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Qatar and Russia Upset U.S. and England in World Cup Bid

Neither have ever hosted before. Shock waves throughout soccer land.

1:18 PM Media  

Quote of the Day: I'm a Cool Kid

Dave Weigel bravely breaks the No. 1 cool kid rule: Don't say you're a cool kid

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12:50 PM Big Business  

Amazon Stops Hosting Wikileaks: Gov't Censorship?

Joe Lieberman's office leaned on Amazon to drop Wikileaks

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12:33 PM The White House  

Obama Gears Up for Some Clintonian Triangulation

Conservatives are skeptical, liberals cringe

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11:52 AM Republicans  

Is the GOP a Better Party for Minority Candidates?

And if so, is gerrymandering to blame?

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11:50 AM Technology  

Does the Web Need a 'Do Not Track' Policy?

The FTC thinks so. Here are the pros and cons.

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11:32 AM Military  

John McCain's Strange Dance on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

How repeal's supporter became its biggest opponent

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10:13 AM Entertainment  

Eminem Returns to the Top with 10 Grammy Nods for 'Recovery'

A lot's changed since "Stan"

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10:09 AM Democrats  

Democrats Have an 'Intellectual Elitism' Problem, Says Democrat

Governor Ted Strickland just got dropped from some Christmas-card lists

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10:01 AM Russia  

Russia a 'Mafia State' Sapped by Corruption, Cables Show

WikiLeaks-released cables paint a grim picture

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9:54 AM Congress  

GOP Holding All Bills Hostage Till Dems Hand Over Tax Cuts

Liberals are enraged that Democrats will cave

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9:46 AM 2012 Elections  

Morning Vid: Mitt Romney Always Says the Right Thing

Even on Leno, it's all about message discipline, right?

9:34 AM Media  

5 Best Thursday Columns

On bringing investors to Haiti, how the iPad may soon 'rival the web,' and Republican secretaries of state supporting START

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9:13 AM Sports  

Will the U.S. Win Its Bid to Host the World Cup in 2022?

We'll find out today, along with the 2018 host

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