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Mexico Arrests Alleged Hit Man—Age 14 He's accused of taking part in beheadings for cartel
By Nick McMaster,  Newser Staff

Posted Dec 3, 2010 5:49 PM CST
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(Newser) – A notorious hit man in Mexico known for beheading his victims and displaying them in public is a US-born kid all of 14 years old, reports AP. Mexican authorities arrested the youth identified only as Edgar—who they say goes by "El Ponchis," or the cloaked one—as he tried to leave the country by plane. He said he's worked for a cartel since he was 11, after being kidnapped. "I participated in four executions," he said, "but I did it drugged and under threat that if I didn't, they would kill me."

He carried two cell phones with photos of tortured victims, say police, who also arrested an older sister accused of helping him dispose of corpses. Mexican authorities say the youth is a native of San Diego, though his US citizenship remains unconfirmed. Rumors of the young hit man emerged about a month ago with a YouTube video that showed teens mugging for the camera next to corpses. One of them named "El Ponchis" as an accomplice. Click here for more.

A journalist interviews a 14-year-old suspected of working as a killer for a drug cartel while under the custody of Mexican army soldiers in the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico Friday Dec. 3, 2010.
A journalist interviews a 14-year-old suspected of working as a killer for a drug cartel while under the custody of Mexican army soldiers in the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico Friday Dec. 3, 2010.   (AP Photo/Antonio Sierra)
Mexican army soldiers escort a 14-year-old suspected of working as a killer for a drug cartel in the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico,  Friday Dec. 3, 2010.
Mexican army soldiers escort a 14-year-old suspected of working as a killer for a drug cartel in the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico, Friday Dec. 3, 2010.   (AP Photo/Antonio Sierra)
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Showing 3 of 5 comments
Dec 4, 2010 5:40 PM CST
14? damn sick bastard...they start them out early
Dec 4, 2010 10:51 AM CST
El Ponchis is such a badass name.
Dec 4, 2010 6:54 AM CST
Do you expect anything different from our poor poor brothers down south. Only a matter of time before it comes to a town near you!
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