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Helen Mirren's Beauty Secrets: Stripper Heels & Sucking It In

First Posted: 09-27-10 07:34 AM   |   Updated: 09-27-10 03:16 PM

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Helen Mirren

Timeless beauty Helen Mirren - who can forget the 2008 bikini pic? - shared her beauty tips with Woman and Home magazine (via the Daily Mail).

The Oscar winner, 65, says, 'holding your tummy in is another trick for making you look and feel good', adding, 'I don't know why, but I do, by nature, hold my tummy in.'

And even Mirren has her hang ups:

'Bits of my body are all right, but bits of me are horrible. To be honest, anything from the waist down I don't really like.'

But she has a trick for her legs, the now fashionable platform heel:

'Four-inch platforms give you great height and make your legs look unbelievably long. I used only to be able to get them in stripper shops, but now you can buy them everywhere - although, unfortunately, that means everyone else has discovered the trick too.'

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Timeless beauty Helen Mirren - who can forget the 2008 bikini pic? - shared her beauty tips with Woman and Home magazine (via the Daily Mail). The Oscar winner, 65, says, 'holding your tummy in is ...
Timeless beauty Helen Mirren - who can forget the 2008 bikini pic? - shared her beauty tips with Woman and Home magazine (via the Daily Mail). The Oscar winner, 65, says, 'holding your tummy in is ...
Filed by Katherine Thomson  |  Report Corrections
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suzjazz   13 hours ago (11:48 PM)
Helen Mirren is beautiful even at 65 and gives the rest of us some hope. She is also one of our best screen actresses. I agree with her about sucking it in, to which I would also add "good posture at all times!" Stripper heels, however, I can't tolerate. I can't walk in anything over 2 inches high.
I will not cripple myself for the sake of beauty. Been there, done that in the 70's and 80's when platforms and stilettos were big and I was young and foolish.
bulbul2   19 hours ago (5:25 PM)
Helen Mirren is a great actress and looks fantastic, more so that she chose not to go after botox and other factors that could cripple her facial expressions...same goes with Judy Dench, Annette Bening, to name a few....all of them have timeless beauty and are much sought after actress.
Hopefully rest will get a clue...
PelePele10   19 hours ago (4:52 PM)
Helen Mirren gives white ladies hope, lol.
TheBlondeRaven   20 hours ago (4:18 PM)
Love her.
Bogey907   23 hours ago (1:36 PM)
That's how I do it!
enigma2   11:33 AM on 9/28/2010
For those who may be interested..Prime Suspect the complete series is now available on dvd. Some really awesome performances by Helen.  Well worth the price.
mutton   10:47 AM on 9/28/2010
Well, whatever you're doing, doll... it's still working.
RasputinsLiver   10:30 AM on 9/28/2010
Love me some Helen! Natural, aging very, very greacefully (and very, very hot...ly)

Best looking older woman in a bikini (from the shots from last year). Luck guy, the guy who's with her. She'd not only be fun but a great conversationalist.
TaniaAus   09:59 AM on 9/28/2010
Helen is great; I hope I look like her in forty years!
The sexiest photo I've ever seen in my life (and I'm a deadly straight woman) was when Conan showed an old photo of Helen in suspenders from the 70's. His eyes practically bulged out of his head and mine nearly too. Amazing. And I agree with the guy below that says to HP; PLEASE stop covering every new crap from those dumbass Kardashian sisters. No one cares. As we see here, there are beautiful people in the world that are ALSO intelligent and talented. Cover them exclusively, please!
tatianalensky   09:41 AM on 9/28/2010
Helen Mirren is brilliant. One of the rare actresses I will watch, regardless of what she's in. Usually, because she's great, her choices are decent too.
cgracec   01:00 AM on 9/28/2010
HuffPo should put up more stories/pics of the immensely talented and beautiful Helen Mirren instead of those Kardashian Klowns.
elan4444   10:04 PM on 9/27/2010
Loving it - Helen, you are great!
Nicole Dixson   10:02 PM on 9/27/2010
She is awesome!!!
KarateKid   09:19 PM on 9/27/2010
Helen Mirren is a timeless beauty, who needs no artificial enhancements. Aging gracefully makes her especially attractive. By comparison, there is Cher, with the frozen face. Ugh.
KIVPossum   03:27 AM on 9/28/2010
RasputinsLiver   10:58 AM on 9/28/2010

Cher was once a real stunner. But she's ruined herself. Never thought she was that insecure about her looks she'd go the Jocelyn Wildenstein/Whacko Jacko way.
SamiSam   07:36 PM on 9/27/2010
She's fierce.
RasputinsLiver   11:00 AM on 9/28/2010
Right now, outside of Betty White, there's few older female actors I can think of that are this "fierce".