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NEWS ABOUT: Julian Assange bail

Julian Assange bail stories: 4 news summaries

Julian Assange
Goes Free

Thanks supporters, the British justice system

Julian Assange Goes Free

Thanks supporters, the British justice system
(Newser) - Julian Assange walked out of a British courtroom a free man today, after a lengthy court hearing to work out the logistics of his bail. “It's great to smell the fresh air of London again,” Assange told the gathered reporters, adding that, “If justice is not always... More »

breaking news

Judge Rejects Appeal,
Grants Assange Bail

The WikiLeaks founder will be freed from jail

Judge Rejects Appeal, Grants Assange Bail

The WikiLeaks founder will be freed from jail
(AP) - A UK judge has rejected an appeal and granted bail to Julian Assange, who will be freed from the British jail where he's been held since Dec. 7. The Guardian notes that there was an early indication things would go Assange's way after High Court justice Duncan Ouseley commented that... More »


Michael Moore: Why I
Put Up Bail for Assange

Openness and transparency are vital to keep corruption in check

Michael Moore: Why I Put Up Bail for Assange

Openness and transparency are vital to keep corruption in check
(Newser) - Michael Moore is among the celebrities putting up money to try to get Julian Assange sprung on bail, and he writes on his website that he eagerly made his $20,000 pledge—along with the offer of his servers and domain names—because transparency is "among the few weapons... More »


Assange Will Stay in Jail
as Sweden Challenges Bail

British judge will hear appeal to his decision granting freedom

Assange Will Stay in Jail as Sweden Challenges Bail

British judge will hear appeal to his decision granting freedom
(AP) - A British judge granted bail to Julian Assange today under strict conditions, but the WikiLeaks founder will remain in jail at least another 48 hours while the court hears an appeal from Swedish prosecutors who want him extradited on sex-crimes charges. According to the Guardian , his bail conditions would include... More »

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