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New York Times stories: 216 news summaries

1 - 20 of 216 Stories | 1 2 3 4 5 ... 11 Next >>


Hey, New York Times, Quit Dissing DC's Restaurants

Washington has had enough
(Newser) - The New York Times delivered its latest review of the Washington DC dining scene last week, and it was as withering as ever, raising its nose at the “spread of Everyman Eating” on Capitol Hill, where restaurateurs don’t even try for a Michelin star. It’s typical, writes... More »

Air Force Blocks News Sites
That Posted WikiLeaks Cables

Personnel denied access to New York Times, other sites

Air Force Blocks News Sites That Posted WikiLeaks Cables

Personnel denied access to New York Times , other sites
(Newser) - The Air Force has blocked more than 25 websites from its computer system, effectively barring its personnel from using work computers to view the New York Times and other news sites that published documents released by WikiLeaks. Users who attempt to access these sites see a message reading "Access... More »

Ballerina to New York Times:
I Am Not Fat

Blogosphere dumps on 'vicious' reviewer

Ballerina to New York Times: I Am Not Fat

Blogosphere dumps on 'vicious' reviewer
(Newser) - A New York Nutcracker ballerina is ready to stuff a tray of Christmas cookies down the throat of one rude New York Times reviewer who thinks she's tutu chubby to be on stage. Lincoln Center's Sugarplum fairy Jenifer Ringer, 37, has eaten "one too many sugar plums," snarkily... More »


 WikiLeaks Shifting 
 Media Balance of Power 

New kind of 'global investigative journalism' emerging

WikiLeaks Shifting Media Balance of Power

New kind of 'global investigative journalism' emerging
(Newser) - WikiLeaks' document dumps are pushing old media into a new role, a Politico analysis finds. Papers like the Guardian and the New York Times—which was left out of the latest round of leaks after publishing a profile critical of Julian Assange —are starting to work together across borders... More »

NYT Editor: Our Subscribers Aren't So Bright

We jack their exorbitant subscriptions, and they don't even notice

NYT Editor: Our Subscribers Aren't So Bright

We jack their exorbitant subscriptions, and they don't even notice
(Newser) - New York Times readers are a brilliant bunch, right? Not according to one NYT editor. Gerald Marzorati, the assistant managing editor for new media and strategic initiatives, opened wide and inserted his foot directly into his mouth during a panel discussion at the Digital Hollywood New York conference yesterday, while... More »

 E-Books Joining 
 NYT Bestseller List 

Fiction and nonfiction will be ranked early next  year

E-Books Joining NYT Bestseller List

Fiction and nonfiction will be ranked early next year
(Newser) - E-books are gaining sales and credibility: The New York Times will add two e-book bestseller lists, fiction and nonfiction, beginning next year. The company has been working on a system to track and verify sales for two years, using weekly data from publishers, bookstores, and online retailers. “It was... More »

Jon Stewart Rally Gets NYT Shout-Out, Via Crossword

Guess we know whose side the Times is on
(Newser) - The Rally to Restore Sanity can count among its supporters Oprah Winfrey , Larry King , and now Will Shortz. The New York Times crossword editor threw in eight clues relating to Jon Stewart (an avid crossword fan), Stephen Colbert, and their joint rally in yesterday’s puzzle, Reuters reports. Just another... More »

 Karzai: Iran, US 
 Give Me Bags 
 of Money 

Afghan president confirms NYT report; says several countries donate

Karzai: Iran, US Give Me Bags of Money

Afghan president confirms NYT report; says several countries donate
(Newser) - Afghanistan’s president confirmed a New York Times report that his office gets bags of cash from Iran, saying the US has long known about it—and that the US also provides “bags of money," the AP reports. The Iranian money comes in batches of some $700,000... More »


 Obama Admits 

Admits he neglected the marketing of his policies

Obama Admits 'Tactical' Mistakes

Admits he neglected the marketing of his policies
(Newser) - Barack Obama is proud of his many legislative accomplishments, but lately he’s been dwelling on the mistakes of his first two years, and spending “a lot of time talking about Obama 2.0,” one aide tells the New York Times in a sweeping profile today. Obama tells... More »


White House Blasts New York Times Report

Calls it '100% wrong'
(Newser) - The White House is fighting hard against this New York Times report , which claims that President Obama's advisers are considering an ad blitz linking the GOP to the Tea Party. “The Times is just flat-out, 100% wrong,” a White House official tells Politico . “The first time Obama’... More »

 Journal vs. Times
 Sharks vs. Jets Style 

Taiwanese animators explain the news again

Journal vs. Times: Sharks vs. Jets Style

Taiwanese animators explain the news again
(Newser) - Here's everything you need to know about the turf war between the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times in the Big Apple ... in animated form. (Get ready for Rupert Murdoch with a fin, and a Jets vs. Sharks homage). The YouTube video comes from Taiwanese New Media Animation,... More »

We'll Stop Printing Times, 'Date TBD'

It's coming 'sometime in the future'

Sulzberger: We'll Stop Printing Times, 'Date TBD'

It's coming 'sometime in the future'
(Newser) - This from Arthur Sulzberger Jr.: "We will stop printing the New York Times sometime in the future, date TBD." OK, "this sounds obvious," writes Henry Blodget at Business Insider , "but it's a big deal." Unless the paper finds a "sugar-daddy," it will... More »

Wikileaks Founder Blasts
NYT for Not Linking

Assange calls paper's handling of the story 'unprofessional'

Wikileaks Founder Blasts NYT for Not Linking

Assange calls paper's handling of the story 'unprofessional'
(Newser) - Julian Assange has criticized the New York Times for not linking directly to his Wikileak site and its archive of Afghanistan war logs, calling the paper's handling of the story "a little bit unprofessional" in an interview with Democracy Now . "If the New York Times, for whatever reason,... More »


 Hey, Times
 Lay Off Snooki 

'Jersey Shore' star doesn't deserve 'condescension'

Hey, Times: Lay Off Snooki

'Jersey Shore' star doesn't deserve 'condescension'
(Newser) - Snooki probably brushed off Cathy Horyn’s “spectacularly condescending” New York Times profile . But in case she took it to heart, Mary Elizabeth Williams begs her, “do not ever change”—no matter what “that bitch from the paper of record” says. Williams may not be a... More »


 Massive Records 
 Leak Bares 
 Chilling Afghan 
 War Secrets 

White House furious about 92K posted documents

Massive Records Leak Bares Chilling Afghan War Secrets

White House furious about 92K posted documents
(Newser) - Covert operations, hidden civilian victims of the Afghanistan War and US suspicions that Pakistan is aiding the Taliban are among the shocking secrets bared in some 92,000 leaked American military documents posted yesterday on Wikileaks . The New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel were given early access to... More »

How to Write About Tweets Without Saying 'Tweet'

Observer pokes fun at Times' Twitter story

How to Write About Tweets Without Saying 'Tweet'

Observer pokes fun at Times ' Twitter story
(Newser) - The New York Times forbids the word "tweet" (in the Twitter sense) from its pages, as the Awl noted a while back. So when the paper wrote a story about LeBron James' doings on Twitter, the New York Observer wondered how in the world it would manage. Here are... More »

 Oliver Stone, NYT Critic 
 Feud Over Bad Review 

Filmmaker issues rebuttal, and critic issues his own

Oliver Stone, NYT Critic Feud Over Bad Review

Filmmaker issues rebuttal, and critic issues his own
(Newser) - Oliver Stone and a New York Times movie critic are feuding over a scathing review of Stone's documentary on Hugo Chavez, South of the Border. It began when the Times' Larry Rohter wrote this piece , in which he accuses Stone of "mistakes, misstatements, and missing details." Stone fired... More »


 Jeb Bush: 
 'Childish' Obama 
 Picking on George 

He thinks president is 'Hubert Humphrey on steroids'

Jeb Bush: 'Childish' Obama Picking on George

He thinks president is 'Hubert Humphrey on steroids'
(Newser) - Ex-presidents are supposed to remain above the fray, so it’s up to Jeb Bush to defend his brother’s administration from the Obama White House—and he’s eager to do it, ripping Obama in an interview with the New York Times today. “He apparently likes to act... More »

 John McCain's Sad Campaign 

From presidential candidate to endangered senator

John McCain's Sad Campaign

From presidential candidate to endangered senator
(Newser) - Two years ago, John McCain was running for president. Now, he’s trudging around Arizona just trying to keep his job, the New York Times laments. Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer has obviously followed McCain around the trail, but he won't talk to her. So she’s left to observe his strange... More »

NYT Reporter Ridicules Pajamas-Clad Bloggers

He defends article on Afghan mineral deposits

NYT Reporter Ridicules Pajamas-Clad Bloggers

He defends article on Afghan mineral deposits
(Newser) - New York Times reporter James Risen is not a big fan of bloggers. Yahoo News blogger John Cook, formerly of Gawker, learned this when he called Risen to ask about criticism of his recent story on Afghan mineral deposits. (Original story here ; sample of criticism here .) "Do you... More »

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