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Thu December 16, 2010
Source     Fark Headline Comments
(Sun Sentinel)   Juror looks up rape on the internet during rapeity cop's rape trial, causes mistrial. THANKS, WIKIPEDIA  (sun-sentinel.com) (21)
(CNN)   CNN does an in depth story on the purse Ginger Littleton used in an attempt to subdue a gunman  (cnn.com) (26)
(KnoxNews)   Your daughter finds your discarded gay porn mail in the trash. Do you: C: Sue the publisher for traumatizing your precious snowflake. Bonus: Lawyer quotes "Seinfeld"  (knoxnews.com) (126)
(Telegraph)   It's so cold outside, burglars are now targeting homes with hot tubs so they can take a dip before robbing the place  (telegraph.co.uk) (17)
(Farktography) Farktography Theme of Farktography Contest No. 293: "Blur" Details and rules in first post. LGT next week's theme  (farktography.net) (198)

Wed December 15, 2010
(Boston Globe)   Photoshop this English student  (inapcache.boston.com) (27)
(TBO)   When planning to carjack the taxi you called for, probably not a good idea to have cab driver pick you up at your house  (www2.tbo.com) (13)
(New York Daily News)   Hot WABC-TV female weather reporter gives you unreliable weather forecasts and fake police reports  (nydailynews.com) (80)
(Geekologie)   19 Pakistani girls wedge themselves in a SmartCar, set world record for most mustaches in an automobile  (geekologie.com) (69)
(LC Sun News)   "The victim put the nipple in a bag and, after several hours, decided she should go to the emergency room"  (lcsun-news.com) (100)
(Some Guy)   First, they take our jobs, then they take our sedentary lifestyle  (futurity.org) (54)
(Boston Globe)   15 Years ago Ted Williams was sealed up in carbonite and displayed in the new "big dig" tunnel in Boston. With pic  (boston.com) (37)
(Nerve)   Christians hire professional drivers to stalk atheists around town as tensions rise between the two groups in Fort Worth, Texas  (nerve.com) (357)
(AlterNet)   Study finds that watching Fox News makes you stupid  (alternet.org) (178)
(HelenaIR.com)   Drunk woman spinning donuts in police parking lot fails to draw any attention; walks into station demanding to be arrested for DUI--thus marking the first time in human history that donuts have failed to bring cops running  (helenair.com) (22)
(CNN)   House passes standalone bill, repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Spiffy tag subs for Fabulous tag  (cnn.com) (317)
(WIVB)   Ornament stolen by hood  (wivb.com) (18)
(Washington Times)   18 FARC members indicted on charges tied to hostage taking, submitting crappy headlines  (washingtontimes.com) (32)
(Houston Chronicle)   Three arrested for stealing urns from a cemetery. What ashhats  (chron.com) (34)
(Huffington Post)   "Balloon Boy" is forming a boy-band with his non-balloon brothers  (huffingtonpost.com) (91)
(WNBC)   Gay rights organizations unhappy with anti AIDS commercials in NYC, claims it protrays the disease as a horror movie instead of the feel-good comedy it really is  (nbcnewyork.com) (77)
(AZCentral)   Government employee suspended for sending out an email depicting Obama in whiteface  (azcentral.com) (54)
(Straits Times)   Snatch thieves foiled by three members of the pubic  (straitstimes.com) (34)
(Mother Nature Network)   Good news: Doctors think they can cure lazy eyes. Bad news: It involves very long needles  (mnn.com) (81)
(Yahoo)   In the most obvious thing to happen since Obvious McObvious drove the Obviousmobile to Obvioustown, Obama tells Corporate America he "shares their mission"  (news.yahoo.com) (87)
(Boston Globe)   What would you do if you found a wallet full of cash and no ID? This homeless veteran turned it into police because "it wasn't his". Sappy tag bows out  (boston.com) (79)
(Washington Post)   Working two jobs to put your kids through school, just scraping by and getting no sleep? Yeah, you're ugly too  (voices.washingtonpost.com) (33)
(Daily Mail)   Niagara Falls...Slowly I turned...step by step...inch by in...WAIT, what happened to the water? (pics and video)  (dailymail.co.uk) (75)
(The New York Times)   Interesting read on bi asians. Oh wait, that's Bayesian and you already clicked the link didn't you   (fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com) (63)
(Some Guy)   Urinary "hate crime" turns out to have just been an accident, investigators relieved  (boston.cbslocal.com) (47)
(Some Guy)   Photoshop this fairytale mansion  (img-fotki.yandex.ru) (33)
(KY-3)   If I had a hammer, I'd rob a convenience store in the morning, I'd rob one in the evening, all over this land  (ky3.com) (26)
(Orlando Sentinel)   Gimme a B, gimme a R, gimme an O, gimme a K, gimme an E, what's that spell? If you go to this school, it'll cost you $2 to find out  (orlandosentinel.com) (51)
(Some Guy)   The War on Christmas goes to Code Red after somebody leaves a suspicious looking ornament at the Pentagon  (postandcourier.com) (37)
(Yahoo)   Small plane crashes in Nepal with 22 onboard. Despite efforts, searchers haven't found them yeti  (news.yahoo.com) (49)
(Google)   A homeowner who kills someone he reasonably believes is a burglar breaking into his home is eligible for the death penalty if it turns out the person is actually a police officer lawfully entering the home pursuant to a no-knock warrant  (scholar.google.com) (515)
(Some Guy)   AHHH, the old new car smell triggers sleep apnea defense  (vaildaily.com) (31)
(Huffington Post)   Survey reveals the most successful pickup lines. Sorry guys, but "WIE" and "you should see my WoW character" did not make the cut. (slideshow)  (huffingtonpost.com) (274)
(WDRB Fox 41)   Police say Tuesday just wasn't a good day for Nicholas Fultz. First his meth lab blew up. Then he crashed through the ceiling of the Southwest Hospital emergency room  (fox41.com) (9)
(Bloomberg)   US Consumer Prices only rise 0.1%, excluding things people spend money on  (bloomberg.com) (78)
(Chicago Tribune)   Don't forget, cholesterol may help fight Alzheimer's  (chicagotribune.com) (48)
(Chicago Sun-Times)   Reporter claims he is allergic to pot to prevent being fired for publishing this story  (suntimes.com) (35)
(AOL News)   Despite a judge granting his legal name change, Facebook refuses to recognize Captain Awesome, even though it has users named Superman, Spiderman, and The Hulk  (aolnews.com) (57)
(Government Technology)   Hector, Ark., school district streams PBS, NASATV to monitors on buses. Crackton, Ark. school district, meanwhile, uses trashbags for bus windows  (govtech.com) (46)
(FARK)   Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest, Round 2: April through June  (fark.com) (92)
(Some Guy)   Air travel tips for parents of small children. 'Don't bring them on the farking plane' strangely absent  (ocregister.com) (274)
(Some Guy)   Children's lipstick found to contain lead and barium. Children's lipstick?  (topnews.net.nz) (94)
(UPI)   Study suggests more weight would be lost by eliminating high fructose corn syrup subsidies than by taxing sodas. Gee, ya think?  (upi.com) (123)
(Huffington Post)   Republicans politicize Financial Crisis Panel  (huffingtonpost.com) (147)
(Life.com)   120 years ago today, the great freedom fighter Tatanka Iyotanka and was shot and killed by cops in South Dakota while resisting arrest. R.I.P., Sitting Bull  (life.com) (156)
(Washington Post)   Despite its recent electoral successes, new polls confirm that many Americans still believe the GOP is full of shiat  (washingtonpost.com) (131)
(NBC Action News)   Small business owner puts up No Negroes Allowed sign. This is not a repeat from 1964  (nbcactionnews.com) (435)
(The Local (Sweden))   It's generally not a good idea to proclaim your love of pornography to the world while you're taking a group of teenagers on a trip abroad. Wouldn't you agree, Pastor?  (thelocal.se) (42)
(The Morning Call)   Love means never having to beat your girlfriend with a telephone  (mcall.com) (33)
(AFP)   Doctors warn that Santa is a crash risk on Christmas eve due sleep deprivation, alcohol in the eggnog, and then trying to land a 19th century sleigh on steep roofs with the help of eight barely domesticated wild animals  (news.yahoo.com) (41)
(Washington Post)   Federal regulators ban drop-side cribs, require all parents shorter than 6' 2" to deal with newfangled drop-baby cribs instead  (washingtonpost.com) (120)
(Some Guy)   'Whatever' named, like, most annoying word or phrase used in conversation, you know what I mean?  (heraldsun.com.au) (153)
(Time)   Time names Mark Zuckerberg "2010 Person of the Year". Favorite it to the left, Comment in profile to the right. And don't forget your free sheep for Farmville  (time.com) (116)
(Boston Herald)   Good: Your targetted marketing worked amazingly well. Not so good: You're a tobacco company. Bad: You were targetting minority children. Fark: By giving away free samples  (bostonherald.com) (45)
(Yahoo)   University offers stressy college snowflakes therapy dogs, free midnight massages, even laser tag during exams. These kids are so boned in the real world  (news.yahoo.com) (87)
(KBTX)   Black Barbie cheaper than white Barbie. Outrage. Black doll more expensive than white doll. Outrage  (kbtx.com) (219)
(Mother Nature Network)   Tips for stopping dogs from eating all the Christmas decorations. Your dog wants a dreidel  (mnn.com) (25)
(q13fox.com)   Good news: free boot. Bad news: free foot  (q13fox.com) (37)
(Yahoo)   Police say Food network Chef cooked up a plan to attend a party in honor of his new cookbook, "The Love Diet", while two homeless guys he paid whacked his wife  (news.yahoo.com) (97)
(Some Spazz)   Double Rainbow Dude is getting his very own beer, all the way  (blogs.westword.com) (40)
(Some Guy)   Pro Tip: When making a Molotov cocktail, make sure the liquid is flammable. It works better that way  (swns.com) (26)
(Yahoo)   The Daily Beast soon to be re-named "Where all the good writers from the Washington Post went"  (news.yahoo.com) (20)
(reddit)   Now this is how you deal with someone who wins your eBay auction and then refuses to pay  (reddit.com) (324)
(Yahoo)   Sales crew misses goal of all expense paid trip to Hawaii. End up in Fargo instead  (news.yahoo.com) (92)
(My Fox DC)   Merry Christmas Tiger. And by the way, your gorgeous ex-wife is banging some South African hunk she goes to school with  (myfoxdc.com) (133)
(The Atlantic)   "If the Commerce Clause can force you to buy insurance, what can't the government force?" Like force emergency rooms to take your uninsured ass and make me pay for it? You don't seem to have a problem with that  (theatlantic.com) (323)
(Telegraph)   WikiLeaks hearing makes history by allowing the use of live Tweets by reporters. Okay, scoop is coming out now  (telegraph.co.uk) (30)
(Washington Post)   Dunbar, DC's worst-performing high school, will be turned around by $100 million of landscaping, architecture and interior design  (voices.washingtonpost.com) (117)
(Telegraph)   Brazilian airport shut down over fears of planes being taken down by dog strike  (telegraph.co.uk) (27)
(The Weekly Standard)   Like a fat guy stacking his plate on his last trip through the buffet line, outgoing Democrats push an appropriations bill with 6,488 earmarks totaling nearly $8.3 billion. OM NOM NOM  (weeklystandard.com) (530)
(The Local (Germany))   In the blue corner we have a 77 year old retired hunting enthusiast, and in the red corner we have the five men trying to rob his house. Gentlemen, place your bets  (thelocal.de) (91)
(My Fox DC)   Archbishop tells parishioners that there is no imaginary man who comes down from the sky, who can see everything you do, and who knows if you have been bad or good  (myfoxdc.com) (92)
(CNN)   Biker robs Bellagio Casino of $1.5 million worth of chips. Police on the lookout for skinny effeminate males wearing tight shorts and yellow bracelets  (cnn.com) (148)
(Some Guy)   Photoshop this... whatever it is  (moolka.com) (35)
(fox chicago)   Nah, we just bought that whole truck full of washers. GPS? Whats GPS?  (myfoxchicago.com) (27)
(News.com.au)   Woman who suffered a nose injury and damaged teeth while having sex on work trip won't be able to claim workman's compensation  (news.com.au) (76)
(Attention: All Personnel)   Think you're a pretty big fan of M*A*S*H? Check out what this guy built in his own backyard (photos)  (imgur.com) (272)
(Homestar Runner)   The Brothers Chaps come out of retirement to present a new holiday cartoon. It's a Decemberween mackerel  (homestarrunner.com) (52)
(Daily Mail)   Doctors to boy who weeps blood: Don't worry son, just try not to weep... quick someone get the Vatican  (dailymail.co.uk) (32)
(Yahoo)   Worst. Guy Fawkes. EVAR  (news.yahoo.com) (166)
(Chicago Sun-Times)   Someone is randomly throwing Chicagoans onto the L tracks  (suntimes.com) (127)
(Guardian.com)   So, it turns out that Eli Roth wasn't very far off with his movies about Eastern Europe  (guardian.co.uk) (65)
(UPI)   Study shows prayer helps victims of violent relationships vent their anger - especially when they pray for hammers, bats, knives or guns  (upi.com) (39)
(Google)   Italian doctors, nurses asked not to snort cocaine while on duty. Sheesh. Micromanage much?  (google.com) (38)
(USA Today)   Old and busted: Dear Santa, I want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle. New hotness: Dear Santa, I want socks and shoes  (usatoday.com) (115)
(The Consumerist)   This Dunkin' Donuts tip cup has some serious trust issues  (consumerist.com) (135)
(NewsOK)   The skunk that stole Christmas  (newsok.com) (24)
(BBC)   Software engineer in custody after reformatting and partitioning his wife  (bbc.co.uk) (76)
(Wall Street Journal)   Photoshop this special delivery  (online.wsj.com) (24)
(Washington Post)   When you break in a home and steal a laptop, don't post your picture on their Facebook site. Especially when the owner works for the Washington Post  (blog.washingtonpost.com) (81)

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