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Frankie's Childhood Mystery Becomes Clearer - Lip Service, Episode 6 Preview - BBC Three

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BBC | November 12, 2010

More about this programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/progra... Frankie obtains a ...

BBC | November 12, 2010

More about this programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00w03ld

Frankie obtains a photo album that may shed new light on her childhood.

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  • it was all predictable... a dad with two families, two wives,... and two daughters. He did the best for her when her real mother was put in jail. (stay in a family, not being send to the social services...). Frankie has a brother though?

  • OMG Frankie's dad is her UNCLE!! wow didn't see that coming lol

  • is the background music a song...? if it is.. title anyone?

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  • eh? TWF?

  • I think that Frankie's dad is actually her uncle and they just lied about who she was because she had another mother.



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