films made attacking me than films I've made,” he tells the Wall Street Journal. They include Fahrenhype 9/11, Celsius 41.11, Michael ... More »

Moore, Hannity Spar Over Capitalism

Filmmaker catches Hannity in fib about church attendance

Moore, Hannity Spar Over Capitalism

Filmmaker catches Hannity in fib about church attendance
(Newser) - Michael Moore and Sean Hannity didn't exactly take off the gloves, but they did mix it up in a spirited exchange about the roots of the financial crisis on Hannity's Fox News show last night. Moore, appearing to promote his latest, Capitalism: A Love Story, scored his best punch... More »

box office roundup

 Zombieland Conquers US 

Woody Harrelson vehicle dethrones Meatballs in debut weekend

Zombieland Conquers US

Woody Harrelson vehicle dethrones Meatballs in debut weekend
(Newser) - Zombieland raked in $25 million to dominate the box office in its debut weekend, easily dethroning Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, which had held the top spot the previous two weekends. The R-rated comic horror movie starring Woody Harrelson drew an overwhelmingly young audience, with 56% under 25, Variety ... More »


 Capitalism Is Moore 
 at His Messy Best 

Filmmaker's full-on assault on the system is his richest work yet

Capitalism Is Moore at His Messy Best

Filmmaker's full-on assault on the system is his richest work yet
(Newser) - Michael Moore makes Wall Street feel his wrath in Capitalism: A Love Story, and the results, say critics, are frequently annoying, sometimes brilliant, and guaranteed to provoke—in short, everything you'd expect from Moore.
  • The movie, Moore's "liviest, most radical" yet, is no "eye-glazing tutorial on debt
... More »


 Moore's Latest 
 Slams Love Affair 
 With Capitalism 

Filmmaker's 'magnum opus' sticks up for the little guy

Moore's Latest Slams Love Affair With Capitalism

Filmmaker's 'magnum opus' sticks up for the little guy
(Newser) - Michael Moore’s latest film, Capitalism: A Love Story, which had its debut last night at the Venice Film Festival, isn't likely to match the “political impact” of Fahrenheit 9/11, but you might still call it his “magnum opus: the grandest statement of his career-long belief that big... More »

 Moore Rips 
 at Film Fest 

'I can pay for my own movies now,' boasts filmmaker

Moore Rips Tinseltown Moneybags at Film Fest

'I can pay for my own movies now,' boasts filmmaker
(Newser) - Lefty gadfly Michael Moore couldn't resist deriding the same well-heeled execs who bankrolled his latest movie at the Venice Film Festival yesterday. "One of the beautiful flaws of capitalism is they will use the rope you give them to hang themselves if you can make a buck," Moore... More »


Fall Films Worth Seeing

(Newser) - Entertainment Weekly looks at the most promising movies for the fall. Here's a sampling:
  • 9: Shane Acker’s Oscar-nominated short about sentient rag dolls gets a big-screen treatment courtesy of producer Tim Burton.
  • The Informant: Matt Damon gained 30 pounds for Steven Soderbergh’s film on corporate whistleblowers.
  • Jennifer’s
... More »

Moore Says
He Might Be Done With Documentaries

He's working on
two screenplays

Moore Says He Might Be Done With Documentaries

He's working on two screenplays
(Newser) - Michael Moore’s upcoming Capitalism: A Love Story might be his final documentary, he tells the Detroit News. "While I've been making this film, I've been thinking that maybe this will be my last documentary," Moore says. "Or maybe for a while." Instead, the most successful... More »


 Pam Heads Back to Baywatch 

Plus, two celebs face divorce, and more

Pam Heads Back to Baywatch

Plus, two celebs face divorce, and more
(Newser) - Not only is Baywatch coming to the big screen: Pamela Anderson may be coming with it. The actor and her red swimsuit are rumored to be making a cameo appearance in the “tongue in cheek” comedy, the New York Daily News reports. Elsewhere:
  • The wives of Eddie Furlong (of
... More »

 Michael Moore 
 Wants to 
 'Save Our 

Teaser trailer is actually stunt for new movie

Michael Moore Wants to 'Save Our CEOs'

Teaser trailer is actually stunt for new movie
(Newser) - Let the viral marketing begin. Michael Moore pulled a fast one on New York moviegoers Friday night when, instead of a conventional trailer for his new film, he appeared onscreen Will Rogers-style asking for donations to “save our CEOs,” the New York Daily News reports. Audience reactions were... More »

Moore's New Movie Targets Wall St. 'Bloodsuckers'

After Bush, GM, and guns, filmmakers sets sights on 'robber barons' behind crisis

Moore's New Movie Targets Wall St. 'Bloodsuckers'

After Bush, GM, and guns, filmmakers sets sights on 'robber barons' behind crisis
(Newser) - Michael Moore promises to tear chunks out of the people behind the Wall Street meltdown in his new movie, USA Today reports. The documentary filmmaker, who calls the financial crisis "the biggest robbery in the history of this country," is targeting the corporations and politicians responsible. He hopes... More »


 Michael Moore: 
 9 Ways to Rise 
 From GM's Ashes 

Let's use their facilities to overhaul America's transit

Michael Moore: 9 Ways to Rise From GM's Ashes

Let's use their facilities to overhaul America's transit
(Newser) - The end of General Motors is an opportunity for an America that now owns 60% of the company, writes Michael Moore. Let’s take advantage of the death of a firm that built poor cars, battled environmental rules, and shipped jobs away by using its facilities to implement a new... More »

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