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NEWS ABOUT: United States

United States stories: 346 news summaries

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US No Longer One of
20 Least Corrupt Nations

Falls to new low in global corruption rankings

US No Longer One of 20 Least Corrupt Nations

Falls to new low in global corruption rankings
(Newser) - For the first time ever, the US has fallen out of the top 20 in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, thanks to financial scandals and the growing influence of money in our politics, Reuters reports. The US is now seen as the 22nd-least-corrupt country in the world, down from... More »

 Karzai: Iran, US 
 Give Me Bags 
 of Money 

Afghan president confirms NYT report; says several countries donate

Karzai: Iran, US Give Me Bags of Money

Afghan president confirms NYT report; says several countries donate
(Newser) - Afghanistan’s president confirmed a New York Times report that his office gets bags of cash from Iran, saying the US has long known about it—and that the US also provides “bags of money," the AP reports. The Iranian money comes in batches of some $700,000... More »


Colbert: Finland Is Better Than the US?!

The Newsweek ranking is BS!
(Newser) - It's pretty darn obvious that the USA is the greatest country in the world, said Stephen Colbert in an especially hilarious segment last night : "We invented cars, we invented TVs, and we invented bragging!" This week's issue of Newsweek ranks the best countries in the world, and "... More »

 Northern Lights Head 
 South—for 1 Night  

Aurora borealis may be visible in northern US tonight

Northern Lights Head South—for 1 Night

Aurora borealis may be visible in northern US tonight
(Newser) - Thanks to a plasma eruption that roiled the surface of the sun, residents of the northern US and Canada may be able to enjoy a spectacular show tonight—the Northern Lights. "This eruption is directed right at us, and is expected to get here early in the day on... More »

 Space Station Cooling 
 System Malfunctions  

Spacewalks may be necessary to perform repairs

Space Station Cooling System Malfunctions

Spacewalks may be necessary to perform repairs
(AP) - Half of the International Space Station's cooling system has suddenly shut down, forcing the astronauts on board to power down equipment and face the likelihood of urgent spacewalking repairs. After huddling today, NASA managers gave preliminary approval for a pair of spacewalks, the first of which would take place later... More »

China Passes US in Energy Consumption

Consumed equivalent of 2,252 million tons of oil last year

China Passes US in Energy Consumption

Consumed equivalent of 2,252 million tons of oil last year
(Newser) - China has passed the US as the world’s most energy-hungry country, according to new data from the International Energy Agency. China consumed the equivalent of 2,252 million tons of oil last year, about 4% more than the 2,170 million tons the US guzzled. The US is unlikely... More »

 Missing Iranian Scientist 
 Turns Up in DC 

Iranians claim Shahram Amiri was abducted by US

Missing Iranian Scientist Turns Up in DC

Iranians claim Shahram Amiri was abducted by US
(AP) - A missing Iranian nuclear scientist, who Tehran claims was abducted by the US, has taken refuge at the Pakistani embassy in Washington and is asking to return to his homeland. Iranian state TV reported that the scientist, Shahram Amiri, entered the embassy's office representing Iranian interests in the US last... More »

that's a doughnut bun

 The 50 States' Grossest Dishes 

From reindeer fat ice cream to 2-foot-long hot dogs

The 50 States' Grossest Dishes

From reindeer fat ice cream to 2-foot-long hot dogs
(Newser) - Some states are pudgier than others—here's looking at you, Texas—but none escapes this list of beloved yet fat-filled dishes. Health.com tracked down the worst offender in each of the flabby 50:
  • Alaska: Eskimo Ice Cream, a mix of blackberries and salmon berries—in reindeer fat and seal
... More »

It's Do-or-Die Day

 US Faces Decisive Match 
 Against Algeria 

It's probably a win-or-go-home scenario

US Faces Decisive Match Against Algeria

It's probably a win-or-go-home scenario
(AP) - One more game, one last chance to make their reputation. When the Americans play Algeria at the World Cup today (10am Eastern), they'll either live up to all the hype and earn a spot among the final 16 teams—or lose a watershed opportunity. "It's important for us because... More »

world cup

 US-Slovenia Spotlight 
 Shines on Ref 

Koman Coulibaly of Mali stirs controversy by nullifying late goal

US-Slovenia Spotlight Shines on Ref

Koman Coulibaly of Mali stirs controversy by nullifying late goal
(Newser) - The most famous person in American soccer today isn't an American or a soccer player: He's Koman Coulibaly, a World Cup referee from Mali. In today's US-Slovenia match , a 2-2 draw, Coulibaly awarded a free kick on an obvious dive, then negated a goal that would have given the Americans... More »

world cup

Goalie Gaffe Helps US Tie England, 1-1

Easy shot somehow goes in
(Newser) - Oops. The United States played to a 1-1 draw with England today after a stunning mistake by English goalie Robert Green, reports AP . With his team trailing 1-0, USA's Clint Dempsey put an apparently harmless 25-foot shot on net that Green bumbled and fumbled and let slip in late in... More »


Israel Looks a Lot
Like North Korea

Both are isolated except for a superpower

Israel Looks a Lot Like North Korea

Both are isolated except for a superpower
(Newser) - Be careful, Israel, you're starting to look like "gulp—North Korea," writes Daniel W. Drezner. Israel may not be in similarly dire financial straits, but the parallels are "pretty eerie" beyond that, writes Drezner in Foreign Policy . Let us count the ways:
  • "Both countries are diplomatically
... More »

survey says

Raleigh Tops in Quality of Life

(Newser) - Raleigh, NC, is the American city with the highest quality of life, according to a new survey by Portfolio magazine . With its low unemployment rate, quality housing stock, and rapid pace of growth, Raleigh beat out the other 66 largest metro areas in a comparison of 20 statistical measures of... More »

 Obama's Aunt Can Stay in US 

Zeituni Onyango granted asylum

Obama's Aunt Can Stay in US

Zeituni Onyango granted asylum
(Newser) - Barack Obama's aunt, has received permission to stay in the US. An immigration judge granted Zeituni Onyango's plea for asylum today, agreeing with her lawyer's arguments that she would face tribal violence if she returned home to Kenya. Oyanga was not well known to her nephew, but she became a... More »

 Medvedev: Obama's 
 Smarter Than...'Someone' 

Russian president seems to get in subtle dig at Bush

Medvedev: Obama's Smarter Than...'Someone'

Russian president seems to get in subtle dig at Bush
(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev just loooves Barack Obama…and wasn’t too fond of some other person who shall remain nameless. In an interview with George Stephanopolous on Good Morning America , the Russian premier said Obama is “a very comfortable partner. … The most important thing that distinguishes him from many... More »

 Call Centers Return 
 to US, With a Twist 

More companies hire trained operators to work from home

Call Centers Return to US, With a Twist

More companies hire trained operators to work from home
(Newser) - It’s still not as cheap as outsourcing to India or the Philippines, but US companies are increasingly choosing homegrown telephone operators to handle their customer service needs. The trend is fueled by the advent of “phonesourcing” or “homesourcing,” which uses linkups to allow trained operators to... More »

 Back From Brink, 
 Eastern Forests 
 Face New Threats 

Damage from early colonization recouped, but other forces conspire

Back From Brink, Eastern Forests Face New Threats

Damage from early colonization recouped, but other forces conspire
(Newser) - In the early days—or, rather, centuries—of the American experiment, the vast Eastern forests were logged almost to oblivion. But with the opening of the frontier to the West, trees from the Northeast to the Gulf Coast rebounded, and by 1997 the forests had regained almost 70% of their... More »

NATE SILVER on medal count

  US Dominates New Sports, 
  Old Soviet Strongholds 

US, Asia make radical gains over former Soviet Union in classic events

US Dominates New Sports, Old Soviet Strongholds

US, Asia make radical gains over former Soviet Union in classic events
(Newser) - Nate Silver hears the “cynical perspectives” on the US’ record take of 37 medals at the Vancouver Olympics: that newfound dominance is based on the inclusion of “new-fangled sports" like snowboarding and short-track. It’s not particularly valid. If you look only at events contested in the 1988... More »

nate silver

 US on Pace to Win 
 Most Olympic Medals 

Based on projections and medals so far, US could edge out Canada

US on Pace to Win Most Olympic Medals

Based on projections and medals so far, US could edge out Canada
(Newser) - Based on an analysis of Olympics projections from across the board, the US could come out on top of the medal count at this year’s games for the first time since Lake Placid—in 1932. Nate Silver averaged medal projections from 9 sources; after two days the US has... More »

Afghan Bomber Wounds 5 Americans at US Base

Bomber infiltrates US base near Pakistani border

Afghan Bomber Wounds 5 Americans at US Base

Bomber infiltrates US base near Pakistani border
(AP) - A suicide bomber wearing an Afghan border policeman's uniform blew himself up today at a US base near the Pakistani frontier, wounding five Americans, an Afghan official said. The attack occurred after sundown in a barracks at a US facility in the Dand aw Patan district in eastern Afghanistan, about... More »

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