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Continental Guilty in 2000 Concorde Crash: Court Airline, mechanic fined for manslaughter
Posted Dec 6, 2010 5:55 AM CST
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(AP) – A French court found Continental Airlines and one of its mechanics guilty of manslaughter today in the crash of a supersonic Concorde jet outside Paris a decade ago that killed 113 people. The court ruled the Houston-based airline must pay a $265,000 fine; the mechanic, John Taylor, must pay $2,650. Taylor was also handed a 15-month suspended prison sentence.

All other defendants, including Taylor's now-retired supervisor, were acquitted in the verdict. The presiding judge confirmed investigators' long-held belief that titanium debris dropped by a Continental DC-10 onto the runway at Charles de Gaulle airport before the Concorde took off was to blame. Investigators said debris gashed the Concorde's tire, propelling bits of rubber into the fuel tanks and sparking a fire. The victims were mostly German tourists.

Continental Airlines consultants wait for the opening of the Air France Concorde crash court case in Pontoise, north of Paris, Monday, Dec. 6, 2010.
Continental Airlines consultants wait for the opening of the Air France Concorde crash court case in Pontoise, north of Paris, Monday, Dec. 6, 2010.   (AP Photo/Francois Mori)
Air France Concorde flight 4590 takes off with fire trailing from its engine on the left wing from Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris in this July 25, 2000 file photo.
Air France Concorde flight 4590 takes off with fire trailing from its engine on the left wing from Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris in this July 25, 2000 file photo.   (AP Photo/ Toshihiko Sato)
Continental Lawyer Olivier Metzner arrives at the Air France Concorde crash court case in Pontoise, north of Paris, Monday Dec. 6, 2010.
Continental Lawyer Olivier Metzner arrives at the Air France Concorde crash court case in Pontoise, north of Paris, Monday Dec. 6, 2010.   (Francois Mori)
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Showing 3 of 3 comments
Dec 6, 2010 11:34 AM CST
That was a pretty stupid court case if there ever was one.
Dec 6, 2010 8:14 AM CST
So...a French court found everyone guilty but themselves...is anyone surprised by this?
Dec 6, 2010 6:31 AM CST
How convenient.

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