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Tags: Celebrity Book Signings, Celebrity Feuds , Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashain

The Kardashians Anger Fans in LA

Kardashian fans were left disappointed at the Kardashian Konfidential book signing at Borders in Century City when they were turned away without seeing their favorite celebs.

Kim, Kourtney and Khloe stayed at the Borders book store, greeting fans and signing copies of their new book, until 9pm, but then left with a line of fans still waiting.

Kardashain sisters

Related article: Khloe Kardashian Opens Up on the View

One fan stated:

I was one of the many fans on site who bought Kardashian Konfidential (at 6PM) and was told to return almost 2 hours later to get in line with a sticker. A security guard organizing the line (which curved outside the store, at an outdoor mall), even told us the Kardashians' publicist promised we'd all get our books signed.

Well guess what? By 9pm, a handful of us were in the store when we were told by reps that our pass didn't guarantee our book would get signed and that the Kardashians were leaving. A store employee then offered to exchange our copy for a signed version of the book (I decided to get my money back). What's worse? I was stuck with a $7 parking lot fee and left for home.... empty-handed!

Kardashain sisters

Related article: Fans Camp Out in NYC for 'Kardashian Konfidential' Book Signing!

Sad fans went home empty-handed, but they can't expect the Kardashians to stay there all night, right? Their reps should have maybe cut the lines before they got too long.

What do you think?

Photos courtesy of Fame Pictures

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  • Anonymous  said:
    17 hours ago (December 6, 2010 - 12:12am) 0 Votes

    I can't imagine anyone standing in a line to see these "ladies", or should say "skanks", let alone pay to have them sign their book. Especially the giant one who resembles Elvis.

  • Anonymous  said:
    7 hours ago (December 6, 2010 - 10:03am) 0 Votes

    Khloe is not a giant...the other two are just SHORT. Geeze, I hope you never have daughters!

  • haha  said:
    7 hours ago (December 6, 2010 - 10:26am) 0 Votes

    the reps should have cut the lines before they got to be too long so the fans that had the book and stickers could have had the kardashian sisters signatures.

  • Anonymous  said:
    3 hours ago (December 6, 2010 - 1:33pm) 0 Votes

    what sad sad desperate ppl to "follow" these three bimbos, i saw them on Joy Behar and Khloe said she didn't care what ppl said "as long as they buy our products" HER WORDS! F U Kartrashian chicks

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