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The Ground Zero Mosque Will Be So Hip, Everyone Will Stop Fighting

Park 51, the Islamic center and mosque planned and protested near Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan, won't just be any ol' controversial, multi-story house of worship when it opens. The Post reports today that Sharif El-Gamal, the project's developer, has planned to turn the currently non-descript space into a "futuristic-looking building wrapped in a honeycomb of abstract shapes ... cosmopolitan and fun." In fact, it'll be so cool that it might even silence its critics. "I don't think that once this thing gets built, anyone will be picketing," El-Gamal said.

"It's not a mosque and it's not at Ground Zero." »

Facebook Takes a Company Outing to See The Social Network

Though the company has called The Social Network "fiction" and urged the filmmakers to cut scenes involving drug use, Facebook went on a company outing last night to see the movie. "To celebrate a period of intense activity at Facebook, we decided to go to the movies," Facebook spokesman Larry Yu said. "We thought this particular movie might be amusing." Reportedly, even Mark Zuckerberg checked it out with them, perhaps for a second time. (Maybe the guy really likes this film!) It makes sense that the company founders would secretly want everyone to see this movie, particularly their own employees. Sure there's a whole bunch of back-stabbing, but if an interpretation of your boss's life hit the big screen, depicting him or her at coke-fueled tech parties in Palo Alto and hooking up with groupies in the bathroom rather than sitting at a cubicle, wouldn't you work that much harder?

Where Are Facebook’s Employees? At the Movies, of Course [Bits/NYT via Gawker]

An Even Sexier Russian Hacker Is Still on the Loose

Yesterday, we met hot Russian babe Kristina Svechinskaya, who is not only very pretty but also among the 37 people charged with participating in an Eastern European–based bank-hacking scheme in which $3 million was stolen from the bank accounts of small businesses and private individuals. But what's sexier than a college co-ed who stole $35,000 from strangers and then cried about it in court? A busty, blonde Russian hacker who's still on the lam! Meet Kristina Izvekova, 22, pictured, a "sexy coed" who acted as a "money mule," helping overseas hackers use a computer virus to gain access to individuals' bank account numbers and PINs, then transfer cash into accounts set up by Izvekova and her cronies. Izvekova used a fake Greek passport to set up the bank accounts here in New York this summer, but when she wasn't committing crimes, the Daily News will have you know, she was "frolicking at the beach and posing at New York icons like the 'Love' sculpture on Sixth Avenue." Sure, her beauty is less subtle than teary-eyed Svechinskaya's. But at least she's sexy enough to flee the country in time and not get caught.

Feds on hunt for curvy, blond beauty Kristina Izvekova in cyber scam [NYDN]

Tyler Clementi’s Parents Call for ‘Human Dignity’

"Needless to say, public attention has been intense. The outpouring of emotion and support from our friends, community and family — and from people across the country — has been humbling and deeply moving. Regardless of legal outcomes, our hope is that our family's personal tragedy will serve as a call for compassion, empathy and human dignity." —Joe and Jane Clementi, parents of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, who killed himself last week after students Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei live-streamed video of Clementi hooking up with a man. Ravi and Wei are facing charges of invading Clementi's privacy. [NYP]

Christine O’Donnell Is ‘Currently Taking Applications for a Husband’

Christine O'Donnell, "Tea Party cause célèbre," is not only seeking the Delaware Senate seat, but also a man in her life, telling the Times she's "currently taking applications for a husband." But let's say Delaware is a man! Perhaps he'd like to know more about O'Donnell's political beliefs and her background, and less about a few strange visits to Bill Maher's show in the nineties. The Times discovered a few important things about her. For one, she was never a full-fledged slut:

Eccentric Republican seeks same. »


Gossip Girl Recap Recap: Everyone Drank and No One Appeared to Buy Anything

Well, we learned some things about you Gossip Girl fans last week. You are merciless and you don't read one another's comments. Doing the recap recap this week was actually pretty simple, because 30 percent of your contributions were repetitions of the phrase: "THE RECAP IS BROKEN." But! There was some brilliance nestled in the crevices between complaints and accusations! Observations on the nature of forgiveness and forgetfulness, for example. And musings on the nature of parent-child relationships. And insights on the color of Eric's lip gloss and vests! Read on to find out who was the cleverest of the clever this week. If any people could figure out how to live-stream video from your cell phone to hundreds of others, it would be you guys.

Because you are magic. »

Manhattan Real Estate Finds Equilibrium

It's the first day of October, which means it's time to parse the Manhattan real estate quarterly reports. True to form, the numbers differ from one firm to the next, but a through line emerges: The market has found its equilibrium.

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Rick Sanchez Fired From CNN

The network just released a statement: "Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well." That's what you get for pissing off the powerful Jews who run CNN. [HuffPo]

Obama Apologizes for Giving Guatemala Gonorrhea

Photo: Courtesy of The White House

It's almost not fair that President Obama, who wasn't even alive at the time the United States government was infecting Guatemalans with gonorrhea and syphilis without their knowledge in the forties, had to call the Guatemalan president to apologize today after the experiments were unearthed by a researcher. A written statement like the one Hillary Clinton offered today is one thing, but a phone call? Talk about awkward. You know after a while Obama did the old "oh, my delivery is here" bit just to get out of there.

Google’s CEO Says He Likes to Sidle ‘Right Up to the Creepy Line’

We take back what we said about Google CEO Eric Schmidt. The man isn't a giddy privacy-invading harbinger of an unsettling future in which Google knows what bad things we want to look up before we can conceive of words to describe them. He's just an acerbic Oscar Wilde-type whose arch bon mots are lost on the tech groupies, search junkies, and clueless Intel writers who hang on his every word. During his talk at the Newseum for the Washington Ideas Forum, an audience member asked whether Google planned to implant technology in human brains as part of the next iteration of the mobile Internet. Schmidt, "looking amused," responded: "There is what I call the creepy line. The Google policy on a lot of things is to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it. I would argue that implanting something in your brain is beyond the creepy line—at least for the moment, until the technology gets better." Making a crack about Google's bottom-up approach to R&D;, Schmidt quipped, "As far as I know, we do not have a medical lab working on implants. As far as I know. I will check after this." So you were just kidding about people having to change their names to get away from their Google-able past.

Call us up, Schmidt! We can have a drink and discuss The Social Network. Zuckerberg actually came out looking totally sympathetic, no?

Schmidt: Google gets 'right up to the creepy line' [Hill]

Man Denies Owning Bag of Crack Found in Own Butt

It all started when Raymond Roberts was pulled over in his Hyundai by the Manatee County, FL (yes, that's a real place), sheriff's office on Wednesday for speeding. When the cops approached his car, it apparently reeked of weed, so they made the 25-year-old get out of the car for a search. From the Smoking Gun:

During the search, when Deputy Sean Cappiello "felt a soft object in the crack of his buttocks," the suspect "began to tense up." Roberts volunteered to remove the item. “Let me get it, hold on” he said, and proceeded to place a "clear plastic baggie with a green leafy substance" on the car's hood.

It was 4.5 ounces of marijuana — though probably any situation in which a cop is groping around your butt crack would probably make you "tense up."

But that wasn't the end of it. »

Once Upon a Time, Giant Penguins Roamed the Earth

Once again, scientists have dug into the past and discovered a fantastical new creature:

Researchers unearthed remains of a nearly 5-foot-tall penguin that roamed what is now Peru about 36 million years ago, and they also discovered fossilized feathers that show back then, the flightless bird was a more motley mix of reddish-brown and gray.

Does this mean there is hope for pocket-size elephants and cuddly herbivorous black bears?

Giant penguins with no tux? Fossil feathers say so [AP]

Increasingly Mellow Osama Bin Laden Is Talking About Climate Change Again

Also: famine, flood relief, and clean water. But not jihad. For some reason, it's even more unsettling this way. [CNN]

Carl Paladino Is Back to the Whole ‘Cuomo Had an Affair’ Thing

Earlier this week, Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino alleged that Democratic rival Andrew Cuomo had one or more affairs while he was married. Paladino said at various times that he had proof that he would share "at the appropriate time" and that there were "three or four" women. Then yesterday Paladino came out and said he wasn't accusing Cuomo of anything, it was just a rhetorical question. Now, today, Paladino went on Fox News and told Megyn Kelly that there was an affair and that they do have proof after all. "We will at the appropriate time, okay, say whatever we have in our box, at the appropriate time, yes," he said. "What I believe and what is factual out there, we will, at the appropriate time, put out, yes."

You know what seems like an appropriate time? Now. Because when you've out-and-out lied at least once on a topic and then continue to talk endlessly about it, pretty much the only way to save yourself is to toss a hardball at the other guy. And fast!

Here We Go Again: Carl Paladino Now Says Andrew Cuomo DID Cheat [NYDN]

Watch a Clip From the Eliot Spitzer Documentary Client 9

Alex Gibney’s documentary Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer, about former New York governor Eliot Spitzer's scandalous fall, won’t be in theaters until November 5, but you can watch an exclusive clip here right now (also, the film hits iTunes, On Demand, Amazon, Vudu, XBOX Live, and Playstation today). Astoundingly, Spitzer agreed to cooperate with Gibney for the documentary, and you can see him here answering the very basic, but all-important question: Did getting caught “even occur to you?” Also in this clip, two of the escorts who had dealings with Spitzer talk about their experiences: “He was extremely paranoid. He knew that his entire political career was on the line. And ultimately vice just took over virtue and he could not control himself.”

Looking at Water Is Rapper Common’s Favorite Medication

Name: Common
Age: 38
Neighborhood: Fort Greene
Occupation: Actor/rapper. He'll be sitting down with journalist Ben Greenman as part of the eleventh annual New Yorker Festival on Saturday, October 2, at 10 p.m. at (Le) Poisson Rouge.

Who's your favorite New Yorker, living or dead, real or fictional?
Basquiat. I just saw his documentary and it was inspirational. As an artist he depicts what New York is about: creativity and raw talent.

What's the best meal you've eaten in New York?
At, Café Habana, the camarones al ajillo: shrimp with yellow rice and red beans and this corn with cheese and mayonnaise on it, and chile pepper.

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Clinton-Biden Switcheroo Speculation Continues

An Obama-Clinton rematch is sooo not happening. An Obama-Clinton ticket? It's at least a possibility. Former George W. Bush chief of staff Andy Card is onboard, telling CNN this morning, "[It] wouldn't surprise me if [Hillary Clinton] became the vice presidential nominee. And the vice president became the Secretary of State. That would shake things up." [Political Ticker/CNN]

Jon Stewart and His Jewish Media Pals Aren’t Fooling Rick Sanchez

Oh, good, it's time for another round of Which Minorities Have It Worse! When it comes to the media, the Jews historically lose this game — a fact that has not escaped the attention of marginalized CNN anchor Rick Sanchez. In an interview on Sirius Radio yesterday, Sanchez, who is Cuban-American, decried the major media networks (run by Jews), "elite, Northeast establishment liberals" (de facto Jews), and Jon Stewart (America's favorite Jew). Do you think Sanchez doesn't know what those people think of him when they see him hosting his nationally televised show, Rick's List, for two hours every weekday on CNN? "Deep down, when they look at a guy like me, they see a guy automatically who belongs in the second tier, and not the top tier." But which Jew best epitomizes this sneering disdain?

"I think Jon Stewart's a bigot. I think he looks at the world through, his mom, who was a school teacher, and his dad, who was a physicist or something like that. Great, I'm so happy that he grew up in a suburban middle class New Jersey home with everything you could ever imagine."

New freakin' Jersey? That state is like one giant silver spoon! »

Homophobic Assistant Attorney General Takes a Personal Leave, His Boss Takes the Blame

Andrew Shirvell, the Michigan assistant attorney general who launched a bigoted Internet offensive against the University of Michigan's gay student-body president, announced today that he's taking personal leave from his job. The news comes one day after his employer, Attorney General Mike Cox, defended Shirvell's right to hate-blog in his free time on CNN on the grounds that it fell under free speech and that Shirvell was protected by civil-service rules that prevent employees from unfair dismissal. "I'm at fault here," Cox told the Detroit News, adding that he hadn't read all of Shirvell's blog prior to invoking the First Amendment. That means he probably missed a swastika photo and fearmongering about the "radical homosexual agenda," occasionally written in all caps, the font choice of totally reasonable people.

Cox can fire Shirvell under "just cause," and the governor has urged him to do so. »

Walk-Through: Duplex in a Converted Bank

This soaring two-bedroom in the former bank building that now also houses the Nickel men's day spa features extra soundproofing on the massive windows, so you can see the traffic on Eighth Avenue and 14th Street, but you definitely won't hear it. Formerly owned by fashion designer Norman Ambrose, the apartment features unique built-in elements he created specifically for the space. You can keep them — and even all of his furniture — if you have a few million to throw around.

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