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Extremely Religious Elderly Man Does Not Care for The Internets

"A large number of young people... establish forms of communication that do not increase humaneness but instead risk increasing a sense of solitude and disorientation," Pope Benedict XVI said today, at a Vatican conference on culture. He also said that young people were being "numbed" by the Internet, adding that the technology was creating an "educational emergency - a challenge that we can and must respond to with creative intelligence," and that the Internet was "blurring the boundary between truth and illusion." Whereas Catholicism makes those boundaries clear. [AP via Gawker]

The Real Housewives of New York Are Taking a Trip to Morocco

Get excited: The new Housewives of New York season is officially filming - with Kelly Bensimon, Jill Zarin, Countess LuAnn de Lesseps, Alex McCord, Ramona Singer, Sonja Morgan and new co-star Cindy Barshop all in - and because nothing brings the rage out of luxury-loving, middle-aged women quite like a Bravo-paid tropical vacation, they're all currently en route to Morocco. "In keeping with the Muslim country's more modest dress code, we're told the Housewives will swap their mini-skirts and strappy tops for more traditional and full-length clothing," Radar reports. Possibly offensive culture clashes and potential for a mega-spat? This should be good. [Radar]

Their Artistic Ambitions Are So Big, New York-Based Twentysomethings Have No Space

Writer Tao Lin has to live in his 'fridge.

The Times takes a look at a sampling of New York-based twentysomethings living in New York City today. That appears to be the entire premise of the story, though it just so happens that they all live for cheap in small apartments. But what do they really have in common? Ambition. A passion for the arts. Cuteness. And melancholy coupled with a vague sense of optimism. There's a lot of 'em, according to the Times: "New York City was home to nearly 1.28 million people in their 20s last year, up from 1.21 million in 1980." And their homes are smaller than ever: "Battered by the one-two punch of persistent unemployment and the city’s high housing costs, they are squeezing into ever smaller spaces and living in neighborhoods once considered dicey and remote," the paper reports, as if this is sudden. Stefan Rurak, a twenty-six year-old furniture maker in Greenpoint, explains: "I came to New York after college. I never planned on staying this long, but I did various things. It's not that I like New York so much. But things happen here that wouldn't elsewhere."

Let's meet the rest of 'em. ยป


Cindy McCain: 'I Stand By My Husband's Stance on Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Cindy McCain appeared in a video for the NOH8 Campaign this week, saying, "Our political and religious leaders tell LGBT youth that they have no future ... They can't serve our country openly ... Our government treats the LGBT community like second-class citizens, why shouldn't [the bullies]?" But yesterday evening, she tweeted: "I fully support the NOH8 campaign and all it stands for and am proud to be a part of it. But I stand by my husband's stance on DADT." Her husband, senator John McCain, led the GOP filibuster that prevented Congress from voting on a Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal, thus telling LGBT youth that they can't serve their country openly, as Cindy so eloquently put it only a few days ago. Did John and Cindy have some sort of "talk?" Sigh.

[Twitter/Cindy McCain]

Demi Lovato's Show Must Go On

While its star seeks treatment for drugs, booze, self-mutilation, and eating disorders, Disney Channel plans to temporarily rework Lovato's show, the unfortunately-titled Sonny With a Chance, to focus on the series' sketch-comedy show-within-a-show, So Random, sans Lovato. A Disney rep said the show will resume regular shooting in January, Lovato or no Lovato. [News Briefs/EW]

Obama Administration Offers $4 Billion Boost to Nuclear Arms Arsenal

The Obama administration is reportedly offering to add $4.1 billion toward maintaining and modernizing the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal and laboratories. The additional money comes on top of $10 billion the administration already agreed to over ten years.The boost is a bid to win Republicans' approval of a nuclear arms control treaty with Russia, before they take control of the senate. [AP]

Brooklyn Law Officials 'Scandalized' By Diesel Photo Shoot They Commissioned in Their Own Library

One of the ads in question.

Officials at the prestigious Brooklyn Law School rented the school's library to the fashion brand Diesel for an undisclosed fee, "expecting a tasteful photo shoot," because apparently they've never seen a single Diesel ad, and didn't bother to Google it. Shocking: True to its brand, Diesel's resulting ads aren't even Dolce & Gabanna-style suggestive, they're just quirky soft-core porn stills. In this case, the images are a whole bunch of campy, fairly cute library fantasies, featuring "students" wearing underwear reading "Tonight I am your teacher," and mounting each other on bookshelves. (See diagram.) One would think a place like Brooklyn Law might welcome this sexy attention, but no! Some uptight students now claim the ads are "gross" and "embarrassing," and the school might sue the brand. It's not yet determined whether the ads will even run outside the Diesel website, since Brooklyn Law claims they're a breach of contract.

Interim dean Michael Gerber is displeased. ยป

After Buying Powerball Ticket at a Detroit Porn Shop, Friends Win Over $120 Million

Detroit's Mike Greer was killing time yesterday with a few undisclosed friends at the local Uptown Book Store, a fancy-sounding adult novelty store that shares a space with the Deja Vu strip club. It was just another afternoon in Highland Park, a town in which Greer, 49, was increasingly ennui-stricken, a place where nothing ever changes. Except yesterday was different: When Greer and his buddies chipped in on yet another Powerball ticket at the porn shop, they won $125 million, the largest single-day payout since the Michigan Lottery began thirty-eight years ago. Greer claimed the prize on behalf of the group, and he opted for the lump sum. He said: "Everything has changed and nothing has changed." No, more like everything. [CNN, AP]


A Barf-o-rama in Brooklyn

Yesterday in an English class at Frederick Douglass Academy VIII in Canarsie, a 13-year-old boy opened up a bottle that set off a powerful odor throughout the classroom. The substance — which police later described as a mix of cough medicine and an unknown substance — was nontoxic, but when the smell hit the crowd, the fumes made a number of kids "queasy," the Post reports. Girlfriends barfed on boyfriends! Kids barfed on other kids! The teacher barfed in her purse, probably. Firefighters and paramedics rushed to the scene and took eleven kids and two adults to the hospital, but all turned out fine — it seems they had just experienced their first ever complete and total barf-o-rama.


Goldman Sachs Will No Longer Clear Trades For Anyone With Less Than Five Million

Because while it's all well and good to throw the little people a bone every now and again, you've got to have standards: “We are conducting a routine analysis of our business and in some cases the profile of clients was not consistent with our current standards and criteria," a spokesman explains. [Bloomberg]


Andrew Cuomo Takes Terror-Trial NIMBYism to the Extreme

About a lifetime ago, the Justice Department announced that it would hold the trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City, where plenty of terror suspects had been tried and convicted before without incident. But this time was different. Even politicians who supported civilian trials of terrorists somewhere just didn't want this one to be held in New York City, for numerous reasons, including the costs of securing a densely populated downtown area, the (even greater?) threat of a terror attack, and the emotional element of subjecting 9/11 survivors and victims' families to the trial. The Justice Department backed down, but with Attorney General Eric Holder finally "close to a decision" on where to hold the trial, the question of its possible location has returned. Attorney General and Governor-elect Andrew Cuomo, for one, said yesterday that he didn't want it in New York. And today, in response to a reporter's question, Cuomo clarified that he wasn't just talking about the city, but the entire state.

Why? ยป

Euphemistically, Mayor Bloomberg Always Pictures His Employees Getting ‘Hit by a Truck’

"We spent a lot of time looking around the world for the best people, and we have a list of people in mind, always trying to think if any of our commissioners or deputy mayors ... You know, the way I phrase it: 'got hit by a truck' — just as a euphemism ... I know pretty much who I would make my first call to, to see if we could get somebody to fill in right away.” —Michael Bloomberg dismissed criticism about the confidential search process to find New York City's new schools chancellor. Regularly picturing his underlings being crushed by a semi, he explained, ensures that he's always prepared with a list of replacements.

Bloomberg Defends Secretive Selection of Schools Chief [Metropolis/WSJ]

Gossip Girl Really Wants to Be on Your Arm at the Ballet

We're still loving this cameo.

This week everyone was getting hot under the collar at all the sexy chair action and enjoying the Non-Judging Breakfast Club (NJBC ™) coming together to do what they do best — kicking the riffraff out of the UES. Conspiracy theories abounded regarding Ben’s connection to Serena while props were also paid to the writers for having a story line last more than two episodes. It remains to be seen just what the terrible trifecta of Little J, Vanessa, and Juliet will try to accomplish next week, but let’s hope they remember that masquerade masks only hide faces, not bad hair extensions! And now, on to this week's best comments, brought to you by jennerator.


Peter Kraus Finally Loses Some Money

The recession was good to Peter Kraus. In 2008, he received an unknown but undoubtedly hefty payout upon retiring from Goldman Sachs after 22 years. Immediately following that, he received a $25 million bonus for spending three months helping John Thain offload Merrill Lynch onto Bank of America. After that, Alliance Bernstein gave him a $6 million bonus and $75 million in stock to help dig them out of a terrible hole. But today! The recession finally caught up to Kraus: His Park Avenue co-op sold for a mere $7.65 million — a whole $1.5 million less than the $9.2 million he listed it for in 2008. SO THERE.

Wall Street's Kraus Completes Co-op Sale [WSJ]

Supreme Courts Says DADT Can Still Be Enforced While It's Under Appeal

Between the Pentagon survey and the secretary of Defense's push for a repeal, something is about to happen with Don't Ask, Don't Tell . . . any day now. But for now, the Supreme Court says the policy will remain in tact while the DOJ appeals the judge who declared DADT unconstitutional. [Boston Globe]

Read the Brutal Contract from James Frey’s Fiction Factory

New York's Suzanne Mozes was in negotiations to work with Full Fathom Five, the publishing company created by the controversial author James Frey. (You can read the full story here.) The company ended up rescinding its offer, but not before sending one of its unusually restrictive contracts, which offers authors a mere $250 up front. Veteran publishing attorney Conrad Rippy said he had never seen anything like it:

It’s an agreement that says, “You’re going to write for me. I’m going to own it. I may or may not give you credit. If there is more than one book in the series, you are on the hook to write those too, for the exact same terms, but I don’t have to use you. In exchange for this, I’m going to pay you 40 percent of some amount you can’t verify — there’s no audit provision — and after the deduction of a whole bunch of expenses.”

Read the contract in full. ยป

Tim Geithner Owns Shares of Lululemon

The Treasury secretary bought $1,000 worth of shares in the yoga-apparel company to teach his daughters a lesson about the market. The lesson being: The stock of any sweatsuit that makes your ass look that fabulous is only going to go up. [BusinessWeek]

Silicon Valley Invests Big in 24-Year-Old Tumblr Founder David Karp

Business Insider says Tumblr, David Karp's micro-blogging platform, which has recently found a fan in print media, got a "very big and competitive" investment from Sequoia Capital, the same Silicon Valley venture capital firm that's backed Apple, YouTube, and Google. Sequoia's Roelof Botha, who was head of finance at PayPal with Elon Musk, will join Tumblr's board. Last month, Karp and Tumblr president John Maloney, who previously worked as Karp's boss at Urban Baby, flew out to the Valley looking for cash. Tumblr's earlier investors, Fred Wilson's Union Square Ventures and Spark Capital, which has a strong presence in New York, were both local. Although it once seemed like Tumblr might not get past its image as a niche platform known for launching blogs-to-books (see: Look at This Fucking Hipster and This Is Why You're Fat) and supporting the life-casting habits of one Julia Allison. The addictively easy to post and share interface has built up the networks' traffic to 46 million people per month. The fact that it's looking out West for investment could mean the site, which Business Insider says still has "little to no revenue," needs the Valley's expertise in scaling up or a bigger influx of cash than it could find here to fight off newcomers like Posterous and Instagram.

Tumblr Lands "Very Big and Competitive" Round From Sequoia [Business Insider]

President Obama Is Just a Somewhat Interesting Guy Now

President Obama used to be a big deal on the international stage. He was this new, novel American juggernaut of hope that other world leaders wanted to touch or take photos with or, at the very least, just be near, so that maybe some of his magic would rub off on them. But the Times reports:

Now the glow has worn off. So when the Group of 20 conference wrapped up here on Friday — amid disputes over currency and global trade imbalances between the United States and its allies — the heads of state who had gathered here did not seem shy about putting Mr. Obama on the defensive.


Waris Ahluwalia Has No Hate in Him

Name: Waris Ahluwalia
Age: 36
Neighborhood: West Village

Occupation: "Explorer." (Also: jewelry designer, actor). On Saturday from 1 p.m to 4 p.m. he'll be co-hosting the Creative Time Tropical Brunch Social at the Hurricane Club.

Who's your favorite New Yorker, living or dead, real or fictional?
It's a toss-up between William Kunstler and Al Capone.

What's the best meal you've eaten in New York?
Dinner at my mother's. Growing up, we never ate out. Now I go with friends to her house for dinner about once a week — sometimes every other week. I need my fill of Indian home cooking.

In one sentence, what do you actually do all day in your job?
Varies from season to season but mostly answer interview questions about jewelry, acting, and general Proust-type questionnaires like this one.


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Chris Rovzar and Jessica Pressler
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Dan Amira, Nitasha Tiku
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