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Rape-Scene Row Forces Jolie Out of Bosnia Victims claim her directorial debut will show 'loving surrender' to rapists
By Mary Papenfuss,  Newser Staff

Posted Nov 19, 2010 2:02 AM CST
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(Newser) – A film production involving inter-ethnic love and a rumored rape scene sparked so much controversy in Bosnia that novice director Angelina Jolie has been forced to abandon shooting there. Bosnian rape victims protested that Jolie's movie aimed to depict a "loving surrender" by women to Serbian rapists who used the gang attacks during the 1992 war to "denationalize" and dehumanize victims, said an open letter to the media from a victims organization. Producers deny the film involves rape, and say it instead focuses on an inter-ethnic couple separated by war, with the Bosnian Muslim woman ending up in a detention camp, where her Serbian boyfriend works as a guard, reports the Telegraph.

Jolie has moved primary filming to Hungary in the wake of the protests. "There has been a great deal of misinformation in the media about my current film project," Jolie wrote in response to the victims. "I am deeply sensitive to the suffering experienced by members of your associations and I would never trivialize what they went through." Jolie offered to meet with victims to gain a "greater understanding of the suffering and abuses by the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina." Officials estimate that some 20,000 women, mostly Muslim, were sexually assaulted during the war.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt walk across a bridge in the city of Esztergom, Hungary, last week during the filming of a scene in the first movie Jolie has directed.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt walk across a bridge in the city of Esztergom, Hungary, last week during the filming of a scene in the first movie Jolie has directed.   (AP Photos/MTI, Bea Kallos)
Angelina Jolie walks with a crew member during shooting of her directorial debut film in Budapest last week.
Angelina Jolie walks with a crew member during shooting of her directorial debut film in Budapest last week.   (AP Photos/MTI, Bea Kallos)
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt consult on the set during the shooting of Jolie's directorial debut in Budapest, Hungary, last week.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt consult on the set during the shooting of Jolie's directorial debut in Budapest, Hungary, last week.   (AP Photos/MTI,Bea Kallos)
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Showing 2 of 2 comments
Nov 19, 2010 9:00 AM CST
Film it n Hollywood USA which has no problem with depicting anything at all and the raunchiest and socially unaccepted the more Hollyweird loves it!
Nov 19, 2010 7:45 AM CST
What a plot! Jeez, some people will use anything to gain notoriety/promote their careers. Next project in the wings for Jolie: the love affair between Jeffrey Dahmer and one of his victims, culminating with their spiritual union when Dahmer eats the heart...
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