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WikiLeaks: BP Azerbaijan Blowout Similar To Deepwater Horizon 18 Months Later

First Posted: 12-15-10 11:05 PM   |   Updated: 12-15-10 11:05 PM

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Wikileaks Bp Azerbaijan Blowout
GULF OF MEXICO - APRIL 21: Fire boats battle a fire at the off shore oil rig Deepwater Horizon April 21, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana. Multiple Coast Guard helicopters, planes and cutters responded to rescue the Deepwater Horizons 126 person crew after an explosion and fire caused the crew to evacuate. (Photo by U.S. Coast Guard via Getty Images)

The Guardian:

Striking resemblances between BP's Gulf of Mexico disaster and a little-reported giant gas leak in Azerbaijan experienced by the UK firm 18 months beforehand have emerged from leaked US embassy cables.

The cables reveal that some of BP's partners in the gas field were upset that the company was so secretive about the incident that it even allegedly withheld information from them. They also say that BP was lucky that it was able to evacuate its 212 workers safely after the incident, which resulted in two fields being shut and output being cut by at least 500,000 barrels a day with production disrupted for months.

Read the whole story: The Guardian

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Striking resemblances between BP's Gulf of Mexico disaster and a little-reported giant gas leak in Azerbaijan experienced by the UK firm 18 months beforehand have emerged from leaked US embassy cables...
Striking resemblances between BP's Gulf of Mexico disaster and a little-reported giant gas leak in Azerbaijan experienced by the UK firm 18 months beforehand have emerged from leaked US embassy cables...
Filed by Adam J. Rose  |  Report Corrections
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ejreed   2 minutes ago (3:10 PM)
Safety and operating rules broken. Hence …US Targets BP, Associated Companies in Oil Spill Lawsuit
The US Justice Department has announced a lawsuit against BP Exploratio­n and Production Inc., along with eight other companies involved with the Gulf oil spill. Unlike previous suits against polluting companies, the US is seeking no cap on damages. http://www­.newslook.­com/videos­/275326-us­-targets-b­p-associat­ed-compani­es-in-oil-­spill-laws­uit?autopl­ay=true
getoffmedz   3 hours ago (12:33 PM)
WikiLeaks exposes corporate and special influence activity far more than government and military activity which is why the Republican­s, the Blue Dogs and corporate-­owned media has become rabidly opposed.
joseph449008   3 hours ago (12:26 PM)
Remind me why Wikileaks is a bad thing again.
kareemachan   3 hours ago (12:16 PM)
And let free market reign without any of those nasty little rules and regulation­s, right, teabaggers­?

What a GREAT idea. Not.
Kris Bui   4 hours ago (11:24 AM)
SHOCKER... Big companies will get away with stuff the way "our" bloated government does. Because they can.
pammieco   4 hours ago (11:00 AM)
Oh to be a trial lawyer in Louisiana! Whose really gonna make the dollars?
logicanada   4 hours ago (10:53 AM)
Be interestin­g to see if the US invokes this evidence from WikiLeaks in the upcoming trial of BP.
eagle17765   6 hours ago (8:46 AM)
um ... why, oh why, were the BP cables kept secret from the US citizens?

How long before Sen. Vitter, Sen. Barton, Haley Barber & Bobby Jindal were ginning up H8 about the EPA closing deep water drilling had all of those men read those cables about the BP bl0wup in Azerbaijan­?

Sen. Vitter, Sen. Barton, Haley Barber & Bobby Jindal all had privy to those cables -- but were willing to let BP do their drilling anyway.

oh America --- you are sooooo scr0000wwe­d.
Kris Bui   4 hours ago (11:24 AM)
And we didn't even get a kiss first!
Equinator   6 hours ago (8:43 AM)
Without Wiki Leaks, would we know about BP's other disaster? Is this a national secret that needs to be guarded?
GullyJimson   7 hours ago (8:35 AM)
Parcel 1 out of 3:

Greetings to all of my friends here. It has been quite a while since I have had the pleasure of conversing with you, much to my regrets and, if I may be so insolent, I'd like to offer my apologies as I can only stay but a moment or two.

As some of you might recall, I live in a small village in Wales named Caernarfon­, near the Bay and I'm sure that you need not ponder the amount of trepidatio­n that we all are feeling in anticipati­on that the residue from the "Deep Water Horizon" disaster. We often find somewhat exotic "treasures­" washed up on our shores, carried with the Gulf Stream from the Caribbean and points along the way.

Prime Minister Cameron is representa­tive of those in Great Britain who have harboured nothing but disesteem for anyone other than those who feel that unfettered industry is in the better interests of the ‘rabble’.

Suffice it to say that the discharge from the offshore oil platform is one "treasure" that we'd rather not encounter, even as we know all too well the effects of similar spills in the North Sea, also due to the nonfeasanc­e of British Petroleum.
GullyJimson   7 hours ago (8:35 AM)
Parcel 2 out of 3:

British Petroleum has been a bane to all of us on the western shorelines of the bay and of the Atlantic from Wales to Ireland to Scotland. Their records pertaining to the safety of their charges as well as to the environmen­t has been abysmal, if I might be so bold as to opine, and their brutish displays of corrupt power both here and abroad are testament to their hubris and to the churlish avarice of those who do their bidding.

Those members of the Republican Party in your country are as perfect an example of these rapacious scoundrels as are their counterpar­ts here in Great Britain and I must say to all of you of right mind in the United States that we here of similar sentiments all fervently hope that President Obama prevails in his mission to place British Petroleum and others of their thuggish ilk into the same "pantheon" in which all of the tyrants of history have been placed. That is "defeated"­, "dismantle­d" and “discarded­”.

Speaking from a relatively objective vantage, we here feel that you are very fortunate to have such a person in the White House as President Obama.
GullyJimson   7 hours ago (8:35 AM)
Parcel 3 out of 3:

All of us who wish to leave our progeny a cleaner, safer, more just world would be better off without any more "British Petroleum’­s" amongst us, and, if I might be so audacious, those political lackeys whose sole charge is to do their bidding. Perhaps the fact that those who have gone beyond the pale within the public discourse as to advocate what the Republican­s are doing, will finally be the revelation to those to whom they received their votes previously­, to think better next time they are up for reelection­. There is always a great capacity to see the truth when it is presented to one, and I fervently wish those of genuine good intent for your great country, no matter which political affectatio­ns you might possess, to do what's right for all.

ntly wish those of genuine good intent for your great country, no matter which political affectatio­ns you might possess, to do what's right for all.
WOODSTOCKER51   7 hours ago (8:20 AM)
NomadicView   7 hours ago (8:06 AM)
"Fa s c ism should more appropriat­ely be called Corporatis­m because it is a merger of state and corporate power." Benito Mussolin
Carl Caroli   7 hours ago (8:03 AM)
Companies like this do not deserve to exist.
WOODSTOCKER51   7 hours ago (8:22 AM)