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Deficit Chiefs Unveil Plan, With New Tax Holiday Plan would raise retirement age, cut tax exemptions
By Kevin Spak,  Newser Staff

Posted Dec 1, 2010 9:46 AM CST
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(Newser) – Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles formally unveiled their 59-page plan to cut the deficit yesterday, and it’s much the same as the draft proposal floated a few weeks back. The pair, who co-chair President Obama’s deficit reduction commission, want to raise the Social Security retirement age, cut Medicare, Medicaid and defense spending, eliminate a huge swath of common tax breaks, and cut 200,000 government jobs—all while limiting government revenues.

“Deep down, every American knows we face a moment of truth,” the pair write. “We cannot play games or put off hard choices any longer.” The new draft has a few new features, including a proposed payroll tax holiday in 2011 intended to boost employment. The full 18-member deficit commission will vote on the plan Friday. They’re expected to reject it, but it will likely still shape the impending deficit debate, the Wall Street Journal predicts.

President Barack Obama's Debt Commission co-chairmen, Erskine Bowles right, and former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson,  take part in a news conference on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010.
President Barack Obama's Debt Commission co-chairmen, Erskine Bowles right, and former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson, take part in a news conference on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010.   (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
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Showing 3 of 9 comments
Dec 1, 2010 7:00 PM CST
6. ...if at all possible!
Dec 1, 2010 11:36 AM CST
Oh, really?, they'll eliminate 200,000 government jobs?. No, they won't, because they still would need someone to perform the tasks that the government employees used to do. What will happen is that these jobs will be 'outsource' to private contractors, many of whom have political connections. They make campaign contributions, you know. There will be no savings to the government (taxpayers), and probably it will cost more in the long run because of 'cost overrun'. Please, don't believe their 'fairy tale', they are playing you for fools, again.
Dec 1, 2010 11:32 AM CST
1. Stop ALL wars and that includes: War on Poverty = Failure! War on Drugs = Failure! War on Terrorism = Failure! 2. Stop ALL foreign aid! 3. Stop ALL immigration, lock down our borders and deport all illegal aliens! 4. Stop ALL pork and earmarks! 5. Stop ALL bailouts! 6. Stop buying foreign products! And that's just a start!!!
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