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Bush's Memoir Lifts Parts From Books, Newspapers Huffington Post lists examples
By aarontco,  Newser User

Posted Nov 12, 2010 5:57 PM CST | Promoted on Newser Nov 12, 2010 6:46 PM CST
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(User Submitted) – George Bush's memoir was supposed to contain his never-before revealed experiences and observations. However, in a number of cases, what it actually contains are word-for-word quotes and stories lifted from the memoirs of other Bush staffers and from newspaper accounts of the day, writes Ryan Grim in the Huffington Post. For example, at one point Bush describes the inauguration of Hamid Karzai in vivid detail, even recounting a poignant conversation between Karzai and a warlord. Problem is, Bush didn't attend the inauguration, and his account sounds almost identical to author Ahmed Rashid's description of the event.

In another case, he quotes John McCain as though McCain were speaking to him, but again Bush was not there. McCain was talking to reporters, and the quote comes from the Washington Post. The borrowing might seem like a minor offense, "but Bush's laziness undermines the historical value of the memoir," writes Grim. His culling from elsewhere—even Bob Woodward's books, which his White House had panned—calls "into question what he genuinely remembers from the time" and casts "doubt on any conclusions he draws about what his mindset was at the time." For more examples, click here.

In this photo released by Crown Publishers, the cover of George W. Bush's book Decision Points is shown.
In this photo released by Crown Publishers, the cover of George W. Bush's book "Decision Points" is shown.   (AP Photo/Crown Publishers)
Former President George W. Bush talks to customer while signing a copy of his book Decision Points in Dallas.
Former President George W. Bush talks to customer while signing a copy of his book "Decision Points" in Dallas.   (AP Photo/LM Otero)
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Showing 3 of 117 comments
9 hours, 37 minutes ago
Well we knew he was a liar so I guess it's no surprise to find out he's a plagiarist.
15 hours, 57 minutes ago
I can't wait to purchase this book. I loved all the interviews Bush gave.
George Gooding
Nov 13, 2010 1:16 PM CST
Am I the only one underwhelmed by this story? Bush (or his writers) paraphrase a few historical happenings, and that's something to get worked up over? Isn't that what bloggers and the modern journalist does all day long? The average journalist will "plagiarize" more in a weekday than Bush did in his book. Give me a break. Just read the examples of this "plagiarism" at HuffPo. The passages aren't even written the same way, and long from the plagiarist standard of completely copied. I am SHOCKED, SHOCKED to learn that Bush-haters hold him to a higher journalistic standard than all the snakes who have been making up and copying stories about him for years and years. Shocked!
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