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NEWS ABOUT: Bradley Manning

Bradley Manning stories: 15 news summaries

Feds Building Conspiracy Case Against Assange

Charges would sidestep First Amendment issues

Feds Building Conspiracy Case Against Assange

Charges would sidestep First Amendment issues
(Newser) - Federal prosecutors searching for criminal charges to lodge against Julian Assange are trying to build a conspiracy case against him. Officials are seeking to determine whether the WikiLeaks founder encouraged accused leaker Bradley Manning to provide the site with classified files, the New York Times reports. Prosecutors are examining chat... More »


Bradley Manning
Is Being Tortured

Glenn Greenwald takes a long look at 'inhumane' detention

Bradley Manning Is Being Tortured

Glenn Greenwald takes a long look at 'inhumane' detention
(Newser) - With so much attention focused on Julian Assange, it’s easy to forget about the plight of accused leaker Bradley Manning—who has now been imprisoned for seven months without being convicted of any crime. In an extensive Salon piece , Glenn Greenwald lays out the case for why he believes... More »

Berkeley May Anoint
Army WikiLeaker a 'Hero'

Council will vote on Bradley Manning resolution next week

Berkeley May Anoint Army WikiLeaker a 'Hero'

Council will vote on Bradley Manning resolution next week
(Newser) - Bradley Manning is a traitor to some, but he might just be an official American hero to Berkeley. The city council will vote next week on a resolution praising the imprisoned Army private who's accused of delivering classified military documents to WikiLeaks, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . "If he... More »

 WikiLeaks Preps 
 Biggest Leak Ever 

Iraq info ever expected within weeks

WikiLeaks Preps Biggest Leak Ever

Iraq info ever expected within weeks
(Newser) - WikiLeaks is preparing a leak of Iraq war records that will dwarf its publication of secret Afghanistan information, according to a nonprofit journalism organization working with the site. The material, which will be released in a few weeks, is the "biggest leak of military intelligence" in history, Iain Overton,... More »

Activists Rally Behind
Alleged WikiLeaker

Dueling protests seen outside Marine Corps base

Activists Rally Behind Alleged WikiLeaker

Dueling protests seen outside Marine Corps base
(Newser) - Activists protested this weekend outside the Virginia Marine Corps base where Bradley Manning is being held, calling for the alleged source of WikiLeaks' secret document trove to be released. "We are here to say that if he, indeed, was the whistle-blower, then we are proud of him," the... More »

Gay Wikileaker Felt Isolated at Home, in Army

Bradley Manning's dad kicked him out over his sexual orientation

Gay Wikileaker Felt Isolated at Home, in Army

Bradley Manning's dad kicked him out over his sexual orientation
(Newser) - What drove Bradley Manning to allegedly share more than 150,000 secret documents with the world? The New York Times offers a kind of answer with a look at Manning’s troubled coming of age. Manning spent his entire youth being picked on, first for being a geek then for... More »


 Expect a Lot More Intel Leaks 

We may be in for an age of whistleblowers

Expect a Lot More Intel Leaks

We may be in for an age of whistleblowers
(Newser) - Did you enjoy the WikiLeaks storm ? Well, there could soon be a lot more like it. There are more opportunities for leaks than ever before, observes the Christian Science Monitor , because the government is generating more classified data than ever and is granting security clearances to huge numbers of... More »

College Students Probed in Wikileaks Investigation

MIT, BU linked to suspect Bradley Manning
(Newser) - Students at MIT and Boston University are being investigated as possible accomplices in the massive leak of military documents posted on the Wikileaks site, according to officials. The FBI was apparently sicced on the schools in part by blogger Adrian Lamo. He did not reveal the students' names because he... More »

WikiLeaks Suspect Transferred
to US Soil

Army's Manning faces trial in another leak

WikiLeaks Suspect Transferred to US Soil

Army's Manning faces trial in another leak
(AP) - The White House today implored WikiLeaks to stop posting secret Afghanistan war documents as the Pentagon brought the soldier suspected of leaking the information back to the US for trial in another case. "I think it's important that no more damage be done to our national security," Robert... More »

Wikileaks Logs Found on Manning's Computer

Authorities say it's concrete evidence

Wikileaks Logs Found on Manning's Computer

Authorities say it's concrete evidence
(Newser) - Authorities have found some solid evidence linking Pfc. Bradley "BradAss87" Manning with the secret Afghan war logs released by Wikileaks. Manning had not been stationed in Afghanistan, and authorities doubted he had the know-how to acquire the information. But a search of his computer revealed evidence that he had... More »

Feds Hunting Wikileaker's Accomplices

They think he must have had civilian helpers

Feds Hunting Wikileaker's Accomplices

They think he must have had civilian helpers
(Newser) - Federal investigators say Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning must have had civilian accomplices who helped him turn over Afghan war secrets to Wikileaks, and they've expanded their investigation to find them, reports the Daily Beast . Manning had direct access to classified documents concerning only the Iraq war, and Adrian Lamo,... More »

Pentagon Looks at Army Intel Analyst's Role in Afghan Leak

Bradley Manning only worked on Iraq war

Pentagon Looks at Army Intel Analyst's Role in Afghan Leak

Bradley Manning only worked on Iraq war
(Newser) - Who could've given nearly 1 million classified Afghanistan war documents to WikiLeaks? The military is taking a close look at Bradley Manning, an intelligence analyst already charged with leaking documents to the site. Manning would be a perfect suspect, except for one fact: He was stationed in Iraq and had... More »

 Army 'WikiLeaker' 
 Faces 8 Federal Charges 

Bradley Manning accused of espionage for downloading video

Army 'WikiLeaker' Faces 8 Federal Charges

Bradley Manning accused of espionage for downloading video
(Newser) - An Army intelligence analyst who has acknowledged providing classified material to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks was charged with eight criminal offenses yesterday, Wired reports . Pfc. Bradley Manning violated the Espionage Act by giving classified material to a nongovernment third party, the government alleges. Manning, 22, is in custody in Kuwait,... More »

Is 'Wikileaker' Switching His Sex?

At a crossroads
(Newser) - The soldier arrested for allegedly providing secret Pentagon material to Wikileaks may be undergoing more than one crucial transition. Boing Boing has analyzed an IM dialogue between busted Army PFC Bradley Manning, 22, and a hacker who turned Bradley into the feds for signs that the soldier is about to... More »

 Wikileaks Set 
 to Release US 
 Massacre Vid 

Assange: 140 civilians killed in bloody tape

Wikileaks Set to Release US Massacre Vid

Assange: 140 civilians killed in bloody tape
(Newser) - Wikileaks' founder has emerged from hiding from federal officials to announce plans to release a US troop massacre video leaked to the whistleblower website. The classified Pentagon video shows the Garani attack last year that resulted in the death of some 140 Afghanistan civilians, many of them children, Julian Assange... More »

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