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NEWS ABOUT: Harry Reid

Harry Reid stories: 327 news summaries

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Senate's Fight Over Christmas
Schedule Still Going

'Sacrilegious,' says Jim DeMint; 'Sanctimonious,' says Harry Reid

Senate's Fight Over Christmas Schedule Still Going

'Sacrilegious,' says Jim DeMint; 'Sanctimonious,' says Harry Reid
(Newser) - The Senate may be too busy to get done everything it needs to get done by Christmas, but senators aren't too busy to argue about working the holiday. Today's latest, from Politico :
  • Jim DeMint: “We shouldn’t be jamming a major arms control treaty up against Christmas; it’s
... More »

Reid: Senate Can
Work Past Christmas

GOP accuses Reid of dissing holiday

Reid: Senate Can Work Past Christmas

GOP accuses Reid of dissing holiday
(Newser) - Senators dreaming of Christmas turkey should be thinking more about lame duck, Harry Reid warns. The majority leader says that after the tax cut deal is passed, he wants to address the START treaty, the DREAM Act, health care for 9/11 first responders, and the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal,... More »

Senate Begins Debate on
$858B Tax Cut Bill

Deems House objections 'irrelevant'

Senate Begins Debate on $858B Tax Cut Bill

Deems House objections 'irrelevant'
(Newser) - The Senate voted to begin debate on a bill based on Barack Obama’s tax cut deal last night, with the final vote expected to be held Monday. The Senate’s version of the bill will add $858 billion to the deficit over 10 years, the Wall Street Journal reports.... More »

Senate Will Try Again
on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Collins, Lieberman will introduce another measure

Senate Will Try Again on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Collins, Lieberman will introduce another measure
(Newser) - Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell will get another chance. Republican Susan Collins and Independent Joe Lieberman say they plan to introduce a stand-alone measure in the lame-duck session, and Harry Reid says he's on board, reports MSNBC . It's no gimme by any stretch—opponents could try to talk it... More »

Reid Delays DADT Vote,
Can't Sway Susan Collins

Measure to repeal ban on gays in military is in limbo

Reid Delays DADT Vote, Can't Sway Susan Collins

Measure to repeal ban on gays in military is in limbo
(AP) - A proposal by Senate Democrats to repeal the military's 17-year-old ban on openly gay troops stalled today after a key Republican refused to sign on and Democrats feared a critical test vote would fail. Harry Reid continued to talk with Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine about how he could... More »

Senate Dems Push to Pass
100 Bills in One Go

Reid seeks filibuster-proof measures for public lands, water

Senate Dems Push to Pass 100 Bills in One Go

Reid seeks filibuster-proof measures for public lands, water
(Newser) - With time running out in the lame-duck session, Democrats are working hard to push through some 100 environmental bills, Politico reports. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is calling on party leaders to compile a list of public lands and water measures Republicans won’t kill with a filibuster. On the... More »

 Reid Proposes 
 Online Poker 

...But only for big casinos like the ones that donated to his campaign

Reid Proposes Legalizing Online Poker

...But only for big casinos like the ones that donated to his campaign
(Newser) - Harry Reid’s staff is circulating a bill that would legalize online poker sites, the Wall Street Journal reports, in a none-too-subtle attempt to repay the big casinos that donated to his reelection campaign. The casinos argue that the bill would provide players with consumer protections, while tossing some tax... More »

Senate Screw Up Derails Food Safety Bill

House set to send the bill back

Senate Screw Up Derails Food Safety Bill

House set to send the bill back
(Newser) - House Democrats plan to spike the food safety bill their Senate counterparts trumpeted about passing yesterday , arguing that the upper chamber has stepped on its constitutional authority to create new taxes. The Senate bill includes a set of fees that are classified as revenue raisers, which are technically considered taxes,... More »

Obama to (Sort of)
Meet With GOP Leaders

Sides will have just enough time to talk at each other

Obama to (Sort of) Meet With GOP Leaders

Sides will have just enough time to talk at each other
(Newser) - After weeks of delays, Barack Obama will finally sit down with Republican leadership this morning, but it won’t be the relaxed beer-summit-esque session he’d hoped for. Instead, Obama, accompanied by Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and others will meet with Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and others for somewhere between... More »

says insider

 Angle's Campaign Like  
 a Dumb and Dumber Sequel 

Not 'one good thing' about campaign manager

Angle's Campaign Like a Dumb and Dumber Sequel

Not 'one good thing' about campaign manager
(Newser) - The fat lady may have sung and left the building, but Politico returns to the topic of Harry Reid's win—arguing that he got a helping hand from Sharron Angle’s disastrous Senate campaign. It reports that Angle's campaign was plagued from within by disorganization and misguided management. It began... More »

Reid Promises Votes on DADT, Immigration

But both have been blocked by Republicans before

Reid Promises Votes on DADT, Immigration

But both have been blocked by Republicans before
(Newser) - Harry Reid is itching for a fight: he’s promising votes on both Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and the DREAM Act, which offers a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, by the end of the Senate’s lame-duck session. Reid aides told gay activists yesterday that he and... More »


 Shake Off the 
 Hangover, Dems 

You've still got Harry Reid ... and a lot of work to do, writes Gail Collins

Shake Off the Hangover, Dems

You've still got Harry Reid ... and a lot of work to do, writes Gail Collins
(Newser) - It's the morning after the morning after, and it's time for dazed Dems to "lift up your little liberal heads and shout," because after all, you still have ... well, you've still got Harry Reid, writes Gail Collins in a rambling New York Times trot through some of the... More »

 Sharron Angle 
 Files Voter 

Says Reid's team asked Harrah's bosses to pressure employees to vote

Sharron Angle Files Voter Intimidation Complaint

Says Reid's team asked Harrah's bosses to pressure employees to vote
(Newser) - Sharron Angle is crying foul, accusing Harry Reid's campaign of illegally intimidating voters. Her lawyers filed a complaint with the Justice Department alleging just that today, after the National Review published an article this morning that claimed Reid's campaign team asked sympathetic execs at Harrah's to pressure their union casino... More »

The Most Covered Candidates of 2010

Guess who's No. 1?
(Newser) - When it comes to the most covered candidates of the midterm elections, is it any surprise that Tea Partiers claim five of the top 10 slots? The Pew’s Project for Excellence in Journalism analyzed the election stories produced by 52 TV networks, websites, radio stations, and newspapers since Jan.... More »

Today's Winners, Predicted by Meghan McCain

Midterm successes, starring Christine O'Donnell

Today's Winners, Predicted by Meghan McCain

Midterm successes, starring Christine O'Donnell
(Newser) - Meghan McCain expects a dark day for Democrats, with “more than a few upsets and memorable YouTube moments.” Her predictions in the Daily Beast :
  • Sharron Angle will beat Harry Reid in Nevada, and he’ll offer an “uncomfortable and possibly bitter concession speech.”
  • Charlie Crist will
... More »

midterms 2010

 8 Senate Races to Watch 

These races will decide just how good the GOP's night is

8 Senate Races to Watch

These races will decide just how good the GOP's night is
(Newser) - It’s Election Day, folks, and we're here to give you the low-down. All eyes are certainly on the Senate, where Democrats have a chance to keep their majority, provided they can win a few close races. Here's what's happening, according to the Washington Post , complete with links to our... More »

polling roundup

 Where the Big Races Stand 

Rand Paul and Marco Rubio up big, Harry Reid, Sharron Angle too close to call

Where the Big Races Stand

Rand Paul and Marco Rubio up big, Harry Reid, Sharron Angle too close to call
(Newser) - With T-Minus one day to the election, here's where the most-watched races in the country stand:
  • Harry Reid and Sharron Angle are locked in a dead heat; the latest Public Policy Polling survey has Angle squeaking ahead 47% to 46%.
  • Looks like harping on the Aqua Buddha incident didn't help
... More »

 Angle Vs. Reid: 
 Pick Lesser of 2 Evils 

Weary Nevadans don't really like either candidate

Angle Vs. Reid: Pick Lesser of 2 Evils

Weary Nevadans don't really like either candidate
(Newser) - Given a choice between Harry Reid and Sharron Angle, some Nevadans are choosing "No, Thanks." In a dead-heat race between the man perceived as the elite, entrenched Washington insider and the woman perceived as somewhere between slightly wacky and dangerous, both candidates are making a single, sad case... More »

 Durbin, Schumer Jockeying
  for Reid's Majority Post

Senators quietly maneuvering to move in if leader goes down

Durbin, Schumer Jockeying for Reid's Majority Post

Senators quietly maneuvering to move in if leader goes down
(Newser) - Capitol Hill housemates Charles Schumer and Richard Durbin are likely to end up fighting over a lot more than the breakfast cereal if Harry Reid loses his re-election battle. The senators from New York and Illinois, Reid's top two deputies, are subtly building support for bids to become majority leader—... More »


 Sharron Angle Launches 'Harry Reid's Amnesty Game'

Campaign game targets Reid's stance on immigration

Sharron Angle Launches 'Harry Reid's Amnesty Game'

Campaign game targets Reid's stance on immigration
(Newser) - Sharron Angle's latest attack on Harry Reid's immigration policies presents them as a game billed as "fun for the whole illegal family." Harry Reid's Amnesty Game players can roll the dice to receive cards with phrases like "You got deported," paired with information about illegal immigration... More »

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