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Katy Perry Wears Cleavage On 'Sesame Street' (VIDEO)

First Posted: 09-20-10 05:30 PM   |   Updated: 09-21-10 08:51 AM

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Here's Katy Perry on 'Sesame Street,' singing a cleaned-up version of 'Hot N Cold' with Elmo.

Katy also wore a veil piece over the weekend at her bachelorette party with Rihanna.

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Here's Katy Perry on 'Sesame Street,' singing a cleaned-up version of 'Hot N Cold' with Elmo. Katy also wore a veil piece over the weekend at her bachelorette party with Rihanna. WATCH: ...
Here's Katy Perry on 'Sesame Street,' singing a cleaned-up version of 'Hot N Cold' with Elmo. Katy also wore a veil piece over the weekend at her bachelorette party with Rihanna. WATCH: ...
Filed by Katy Hall  |  Report Corrections
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mamamab   55 minutes ago (12:25 AM)
This is why my kids don't watch TV.
Marklar   1 hour ago (12:10 AM)
Okay...what is the big deal?
mamamab   52 minutes ago (12:28 AM)
The big deal is that kids are getting sexualized younger and younger. Or don't you have a problem with that?
Pailface   5 hours ago (8:22 PM)
Don't little kids see boobs when they're breast feed anyway? America needs to lighten up about breast's...

They are your first food after all!
lmlynley   4 hours ago (9:06 PM)
mamamab   38 minutes ago (12:42 AM)
Do you have kids? Just curious.
olddognewtrick   6 hours ago (7:41 PM)
Watch where yer lookin Elmo...Russel will be defending her "honor". Even if she won't...
american-dolt   7 hours ago (6:50 PM)
She'd wear crotchless underwear to a Funeral.
lmlynley   4 hours ago (9:07 PM)
Who doesn't?
Marcellus Wallace   9 hours ago (4:31 PM)
It appears Elmo has a healthy fear of Ms. Perry, LOL.
olddognewtrick   6 hours ago (7:42 PM)
More like afraid to get into a sissy with Brand X...
MrColdheart   10 hours ago (3:49 PM)
Yo Huffington Post see what your sensationalist head lines have done?

Now every reactionary idiot wants to talk about where it's appropriate to wear clothing with cleavage. A few minor alterations and what she's wearing is no different from a wedding dress.
Nelle   10 hours ago (2:55 PM)
Katy Perry on Sesame Street? What's happening to PBS?
olddognewtrick   6 hours ago (7:43 PM)
They went from Lowest Common Denominator to...Slowest Common Denominator...
harriettubman   11 hours ago (2:34 PM)
No, there should be no lighten up. There should some realm in society where women don't have to expose themselves to be seen. SS is definitely one of them. If I don't want to see somebody hanging out of her dress in church the same goes for SS, which has been a children's show since the 60s!

Ms. Perry called title her CD about teenagers while posing naked. Her team knows EXACTLY what they're doing. It's called marketing. They chose the wrong tree to bark up on SS.
SuperAmanda   5 hours ago (8:36 PM)
agreed. I love boobs and cleavage but not on Sesame street and not by someone who will be 30 in a few years and yet who dresses like tween/little girl using children's imagery in nearly all she does whilst talking in bah bah goo goo speak. She has no self respect and seems to have missed the Dubya era.
AnthonyVolpe   11 hours ago (2:33 PM)
Couldn't be any worse than having somebody like Richard Pryor read the alphabet!

Oh wait... that happened. Never mind!

(translation: lighten the F up)
Shelby Jones LaManna   11 hours ago (2:16 PM)
Would you let your small children watch figure skating or Dancing with the Stars? I honestly dont' see a problem with this. My daughter is 4 and she does not show any interest in showing off her boobies. Jeepers people LIGHTEN UP!
harriettubman   11 hours ago (2:36 PM)
Sounds like she's seen one too many.
grlbhvingbadly   12 hours ago (1:16 PM)
The fact that she's on Sesame Street scares me. Here's to the demise of our society.
PumpkinPieEqualsAwesome   6 hours ago (7:16 PM)
I agree...I remember when Sesame Street used to be educational. They used to promote the true arts...classical music...jazz...orchestral instruments and also visual arts like trips to the Met Art Museum. This just feels so much like they are trying to prepare these kids to be slaves to pop music so they can make $.

And also...why would they ever invite someone like Katy Perry??? Her regular music and persona are highly sexual...isn't that just asking kids to become interested in a star who talks about kissing girls and wears whipped cream bras?
lmlynley   4 hours ago (9:11 PM)
Who do you think is listening to Katy Perry? Its the 7-13 set. Honestly, I don't get the problem. If it were Michael Vick or Dick Cheney I could understand the outrage. America needs to grow up about female bodies.
StuffMoreStuff   13 hours ago (12:42 PM)
Look I like looking at her lovely cleavage as much as the next heterosexual guy, but sesame street?!
Avraham Bronstein   13 hours ago (12:30 PM)
How is what she was wearing any worse than any princess in any Disney movie (which are also really not appropriate for kids of the Sesame Street demographic)?
huffyISaHottie   12 hours ago (1:11 PM)
rezna   8 hours ago (5:20 PM)
and kids can tell the moral and practical difference between something animated and something that isn't? especially something with puppets?! animated tv shows or movies affected me the same way as real life shows did
Montcalms Revenge   13 hours ago (12:22 PM)
I'm sure it got a rise out of Mr. Noodle!
olddognewtrick   6 hours ago (7:46 PM)
With the help of backup cast member: Mr. Vi Agra...