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Adorable Things This Holiday Season, Part One

Using our imaginations and Getty images, we made this Photoshop manipulation of Gyllenhaal's date.

So, this is really happening: After going apple-picking recently, very handsome movie-star Jake Gyllenhaal (who, Movieline will have you know, did not go full-frontal in Love & Other Drugs) and very pretty pop-star Taylor Swift have decided that, yes, they would like to be the most adorable celebrity couple in the world this holiday season. People reports that the two were spotted on a date at Gorilla Coffee in Park Slope, Brooklyn, sharing maple-flavored lattes, the kinds made with real Vermont syrup and foam shaped into little leaves and everything, on Thanksgiving. "They were really sweet, really really sweet," said a top-secret source at the coffee shop, adding that none of the Brooklynites bothered the duo, and the two tipped well. And this in a season, which officially kicked off yesterday, statistically proven to have the highest number of break-ups! By extension, though, this season may also have the highest frequency of cheating, rebounds, and strange new couplings, like the one pictured. So, happy holidays.

Taylor Swift & Jake Gyllenhaal Share Thanksgiving Maple Lattes [People]

MySpace President Plans to Lead MGM Out of Bankruptcy

While we were out earlier this week, Jason Hirschhorn, co-president of MySpace, and Frederic Reynolds, former CBS Corp. CFO, joined MGM's new board of directors, to take effect when/if the company emerges from bankruptcy December 2, pending a court's approval. Reynolds will bring his "traditional media experience" to the table, while Hirschhorn, former digital officer for MTV, will be the hipper half. [Deadline, Company Town/LAT]

Dr. Laura Schlessinger Will Now 'Say What's on Her Mind' On Sirius XM

Cute lady protests Prop 8 using Schlessinger's mug.

Some time ago, radio personality Laura Schlessinger, who once called homosexuals "biological errors," dropped the n-word eleven times during an on-air chat on Dr. Laura. "Black guys use it all the time," she said. "Turn on HBO and listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n*****, n*****, n*****. I don't get it." When a caller pointed out how terribly inappropriate she was being, Schlessinger said "Don't NAACP me." She later issued the understatement: "That was wrong." However, she then decided not to renew her Dr. Laura contract because, "I want to be able to say what's on my mind and in my heart without somebody getting angry," she said.

Naturally, she's now getting a Sirius XM radio show. ¯

Oh No She Didn't: Miss New York Crashes Miss USA's Parade Float

Yep, at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Miss New York Davina Reeves reportedly crashed reigning Miss USA Rima Fakih's parade float, wearing her sash and crown, signing autographs, and waving for five blocks before Fakih's handlers persuaded parade organizers to boot the uninvited Reeves from the float. Sigh. Okay, she got her "Page Six" item now, move along, folks, nothin' to see here. [Page Six/NYP]

Teen Arrested After Plotting to Bomb Portland Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Somali-born nineteen year-old Mohamed Osman Mohamud attempted to detonate what he believed was a car bomb last night at a packed downtown Portland Christmas tree lighting ceremony, before he was arrested by authorities who had spent six months tracking him down. The alleged bomb sat in parked van - except it was a fake, planted by FBI agents as part of a sting operation. Mohamud had mailed bomb components to undercover agents he believed were co-operatives, telling them: "I want whoever is attending that event to leave either dead or injured." He'd previously explained to them, of the bomb plot: "It's in Oregon, and in Orgeon, like, you know, nobody ever thinks about it." [NYT, AP]

President Obama's Seemingly Casual Thanksgiving Basketball Game Ends With a Trip to the Doctor's Office

President Obama leaves the court yesterday holding an icepack to his lip.

President Barack Obama was "inadvertently" elbowed in the upper lip yesterday by his friend Rey Decerega, director of programs for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, during a five-on-five pickup basketball game at Fort McNair with friends and family visiting for Thanksgiving. Yep, the president's seemingly friendly, allegedly casual Thanksgiving athletic events get out of hand, too, as tensions just under the surface, perhaps, boiled over. (Or it was a total accident.) The president needed twelve stitches to repair the lip injury, received under anesthesia in the doctor's office on the ground floor of the White House. "I learned today the president is both a tough competitor and a good sport," a terrified Decerega said. "I enjoyed playing basketball with him. I'm sure he'll be back out on the court again soon." D'oh!

Obama gets 12 stitches after errant elbow to mouth
[AP via Yahoo]

Cathie Black To Become City Schools Chancellor After All, With Help From Shael Polakow-Suransky

Last week, state education commissioner David Steiner conditionally rejected Mayor Bloomberg's pick for city schools chancellor, Cathie Black, the president of Hearst Magazines since 1995, though he said he'd accept Black if she hires a top assistant with more experience in education. Black took that option: Today, the Post reports that city and state officials struck a deal, allowing Black to become the city's next schools chancellor with progressive local educator and founding principal of Bronx International High School Shael Polakow-Suransky in the newly-made up position of "Deputy Chancellor for Performance and Accountability." The performance and accountability of his own boss, that is.

"Polakow-Suransky would be directly supervised by Black." ¯


Bush’s Book is No. 1 — Not That You’d Know It by Going to New York’s Independent Booksellers

George Bush’s autobiography, Decision Points, has officially sold 1.1 million copies in two weeks, joining Bill Clinton’s My Life and Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope in the presidential million-seller list. But how much did New York independent booksellers have to do with achieving this number? McNally Jackson in Soho doesn’t keep Decision Points on the new-nonfiction table in the front of the store, for example, even though it is currently the No. 1 New York Times best seller in the category. It’s not even in the biography section — in fact, it’s housed behind the counter. Like pornography.

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Charlie Rose Puts Fran Drescher to Bed Every Night

Name: Fran Drescher
Age: Celebrating my ten years well from cancer, which is the birthday I celebrate!
Neighborhood: Upper West Side
Occupation: "You name it! Actress, 'tawk show' host, public diplomacy envoy, best-selling author, women's health activist, producer, director, beautician, writer, and visionary." Her new Tawk Show debuts Friday, November 26 on WNYW FOX 5, 12 p.m.

Who's your favorite New Yorker, living or dead, real or fictional?
Charlie Rose. He brings everybody that’s interesting in the world right into your living room, in a refreshing, non-biased way.

What's the best meal you've eaten in New York?
I love the décor of ABC Kitchen and that the menu is healthy and local. I also love the burger over at the Spotted Pig.

In one sentence, what do you actually do all day in your job?
Create, invent, and problem solve.

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We’re Off to Get Groped

We're free!Photo: Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

Like the rest of the country, Daily Intel is kicking out early today. We'll resume normal operations on Sunday evening, unless something really exciting happens or Intel Chris drinks too much eggnog and starts posting personal photos and dirty limericks on the site (again!). In the meantime, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everybody! This year, we are thankful for YOU.

Tracking Technology Knows Which Personality You’re Surfing With

You didn't think The Wall Street Journal would let you go home to your families for the holiday without a new threat to online privacy, did you? The latest takedown in the paper's "What They Know" series looks at the reemergence of "deep packet inspection," which was supposed to have been shamed out of existence after consumer blowback and congressional hearings two years ago. The potentially invasive technology, which intelligence agencies use for surveillance, analyzes "packets" of data across all online activity, not just web browsing. Where websites can install "cookies" or tiny tracking files, this technology goes directly to the data packets that travel between your computer, your Internet service provider, and the websites you browse. According to the Journal, two U.S. companies, Kindsight and Phorm, are pitching deep-packet inspection as a way for Internet service providers, which are under pressure to offer faster services at lower prices, to cash in on the growth of online ads by sending users the lucrative targeted ads based on whether consumers are online "for work, or for fun."

Pinpoints multiple surfing personalities in a single human! Leaps tall buildings in a single bound! ¯

’Tis the Season to Pass 9/11 Illness Payout Bill

These guys eventually worked together on the bill. Can't we all?

’Tis the season for compassion, mythology, and hardball politics. Which makes next week, after Thanksgiving and before Christmas, the perfect time for the lame-duck U.S. Senate to be deciding the fate of a bill that would pay the medical costs for thousands of people suffering from illnesses caused by the September 11 terrorist attacks. Win or lose, though, the city has reason to be proud of its politicians, who’ve fought through scientific uncertainty and Republican shamelessness to bring the bill this far.

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First Arrest Made in Fed’s Insider-Trading Sweep

New Jersey resident Don Ching Trang Chu, an employee of Primary Global Research, one of the "expert research firms" under investigation by federal officials for possible insider trading, has been arrested for fraud. He will go down in history as the first arrest to be made in the FBI's sweeping insider-trading investigation, if anyone is able to remember his mouthful of a name. [Deal Journal/WSJ]

President Obama Spares Two Turkeys From Annual Ritualistic Genocide

Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images

At the White House today, President Obama quipped that it "feels pretty good to stop at least one ‘shellacking’ this November" as he continued a weird presidential tradition of pardoning turkeys for Thanksgiving — in this case, two 21-week-olds named Apple and Cider. Approximately 46 million other turkeys who were not pardoned will be devoured tomorrow.

Was Yesterday’s Military Strike North Korea’s Attempt to Go ‘Back to the Future’?

A pattern of military behavior is emerging from North Korea's military strike on Yeonpyeong Island yesterday. According to the Times, the strike, which has prompted President Obama to send a carrier and ships to conduct joint military exercises with South Korea, looks like a similar show of power from Kim Jong-il when he was named his father's heir. Now that the supreme leader's youngest son, Kim Jong-un, has been promoted to four-star general, a prerequisite for taking over his father's role, the strike is being read as a show of military credentials from Supreme Jr., who is rumored to be 25-years-old.

Pressing against a precipitous reaction is that the North’s attacks have a choreographed character, even a back-to-the-future feel. The last time North Korea engaged in acts this destructive was in the 1980s, when it blew up a South Korean airliner and also detonated a bomb in Myanmar in a botched attempt to assassinate the visiting South Korean president. Both attacks were said to be ordered by Kim Jong-il, who was then the heir to Kim Il-sung, his father and North Korea’s founder.

"Hello? Is anybody home, McFly?" ¯

President Obama: ‘I Don’t Think About Sarah Palin’

Pretty sure that's impossible, but okay. [ABC News]

Bruce Willis Promises the People of Moscow He Will Never Drop Dead

"The tough guy image of Hollywood actor Bruce Willis will be used in a new campaign for a mid-sized Russian bank, the lender has said. Trust bank, a top-30 lender by assets, hung pictures of the Die Hard star on the streets of Moscow on Monday with the phrase 'Trust is just like me, but a bank.' The Die Hard star replaces Trust's previous frontman, Russian weight-lifter Vladimir Turchinsky, who unexpectantly dropped dead last year at age 46." [Reuters]

Wall Street’s Relationship With Dwarves: A Short History

Here's to the impending ruination of your career!

With the combination of fat salaries and fratty culture on Wall Street, it's inevitable that from time to time, some in the industry will say to themselves, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if we rented a dwarf for this party?" But is hiring a dwarf as entertainment a shortcut to ruin (pun intended)? Let's take a look back at the career trajectories of some Wall Street folks whose interest in little people may have caused them big problems.

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With Bristol’s Final Score on DWTS, Two Palins Experience a Near Miss

When Bristol Palin lost on Dancing With the Stars last night, somewhere out in the television audience her mother, Sarah, must have heaved a quiet sigh of relief. After all, could her daughter getting more famous actually be any good for the potential presidential candidate? Every time a family member of hers has made the news so far, it’s been for something controversial. Back during the 2008 presidential campaign, the more reporters scrutinized Todd, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trigg, the more cartoonish she herself seemed: Was Todd really a member of an Alaskan secessionist group? Was Bristol really going to marry that thug from high school who got her pregnant, or was this just a sham? And that other baby, the adorable one with the Down syndrome — was it even hers? Every time one of the Palins steps into the spotlight, Sarah probably holds her breath a little.

It's almost sweet. ¯

Chris Christie Explains Why He Is Named That

What kind of parents would give their son the name Chris Christie? Very sick parents, perhaps, who get some kind of sadistic pleasure out of their child's discomfort? Not so, the New Jersey governor explained during an appearance on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon last night. His parents actually didn't even realize that his name was Chris Christie until after they left the hospital. At that point, it was too late. His fate was sealed, and he would never amount to anything, except governor, and maybe president one day.

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