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Craig Koketsu's The Hurricane Club, Opening on Monday

[Krieger, 9/23/10]

On Monday, much of the food world got a sneak peek at Michael Stillman and chef Craig Koketsu's upcoming Park Avenue South restaurant The Hurricane Club at a party for Eater and the New York Wine and Food Festival. But a) the public hasn't seen it yet and b) the party was so jam-packed with industry types that it was hard to imagine the place as it would exist as a restaurant. So, here, now, a look around the biggest and most ambitious Polynesian opening of the year (see also: Painkiller, Lani Kai), which features numerous side rooms, a rum fountain and shoe shine next to the subterranean bathrooms, a 360 degree bar, a uniquely numbered cocktail list (click through to read about the seven different drink categories), and later, a lower level club. Expect more on the Polynesian inspired menu when they open to the public on Monday. Update: Nevermind! Download a PDF of the menu, complete with poke, pu pu platters, large format 'luau' meals, and summer wraps here.
· All Coverage of The Hurricane Club [~ENY~]

The Hurricane Club

360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010

The Hurricane Club

360 Park Ave. S New York, NY 10010

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