Why is it that right when you and your sweetheart are getting along famously, your friends suddenly feel out of the loop?

New Balance believes that we can feel good as we become addicted to the unexpected pleasures of being active and eating well. Now we want to find out how you keep your life balanced and indulgences in check.

We will be posting a series of questions over the next five weeks asking for your tips to a balanced life — this means FIVE chances to win! At the end of the contest, one balance-tip-submitter will be selected to win the grand prize (aka checking into the ultimate in indulgence and balance: a spa weekend getaway)!

Have you mastered the BF vs. BFF balancing act? If so, help a sista out! How do you balance a social life with your relationship? Dare to share your balancing tips below and be automatically entered for a chance to win a $250 gift card to shopnewbalance.com and the spa getaway weekend!

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