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Obama Pardons 9, Including 'Coin Mutilator' They're the first pardons (of humans) in his presidency
By savageviking,  Newser User

Posted Dec 3, 2010 6:34 PM CST | Promoted on Newser Dec 3, 2010 7:20 PM CST
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(User Submitted) – Proving his mercy isn’t limited to Thanksgiving turkeys, President Obama exercised his pardon power for the first time today to erase the criminal pasts of nine individuals convicted of various crimes, some dating as far back as the 1960s. The most unusual case appeared to be that of a man sentenced to one year of probation and a $20 fine for mutilating coins in North Carolina in 1963, reports the Dow Jones news wire via Wall Street Journal.

The White House didn't explain that one or any of the others, though AP notes it's a federal offense to deface or otherwise tamper with federal currency. (AP also has a full list of the nine here.) Other offenses included drug possession and counterfeiting. None of the names are well-known.

President Obama pardons humans, too.
President Obama pardons humans, too.   (AP)
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Showing 3 of 35 comments
Dec 4, 2010 5:44 PM CST
Aren't all his leftist friends that are so mouthy in here going to be happy now that Obama has taken the freedom out of the Internet and is regulating it through the FCC. Isn't this what the anti-christ does? Between the deweaponization and this he is a dead ringer. Bet we won't be able to say any truth about him soon in here.
Dec 4, 2010 3:01 PM CST
Now I can sleep at nights not fearing arrest for having a penny that had been placed under the train carrying President Harding's body back from San Farncisco in 1923. It was the thing to do and, in fact, thousands placed a penny under the train as it passed to Washington. They're collector's items -- but illegal. Thanks President Obama for lifting that weight from my old head.
Dec 4, 2010 8:46 AM CST
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